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5. Blueming

I vote for this one. Looking back I should have given it a 10. Giving it the rating I did was a mistake; it deserved better.

4 Minutes - episode 7

The Blood, the BLOOD MUHAHAHA!! Finally the blood looks real; thank you production. This little issue irked me so bad lol.

Anyways, what was that ending. Let me meditate on it until the finale. 

Breathe in, breathe out....breathe in, breathe out. 

It is now 9:31 pm and I spent the entire day drafting documents and I still have one more to go. I had to take a break and watch 4 Minutes. Hopefully I get to watch Kidnap tonight.

some more absolute raunch is heading our with our Chapter 2

Yup, you are my twin so now I have a twin and an opposite. A complete set MUHAHAHA *evil plotting face*

I'll watch it again with you when you get the chance. Just let me know :)

Shit! I forgot. Sorry!


4 Minutes - episode 7

The Blood, the BLOOD MUHAHAHA!! Finally the blood looks real; thank you production. This little issue irked me so bad lol.

Anyways, what was that ending. Let me meditate on it until the finale. 

RIGHT! I can't tell where they're going with the finale...I'm usually able to predict what's gonna happen but not this time. The anticipation is killing me in the best way XD

Guys!!! I’m soooooo excited! My babies are finally here ;; it took forever and they were even stuck in customs, but now they’re home <3 They are honestly so cute and great quality ;;

I have a feeling you will be sleeping extra comfy tonight.


I vote for this one. Looking back I should have given it a 10. Giving it the rating I did was a mistake; it deserved better.

Yeah it has been a year since I watched it last. I remember loving it though I believe I gave it a 10 out of 10.  ♡

 American Fan:

That's awesome! He could have other outfits too, lol. Ideas are flashing through my head rn. haha

I would call him "Buffie" and make a T-shirt with a super cute photo of Phuwin printed on front. Or the whole gang of We Are, lol.

When I think about this series, I actually miss seeing the friendship gang every week, except for Tan, (shudder). I've never felt that way about a series before. 

Omg don’t give me ideas ! 

Honestly, same. I love that friend group so much! 


I have a feeling you will be sleeping extra comfy tonight.

Yessss! They give you bags to store them but I’m not about that lol They’re going on my bed.

Live 4Minutes reactions. First thing is not going to be in a spoiler because I honestly think there should've been a clearer warning about it.

The animal abuse... I don't think we needed to see as much of it as we did to know the father was an abusive POS.
Was it karma or was it Tonkla? Or is Tonkla karma?
Wait Title's dad is the chief? Dangggg.
Title is fking nuts. Literally the creepiest person ever.
Did we just jump dimensions or is it joining or...? IDEK
Okay not a time/dimension jump.
BABY TYME WUT. and he's meeting baby Great!

This felt a bit like a filler episode. Granted, it was a filler with information, but it didn't propel the story forward at all.

I like it here

Aren't you glad you didn't listen to the JBL naysayers? LOL

Guys!!! I’m soooooo excited! My babies are finally here

Lawd they're just as cute as in the show! ((squish)) and I'm loving the luggage tag too. Nice haul!

Aren't you glad you didn't listen to the JBL naysayers? LOL

So far my only critique is that JBLs lack passionate kisses and they seem to take the whole season to put couples together. I am enjoying the wholesomeness of them. Very warm and fuzzy feels. :)

Aren't you glad you didn't listen to the JBL naysayers? LOL

That would be me. Proud naysayer here with exceptions of course.

Omg give us options to vote on lol

Lol okay XD

Oooh I pick 'Our Dating Sim' and 'Between Us'. I will never NOT pick 'Between Us' tho, so there's that...LOL!

 American Fan:
When I think about this series, I actually miss seeing the friendship gang every week, except for Tan, (shudder). I've never felt that way about a series before. 

I freaking loved Tan and I don't usually like those kinds of over the top characters, but paired with Fang, it not only worked, but it was almost needed cuz Fang needed to learn to lighten up, smile more often, and just have fun and not take things so seriously all the time. As for Tan, he needed Fang to learn how to settle down, chillax, and get serious about the important things. They were both exactly what the doctor ordered for e/o. Of course, I AM also very much AouBoom biased too...lol. I LOVE those two together and I can't wait for them to get their own series! The character that annoyed me was Toey. The man was in Uni for heaven's sake and still acting like he was in grade school with his over the top Aegyo, as they call it in Korea. It was so cringe to me.


I vote for this one. Looking back I should have given it a 10. Giving it the rating I did was a mistake; it deserved better.

I've never seen 'Blueming' before. Guess I'll have to add that one to my list!

4 Minutes - episode 7

Cool epi, right?

Hopefully I get to watch Kidnap tonight.

I hope so too. I liked it.

Yup, you are my twin so now I have a twin and an opposite. A complete set MUHAHAHA *evil plotting face*


"I'm looking for Trouble in all the wrong places...." *singing away*


So far my only critique is that JBLs lack passionate kisses and they seem to take the whole season to put couples together. I am enjoying the wholesomeness of them. Very warm and fuzzy feels. :)

Yep, but also very much expected given their culture. It's one of the reasons I raved about the NC scene in Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto.  One might not love the show over all, but man, they did that ish up nice! The ambiance was so freaking artful and beautiful to see.

That would be me. Proud naysayer here with exceptions of course.

LOL probably the only area we aren't in sync. Of course, I don't watch JBLs for the skinship cuz I know I'm not getting it, usually that is. So as long as the character isn't too over dramatic or at least tones it way the hell down as the show progresses, I tend to enjoy them for what they are and what they bring to the table. But ngl, I really wish they'd up their kissing game at least...lol.