American Fan:
I officially dropped Takara no Vidro. And while I was at it I took out My Love Mix-up! too.

More proof that I am not American Fan's alt account or clone:
(1) I almost automatically love JBLs, American Fan rarely.
(2) I almost never drop anything unless it's truly an abomination.
(3) I have low standards, especially where cuties are involved.

Love Sea - Episode 9

I love FortPeat, oh God, I really love them, but my mind cannot ignore what came so blatantly clear this episode, so it pains me to say this, but I believe it is time FortPeat went on a break and act separately for some time. I do not mean to act with other people or in the romance genre because their chemistry is too good to lose or ignore; I mean they need to go develop themselves as actors outside of the box MAME has placed them in. What I saw today during the confrontation with Rak's father is apathy from Peat. Based on the context of the conflict his acting felt like a cold read of a script; no feeling to bring the character alive. Fort's acting was a little better in portraying his character. They both need some time apart to go and act in different genres outside of the romance genre to broaden their horizon; develop and learn new acting styles and grow outside of the moulds they are currently in. 

I think once they have done this then they can make a comeback as a couple and take on a script that is totally new from LITA and Love Sea, that is innovative, unique and challenging. The BL arena is so diversified now, we have paranormal, horror, Mafia, hell we have robots falling in love. With this type of diversification in the BL space there is room for bold scripts that would need actors like Fort and Peat with their chemistry.

It is time to put this story-line to rest; I feel this way and in my opinion FortPeat showed signs of feeling this way with this episode's performance. I hope they take a break after this series wraps up. The last thing we need is for them to burn out to the point where not even their chemistry can save a series, because make no mistake this series hanged on by the thread of their chemistry and if it had the traditional 12 episodes not even their chemistry could have held on. 

At this point I have no idea what I am going to rate it. I do not even need to watch the finale to know that this series crashed and burned. Not even if a special 10 scene came in the finale would I even consider giving it a 10. Yes, I would break my special 10 scene vow because there is just no saving this series now. 

These are my honest thoughts.

Please update me when you get to it <3

Just posted.

 American Fan:
That's one big sweet tooth you got there. **cough cough**

Now you know how my mind works why would you include the word "big", LOLLLL

Seriously though I love pastry and sweets so much. I am one of those annoying persons who can eat any amount and never get fat lol.

 American Fan:
I'm one of the haters, I'll admit it out loud.

I am another one of the proud haters.

 American Fan:
I'd like to take this opportunity to announce that today I officially dropped Takara no Vidro. And while I was at it I took out My Love Mix-up! too.  I'm in a mood rn.

Well damn! I guess My Love Mix-Up is now going to the very bottom of my list lol.


More proof that I am not American Fan's alt account or clone:
(1) I almost automatically love JBLs, American Fan rarely.
(2) I almost never drop anything unless it's truly an abomination.
(3) I have low standards, especially where cuties are involved.

Not you compiling evidence lol


More proof that I am not American Fan's alt account or clone:
(1) I almost automatically love JBLs, American Fan rarely.
(2) I almost never drop anything unless it's truly an abomination.
(3) I have low standards, especially where cuties are involved.

I think the case was made with #1 lmao

Just posted.

eeeep just read-- I guess I'll wait for the last episode

From reading a blog, I've discovered something of truly momentous and global importance:

I've long been frustrated that VPN doesn't work to overcome geo-blocking on iQiyi (on either PC or Android). This is particularly infuriating right now with "Battle of the Writers (uncut)" only available on iQiyi Thailand.

So here's the trick: Using Firefox, start the video first before logging in to iQiyi (or if auto-logged in via cookie, use an incognito window). It really works! I'm now re-watching Ep. 1 of "Battle of the Writers" on iQiyi Thailand. Whoo-hooo!

Gameboys season 1 - Episodes 1 - 8

Yes I have been watching in secret lol. 

