Day 24 of August Challenge: Do you play a sport or are you a spectator? What sports do you play or watch?

I go running every week (part of a running club) and I play badminton when I go to India since my grandpa owns a badminton court. I love watching football and I especially enjoyed watching the Olympics this year- I was so sad when it was over lol 

August Challenge Day 24 ~ 

Do you play a sport or are you a spectator?  What sports do you play or watch?

It would take one look at me to know that I am not sports inclined haha I hate competitive sport. I've never played it, never watched it. Never understood why people enjoyed it until I learned a bit more of my own psychology LOL (I also have an aversion to anything with a ball LOL ) 

My basic response is anxiety and competitive competitions trigger that. I prefer going at my own pace, and I hate being hurried,  so any sport I partake in is purely recreational. I have mentioned before that I love swimming and nature walks/hikes, so they are my primary activities. I'm trying, really trying, to create a yoga routine and also would like to cycle. 

I also have always loved horses and would really love access to one for horse riding. My old soul misses the bond of having a horse as a travel partner LOL I went once as a kid and nearly cried at having to leave the horse behind. I swear if I a rich, it would be an old castle converted into animal sanctuary LOL Enya would have nothing on me LOL

new show? Whatever it is I haven't heard of it.


Here's the trailer


I don't know ... kidnap didn't look very interesting to me. Maybe I'll wait till the reviews come out and see

The story isn't really my thing, but it's Ohm Pawat, so I'll definitely give it a watch.

I'm partly watching for Ohm cuz he's so good, but I also like the plot. There might be too much suspense, which makes it hard to wait for an ep each week.

Yeah he was pretty good but his character atm is bothering me LOL

 American Fan:

RE: First Note of Love

I get Neil's character so I'm okay with it. I'm pretty confident he'll keep changing as the story progresses.

Kidnap - I am so buzzed for this. OMG I am screaming internally. That trailer was everything. I love the premise and you guys know I love action mixed with crime/Mafia.

Me toooo!! Let's watch it together!!!

Jack and Joker - I have loved this from the announcement.

Yes! I have a feeling there will be several people here watching this one. Am I right??

I'll come back later when I'm more awake and talk about sports. I' can't believe September, wait, I mean August is almost over!

jack and joker, i have been hyped for this from the pilot itself, like the way it's going so far.

also started my love mix-up, i'm sorry but why is fourth so adorable in this???? 

Apologies to whom ever recommended lovely writer to me but I'm half way through ep 1 and I'm already ready to drop. This is one of those shows trying really hard to be an anime and it really grates my nerves. At this point you guys can start gambling on me and see how long I last through these shows.....or specifically, Thai BL's because I'm noticing a trend LOL

Apologies to whom ever recommended lovely writer to me but I'm half way through ep 1 and I'm already ready to drop

i had grit my teeth and  watch lovely writer because a friend irl recommended it to me and i HAD to finish it.  

faery , from you PTW I really liked The sign (which i rated 10/10 because plot) and We best love s1 and s2.

The sign had more plot whereas if you want adorable you can try About Youth (which is something p3XYZ amagi-kun pfp person would like/likes ) its very adorable and fluffy. Then there's Unknown, which is nice and plus and minus (where the main CP is dating irl)

 American Fan:

Here's the trailer

oooh it's totally up my alley. Will be watching :)


faery , from you PTW I really liked The sign (which i rated 10/10 because plot) and We best love s1 and s2.

The sign had more plot whereas if you want adorable you can try About Youth (which is something p3XYZ amagi-kun pfp person would like/likes ) its very adorable and fluffy. Then there's Unknown, which is nice and plus and minus (where the main CP is dating irl)

I have no idea what a p3XYZ amagi-kun pfp person is?  

But yeah, sorry guys, I can't do Lovely Writer. I feel like abusing myself lol I'll try your recs instead

haha, the channel I was watching lovely writer on has the sign, so thats handy lol

This is the lady from the first episode who jumps in front of the car. I think her son's death is somehow related.


 American Fan:
I'm pretty confident he'll keep changing as the story progresses.

yeah I agree 100%

 American Fan:
Yes! I have a feeling there will be several people here watching this one. Am I right??

I watched the trailer and it looks fun!!! I'll be watching (if I can find the time)

About Youth (which is something p3XYZ amagi-kun pfp person would like/likes ) its very adorable and fluffy.

Yup. "About Youth" is indeed one of my faves - first young love at its best.

I started The On1y One last night and I'm hooked. Anyone else watching this one?

 I'm a sucker for Tawain BL's.

a gritty special agent with premonitions crushing on his senior? I can do that. Please tell me it's stays gritty and rough and doesnt dissolve into a rom-com like so many lol