I Saw You In My Dream - episode 10

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Next week's episode looks more like it.

Y'all I just saw James' (bed friend) new music performance... All I can rn is WTF!? I'm so speechless and confused rn, ngl

Kidnap really did come out of the gate swinging from the start. Just finished Ep. 3 and it  was intense. We're only on ep. 3 and it feels like we're already where many series are about midway through or so in their story arc, and there's still 9 more eps. to go. These first three eps. have been so jam packed with so much and it's had a solid grip on me every moment.

The On1y One - episode 10

I was so going to come here and behave uncivilised then I saw a spoiler for next week's episode so I will take a raincheck on the cussing out lol.

I definitely see why this series needs and is getting a season 2 and based on that spoiler I saw I am not sure of this season having a happy ending.

Regarding the teacher's story I will refrain from giving comments for now.


I Saw You In My Dream - episode 10

No comment.

Next week's episode looks more like it.

I'm one week behind you and dang ep. 9 was🔥steamy. I did NOT expect this cute little series to go there.

Okay so I got bored tonight and I remember some asking about maybe a group October Challenge so I made this sample which would be the first 15 days and tell me what you think and if you are all wanting to do it? :)

Addicted Heroin Thai remake - episode 6

I am not amused in the slightest.

Thank God I saved Kidnap and Happy of the end for last on my watch train tonight because I have been thoroughly annoyed tonight so far.

I'm one week behind you and dang ep. 9 was🔥steamy. I did NOT expect this cute little series to go there.

It was indeed steamy. 

Addicted Heroin Thai remake - episode 6

I am not amused in the slightest.

Why not? Specific things? I've been thoroughly enjoying this series, including the latest episode.

tell me what you think and if you are all wanting to do it?

A new challenge is always welcome! Thanks for creating it, must have taken some time to do this.


A new challenge is always welcome! Thanks for creating it, must have taken some time to do this.

You are welcome and yeah it took awhile, but I was bored so it was fun making it and also wanna give credit to my bestie(Mignon toi) for helping me think of some of the questions. :) ♡


Why not? Specific things? I've been thoroughly enjoying this series, including the latest episode.

For me it is like bland food; no seasoning whatsoever. Remember you occasioned this following rant lol

Perhaps if it was not a remake it would have been a good series but there is no way to not judge it as a remake when it is done so blatantly. Having read the novel I am familiar with every scene and every week what I see is them running through each specific scene in a Thai environment without adding anything to make the remake purposeful. They rushed through the story-line without stopping to add some uniqueness. Initially I had thought they were moving at such a fast pace to later add their own spins and embellishments into the story to make this remake significant. I am not even comparing it to anything because the original Chinese series was left unfinished due to censorship and I do not watch Bromance so I did not watch Stay With Me so all I am left with is the source material, the novel, which they are following so closely that it seems like a cold read of the novel in Thai. I really liked the Cherry Magic remake Thailand did because they managed to keep to the authenticity of the story while giving some Thai uniqueness and even have some fans conflicted if the original or remake is better. This is not happening here in my opinion. I can now guess the next scene before the camera even pans to it. What is the purpose of this remake; it adds nothing as far as I can see. I would have preferred if they used Addicted Heroin as inspiration for their own series because this just seems like a carbon copy without purpose if anything it is a Thai parody of Addicted Heroin. I mean, I did not even watch Stay With Me but I have read the reviews and there is no doubt that something more was added, certain elements were explored on a deeper level than the original series - that is a purposeful remake, so far this Thai remake has not given reason why it is a needed remake. Come on! The name of the work is "Addicted Heroin" do you know how deep that title is and how gripping of a story is attached to it. This was an opportunity to take that story and develop it into a different interpretation Thai style. 

Anyway, I know not all remakes suit fans so this time around I am the fan not satisfied.

I am not amused in the slightest.

The original Addicted series is horrible enough, I can only imagine the Thai remake being the same or worse. :(

Ever since I deleted most series from my plan to watch list (mostly BLs and het dramas), I have been watching a lot more interesting series. Those happen to be GLs. They are better in some ways than BLs, especially since I have seen my fair share of BLs until now so the novelty has worn off quite a lot.

I'm trying to say that BLs aren't really my cup of tea anymore, even if I do still follow a few series (mostly JBLs). I think that BL has its place in one's life, but at some point you could try something else too. Watching only BL is not a good idea, there are many other good genres out there.

