haha. I see your point. Although I had posted not with the intent to dig for other people's opinions on my own characters LOL I just genuinely wanted to explore the whole shipping mentality and have now have a ton of ai men on my laptop so thought I'd experiment.
Apologies to anyone if they were offended by my post. Take it as more child like curiosity into something that has always fascinated me LOL
But yes. The korean one you mentioned, definitely has Wen's vibe, playful and sensual.
No offence taken here whatsoever and absolutely no need for apologies. I think it's fun doing stuff like this and I find your posts interesting. Makes it feel more like a home with friends here than just a place you come to chat occasionally with people you don't know. ((Hugs)) Thanks for that.
Sorry I didn't understand the assignment...lol. I looked at those pics with your story in mind and not with a shipping mind, but that said, because I watch so many different types of BLs I don't have any one type of pairing that I prefer over another. For me, the pairing works if the actors they chose fit the character of the story. Period.
That said, I am kinda getting a little tired of the constant big strong, masculine, muscular guy always being paired with the smaller, softer, physically weaker looking guy, and that clear cut definition of their sexual roles based strictly on those appearances. Give me a couple that you can't pin down that way and if you try to think of their roles, the best you can decide is them being verse...any day of the week. What can I say? It's the writer in me. I like a story 'shown' not 'told' to me. I have a very healthy imagination and I don't need the hand holding...LOL! Why walk on a designated path when you can run wild and freeeeeee! *GRIN*