I must be your nemesis then MUHAHAHA

I told you that we are the fairy and devil in this thread weeks ago and you didnt believe me LOL

we're the yin yang of the thread. we balance the energies hahahaha

Kidnap ep 7 ~ dawwwwwwwwww, they're starting to act like a couple now, and more interestingly, it's a switch couple, which is very refreshing to see. 

I love the middle scene where the editing mirrors the attack scene with the tension of the court room. But we're still only half way, we all know yada is about to hit back really hard. Also, I still dont feel good about that assistant helping the cop. I survived, but I still dont feel good LOL I wont feel good about him until I see him alive and friendly in the last episode LOL

Also, when Thai BL's do that whole slow-mo crying over cheesy music sequence, I just have to laugh LOL It just looks so stupid I cant help it but I always find it really funny LOL


If I were to say that this was my favourite scene in the whole series, would this damage my reputation in this group? Or is it already beyond repair?

It makes me feel better. 

Anyway, no not a fan of spanking, but other things hehehe

I guess I asked a loaded question, LOL!!

Kidnap ep 7 ~ dawwwwwwwwww, they're starting to act like a couple now, and more interestingly, it's a switch couple, which is very refreshing to see. 

What does "switch" couple mean? I can't look at your spoilers since I haven't watched EP 7 yet.

 American Fan:

What does "switch" couple mean? I can't look at your spoilers since I haven't watched EP 7 yet.

a switch couple just means that there's no stereotypical top or bottom. they both give and take. 

My Friendship 8/10

This is a very low budget short film. It gives a very strong message and is heartbreaking. No happy ending because the story is not meant to be happy. It really makes you sit and reflect on what you just watched and the song at the end just cements the events in your mind. What is even more heartbreaking is that at the end they reveal that it is based on a real story from the year 2000.

It really delves into sexuality and coming of age as well as some of the crushing mental circumstances that come with that and how identity and love come into play especially involving teenagers.

a switch couple just means that there's no stereotypical top or bottom. they both give and take. 

My type of couple; again BL universe I am calling for BossFort!

So i have started the famous Cutie Pie.....or at least, it's a title I always seem to pass and I just to have to stop ep 1 to mention that pitch scene. I was thinking to myself that the idea was really dumb and demeaning and my boy came in with a verbal assault so hard, I choked my tea LMAO

I know he's about to dump his boyfriend but I like him. He has a free pass to be a bit of an asshole without annoying me LOL

** thats some clever psyche based writing there. Set him up to be admired before he starts being an asshole so I wont be too harsh on him because I'm a little impressed LOL

Holy crap, I just seen my 20s in one scene. Mr Boss has used his forgiveness pass. My baby. I will fight for you. We do not hide who we are anymore. I am prepared to smash this girl's face into her plate LOL