August BL Challenge - Questions

˚₊‧꒰აDay 1໒꒱ ‧
⤷ Home

I reside in the vibrant city of New York. My neighborhood is a beautiful blend of diversity and family-friendliness. It's nestled in the Lower Bay Area, conveniently situated between the iconic Coney Island and the bustling streets of Manhattan.

On a typical day, I spend at least 3 1/2 to 4 hours traveling on the subway to and from any boroughs. While I appreciate the luxury of having 24-hour transportation and the freedom to go wherever I want, it can be pretty tiring on my busiest days. That's why having a place I can come home to and unwind is crucial for me.

I love my neighborhood because it has a Starbucks nearby, is within walking distance of the train station, and is close to the water. I'm excited to explore the nearby Promenade and bike to enjoy the beautiful views and the refreshing ocean breeze.

I reside in a studio space with separated areas delineated by barn doors. The room boasts beautiful bay windows, and I've intentionally decorated it with a soft pastel color scheme, incorporating baby pink, light gray, light bamboo, and black accents to maintain a light and airy atmosphere. I've included plenty of steel cabinets and glass displays to introduce a modern touch to the space.

I'm the proud mother of a beautiful, long-haired tabby cat named Gracie; she means the world to me. Every morning, she wakes me up with gentle headbutts and purring, eagerly waiting for breakfast. When I return home, she greets me at the door with her tail held high and leads me to her favorite spot for a cuddle session. Her warmth and affection bring so much joy to my heart and make coming home the best part of my day, next to enjoying a peaceful morning cup of coffee. If you'd like to see her, there's a lovely photo of Gracie on my profile.

I'm the proud mother of a beautiful, long-haired tabby cat named Gracie; she means the world to me. Every morning, she wakes me up with gentle headbutts and purring, eagerly waiting for breakfast. When I return home, she greets me at the door with her tail held high and leads me to her favorite spot for a cuddle session. Her warmth and affection bring so much joy to my heart and make coming home the best part of my day, next to enjoying a peaceful morning cup of coffee. If you'd like to see her, there's a lovely photo of Gracie on my profile.

I can feel your love for her from reading your paragraph. I had to run over to your profile to see Gracie and I see what you mean by her affectionate nature. 

I can feel your love for he

 My father adopted her specifically to be my emotional support animal. I had hoped to have a service dog but couldn't at the time. Despite initially being a firm believer that I was strictly a dog person she grew on me lol 

 Although I was disheartened initially, having her in my life has completely changed my perspective on the affection and loyalty that cats can offer. While she tends to hide when visitors come over, it warms my heart when she eventually seeks me out, showing that she is still looking for me.

 It's interesting to note that I recently discovered through an allergy test that I'm actually allergic to cats, which explains my watery eyes. However, giving her up never crossed my mind, as I believe she wouldn't feel at home anywhere else. I'm determined to find a way to cope with my allergies, 

If you'd like to see her, there's a lovely photo of Gracie on my profile.

Gracie looks so adorable, cats being affectionate is a new concept to me 

I cannot believe that there are only 4 episodes left. How will I move on! 

I think that's how most of us feel like..... the awaiting doom (dramatic ik but)

but jokes on them because I have the book

A lot of people were arguing about SA , i started BL's through comics (mangas, manhwas etc) before dramas and i really likes Chinese ones , because they were really toned down and overall gave a good feeling and had almost no sexual content (That random white butterfly during kisses were annoying yes ) but some were really dark and heavy plot-wise (China takes red flag to another level ) so the drama was okay to me . i don't even know why i said (typed) this down

new concept to me 

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. A high school friend of mine had to sneak me and my friend into her house through the basement because her cat would attack us. She still claims he was such an adorable cat, and my other friend and I look at each other like she lost some of her marbles. PS: This is all just friendly banter between my two friends and me.


 My father adopted her specifically to be my emotional support animal. I had hoped to have a service dog but couldn't at the time. Despite initially being a firm believer that I was strictly a dog person she grew on me lol 

 Although I was disheartened initially, having her in my life has completely changed my perspective on the affection and loyalty that cats can offer. While she tends to hide when visitors come over, it warms my heart when she eventually seeks me out, showing that she is still looking for me.