This is not addressed to anyone in particular, I just wanted to rant about my journey with BL so far and how that journey has reached an end. I still like the series I like and that won't change, but my watching of BL itself has ended (mostly). The latest BL I watched was Hidamari ga Kikoeru and I think this is one of the few BLs I watched this year. It's a good series to end my watching with, but of course, I still have a few BL series in my ptw list.

I am trying to watch Word of Honor but making modest to no progress. I also dropped a series of BLs and het dramas (not on my account anymore). I feel like watching dramas by itself is something I don't want to do as much of, compared to the past 2 years. I found much more interesting activities I can do (mainly reading books and watching movies), so dramas take a backseat to everything else. Not being top priority, I can sift through my almost all GLs ptw list and find something nice to watch every time.

This suits me the best and while I still have to finish series like 23.5 and GAP, the short Japanese GLs fit me so well and I also appreciate the fact I can finally see myself in the series I'm watching. With BLs, I can't relate for the most part with the relationships because it's gay and not lesbian. While with watching GLs, I can directly relate to the relationships, although it's scary too, sometimes. Maybe due to internalized homophobia or biphobia but I avoided to watch lesbian media for so long because of this. Or maybe I avoided only some types of lesbian media or lesbian media in large quantities. In any case, now I can watch/read lesbian media with no problems and I can finally find something to relate to in this world, when it comes to romance. It's not that I can't somewhat relate to het dramas (like Sunshine by my Side), but that's very far and few in between. Also GL is like the best in all countries, including South Korea. I used to avoid SK dramas because of how artificial they all seemed to be like. Not anymore when it comes to GL dramas though.

All in all, I'll probably post here much less than before considering I don't watch BL as much. I planned to watch Kidnap but it depends on whether I will ever get into the habit of watching Thai dramas again. Thai dramas have longer episodes and I don't have time to binge watch them or even watch only one episode a day/week. I feel like the time for Thai dramas has passed for me and now I'm only interested in J-dramas. The occasional C-drama too, but it highly depends on my mood. I even stopped watching Thai dramas with my faves in them. Ever since Cooking Crush, Gun Atthaphan's dramas just don't reach out to me as much as Not Me did or any other past drama of Gun's, but at that time I was at the beginning of watching dramas so everything was new to me still. I tried watching The Trainee and didn't get past the first episode. I don't know if I'll watch Gun's next drama, but I might? Who knows.

I'm eagerly awaiting for GMMTV 2025 event, as much as I like to see the trailers and tentatively decide if I want to watch anything. I want Milk Pansa to have a main role again. Gun Atthaphan too, but if it's BL, I don't want to watch it, sorry.

tl;dr I'm not watching BL as much anymore (except for some JBLs) and I don't think I'll ever get back into it as much as I used to in these past 2 years. The stories are sometimes repetitive too and have way too many NC scenes lately. I blame that on KP to be certain. Anyway, it's been nice while it lasted. I'm sure that if I see a really good series and it happens to be BL, I'll most likely watch it. But that's rare and I can't muster the mood or will to watch series that already finished airing for some reason. I even dropped some JBLs I didn't like? Usually JBLs are good but ehh, not everything they release is engaging and fun.

See ya around everyone, I will most likely go with monthly challenges and I'll lurk if I don't have anything good to say about anything. It's been nice being in this group and seeing everyone talking about their fave series. Cheers!

Kidnap - episode 3

I knew they would not disappoint yayyyyyyyy

I loved today's episode. I am really looking forward to finding out about Q's obviously traumatising past experience. 

The chemistry is still blazing and I am living for it!

I see next week we will be getting the famous washcloth scene lol looking forward to it. Every time I see one I remember ZeeSaint in Why R U.

Looking forward to the next episode.

See ya around everyone, I will most likely go with monthly challenges and I'll lurk if I don't have anything good to say about anything. It's been nice being in this group and seeing everyone talking about their fave series. Cheers!

I am glad you got to experience the BL magic but for some all good things must come to an end but you have already found your next drama adventure in the form of GLs so I know you are getting to experience a whole new type of magic. BLs will be here if you ever decide to watch again so is the club.

Cheers to you as well! 

@Emrys I do understand you. I'm a bi female but find myself interested in bls more than gl. And I'm certainly not watching for the sex lol I've come to the conclusion that I see myself more in male characters, always have. That's just how I express myself. We explore ourselves in chapters. Just like how last night I mentioned how Japan was always my go to for half of my life, and now I just don't care about a lot of it's offerings. People change and morph all the time. We re supposed to. Personally find that the fun part of life lol There's no crime in growing out of something, especially when you have found more satisfying activities. Take care <3