Okay seriously, I love how they framed an entire series in a virtual context to fit the time line of the pandemic. Cai's father's death due to covid was very real in how they portrayed it and the actor playing Cai hit me he the feels when he broke down and cry; it just felt real especially with this situation being the reality for so many. I will not go into it as the pandemic period is a very sensitive topic for so many.

I am fully enjoying this series. Here are some screenshots:

I know it is a bit late but I could not wait till morning to post these:

Source: X (Twitter)

Look at my Shun all smiles

Mysterious......I like it!

I am totally jumping straight into this one as it drops. Yes, I know it is strange for me with it being a J-BL but the description has me hooked and the poster for some strange reason reminds me of the American drama series Blindspot (absolutely love season 1&2 of that show). I think it is because the background is reminding me of the New York city scene where they found Jane in a duffle bag.

Day 4 August Challenge: What are your favourite drama tags? Least favourite? Share why if you like.

Based on my stats, the top 7 favorite tags are:

  • Friendship
  • Happy Ending
  • Death (I like series with mystery and stuff, so don't get me wrong lmao
  • Idol Actor
  • Nice Male Lead
  • High School
  • LGBTQ+

The least favorite would probably be:

  • Bullying
  • Cohabitation
  • Cheating
  • Betrayal
  • Love Triangle
  • Graphic Violence
  • Open Ending
Share a quote. Do, or do not. There is no try. - Yoda

oooooo, I like that, that suits me neatly as well. Thanks for sharing. I now claim this as my Day 3 answer too lol 

Day 5. What is essential for a drama to be worth your time to watch? Or re-watch... over & over, lol.

This probably boils down to: insane chemistry between the leads. It also has to be GL or BL or else it won't get a re-watch. For example, I won't re-watch Alice in Borderland because I don't want to see that level of carnage anymore (unless it's for season 3).

I have a huge ptw list (over 850 titles) and most of them are GL or BL. Some of them are straight dramas (mostly kdramas) that came highly recommended by people and some are dramas with my favorite actors and actresses.

All in all, what I watch depends on my current mood and interests. If I happen to like a drama enough to re-watch it (even once or over and over), that means that drama's special in some way. So far, only a few dramas and movies have caught my interest enough to re-watch them over and over. I have them in a list on my profile. They are BL or GL series (only one GL so far, that's because I watched more BL series up until a few months ago). I'm tempted to add other GL series to it as well, but so far none have caught my interest enough for a re-watch.

As someone who rarely re-watches media, it's difficult for me to make this list and keep it updated too. If I haven't re-watched something in a while, that means it has lost it's charm for me and I must look for a replacement. Even so, these series find me unexpectedly and are very different from one another too. 

Essential for a drama to be worth my time to watch: interesting plot, no weird tags, nice acting. I'd say since I can't evaluate these things unless I see a couple episodes of a drama, that what attracts me towards a drama is the cover photo and tags. I rarely look at synopsis on MDL or elsewhere tbh.

Esential for a drama to be worth my time to re-watch (over & over): that depends on whether I gave it a 10 or not (though 2 of the series on my list are 9s lol). Usually I don't give out 10s easily, but at the same time, there are 10s in my list I will most likely never re-watch. Watched once, liked it and then never got into it ever again. I don't know why, it's just with re-watching there's a certain feeling like I'm wasting my time as I already know everything this series has to offer, you know?

The list I linked to above could change as time passes. Maybe I won't like those series very much or at all as I re-watch them multiple times. I guess what it takes for a series/movie to be re-watchable multiple times by me is for it to be really short. I think Utsukushii Kare and The Novelist aren't really that short and might be removed in the future from my list. /shrugs

I have a huge ptw list (over 850 titles)

I havent counted my ptw list, but do you ever continue to look for something to watch (I randomly click on shows) and forget that you have this list? Because I do LOL

I see that Netflix now has yesterday's "Reunion" of "The Boyfriend" with good subtitles:

Thank you I've been trying to find it since it's on social media

August  5. What is essential for a drama to be worth your time to watch? Or re-watch, over & over 

pretty much what emrys said , chemistry , LGBTQ+ and my moods lol