 It's interesting to note that I recently discovered through an allergy test that I'm actually allergic to cats, which explains my watery eyes. However, giving her up never crossed my mind, as I believe she wouldn't feel at home anywhere else. I'm determined to find a way to cope with my allergies, 

This is a beautiful story of how you two became so important to each other. It is heartwarming to hear you finding ways to cope with allergies because you love her too much to give her up. Sometimes having watched so many series with love I forget that this deep love exists in real life and not just in fiction. I hope you find a way to cope with your allergies. My grandmother always has cats and they tend to follow me everywhere. I am not much of a pet persons though, but reading your story has wondering if I need to be at least a little less cold to my grandmother's newest cat that is following me lol.

 American Fan:
The last pic is from an Indian place, but first time visit.

talking about indian food ... I had the privilege to eat something called pani puri , we had like a food fest kind of thing and this was in the indian aisle , i had no words to describe except if there was something like mouth orgasm , i probably had that 10/10 recommended. now i'm more open to indian food ...but it rarely comes by.

i don't even know why i said (typed) this down

Lol mind vomit.

China definitely takes red flags to a whole new level. I think the persons complaining about the SA are not avid  readers of Chinese BL because even the book is not as dark as other Chinese BLs matter of fact it is very very calm so far compared to others let alone the series which is very much censored to make it digestible for audiences. However I can understand their reaction to the implied SA because I honestly would have reacted the same if I was not familiar with Chinese BL novels matter of fact if I watched a Thai series with these elements synonymous with Chinese BLs I would feel a way about it and that is so hypocritical of me lol. I guess the series would have to have been clear that it is dark romance like Love Syndrome so that I am prepared.

I forget that this deep love exists in real life and not just in fiction.

Isn't that the truth? Sometimes, I can get stuck in my head and forget the little things that could bring joy into my life. If the cat is following you around, that itself is a miracle. Maybe it knows you need love, too. Then again, there's no harm in finding pets in the men we see on TV. Haha

now i'm more open to indian food

I really like Indian food, but sadly my husband doesn't. However, we both love Thai food, which is usually a safe bet here in Germany (and if the waiter is cute, that's an added bonus).


Lol mind vomit.

China definitely takes red flags to a whole new level. I think the persons complaining about the SA are not avid  readers of Chinese BL because even the book is not as dark as other Chinese BLs matter of fact it is very very calm so far compared to others let alone the series which is very much censored to make it digestible for audiences. However I can understand their reaction to the implied SA because I honestly would have reacted the same if I was not familiar with Chinese BL novels matter of fact if I watched a Thai series with these elements synonymous with Chinese BLs I would feel a way about it and that is so hypocritical of me lol. I guess the series would have to have been clear that it is dark romance like Love Syndrome so that I am prepared.

well said *clap emoji x3*

Maybe it knows you need love, too. Then again, there's no harm in finding pets in the men we see on TV. Haha

I avoid such emotions like the plague lol. I will never tell you I love you but my actions will say it. I prefer to be a Chinese wall. Which is strange because I am the friend in my friend group who listens and gives emotional advice lol. No problem discussing others emotions but mine hell no.

LOLLL not the men on TV LMAO. Well I mean..nope not going there it is too late in the night and thunder is rumbling outside right now. God is reading my thoughts; very sure it is a warning lol. 

My first experience with Indian cuisine was an eye-opening and delightful culinary adventure. I was pleasantly surprised to find a wide array of vegetarian and vegan options. Each dish was impeccably seasoned, boasting perfectly balanced flavors. The desserts, in particular, struck the ideal balance of sweetness, which was ideal for someone like me who prefers less sugary treats. What truly astounded me was that despite indulging in a hearty meal, I didn't experience any post-meal fatigue; the food left me feeling satiated without any sluggishness. I wholeheartedly recommend anyone who hasn't yet savored Indian cuisine to explore its diverse flavors. Even for those who may not enjoy spicy food, there are countless other delightful flavors waiting to be enjoyed.

it is too late in the night and thunder is rumbling outside right now. God is reading my thoughts

Oh no, I sent you my bad juju! LMAO

I will never tell you I love you but my actions

I am often told that I have a motherly attitude and am referred to as the "mother friend." This may stem from my experiences as a younger sibling who was often forced to take on the role of an older sibling. As a result, I tend to be very factual and am the type of person who gets things done. For example, I enjoy helping others by making them coffee, reminding them of tasks, accompanying them to appointments, and offering a place to stay when needed. 

However, I have noticed that I sometimes get annoyed by the smallest things, especially when I feel that people don't understand or do things differently from how I would. I understand that everyone has their own way of doing things, and I am working on being more open-minded about it. While I may cringe when people say "I love you," I do my best to express care and support in the ways that feel most natural to me.