Thailand has funny yet interesting names
Yes, the Thai system of nicknames (mostly Anglicised) is a BIG help. If not for that, I doubt we'd all be so conversant with our favourite Thai BL actors and ships. (I can deal with Japanese names, but when it comes to Chinese and especially Korean names, I'm hopeless. Korean is further complicated by the lack of a single standard transliteration system, grrrr.)
I watched today's premiere episode of "Futtara Doshaburi" (Gaga: "When It Rains, It Pours"). It seems like it will be more a serious story about sexuality than a BL in the usual sense. Too soon for me to know what I think of it, but so far, it's not really grabbing me.
Ultra looking forward to today's final episode of "Caged Again" and most of all to episode 5 of "ThamePo", my favourite currently airing series.