I hope so too. I liked it.

I just finished the first episode of Kidnap. I think I'm gonna like this series, the production value is chefs kiss. Not to mention Ohm taking his shirt off in the first episode is a win. <3 OMG he fine!


I just finished the first episode of Kidnap. I think I'm gonna like this series, the production value is chefs kiss. Not to mention Ohm taking his shirt off in the first episode is a win. <3 OMG he fine!

Oh my that's a pretty pic! *heart eyes*

Kidnap - episode 1

Shhh! Do you hear that? That is chemistry knocking on the door.

Love at first kidnap, when will it be my turn.......wait never mind I take it back.......unless it is a rich billionaire Mafia boss, hang on, I am fantasising. For some reason my mind keeps jumping to the NC scene part of this fantasy.......oh well, you only live once Y.O.L.O who am I to complain. Let's get hot and swe....let me behave.

Production is good.

Acting seems to have matured on Ohm's part.

I believe we are in for a ride people.

That aside, my mind was conjuring up all sorts of story-lines from this premier episode. For some reason I was thinking of 365 Days BL version. 

Can't wait to see my 2024 Yearly Stats LMAO I've completed 6 series (mostly JBLs) in the last 2 days. 

I've never seen 'Blueming' before. Guess I'll have to add that one to my list!

Yes, I strongly recommend.

Cool epi, right?

The ending surprised me but I think it does not change anything we figured out. I think it was just a flashback to fill in details. Remember we already knew Tyme read his mother's diary which led him seeking revenge so that last scene was just revealing how he came about discovering the truth. I think this entire episode was a filler episode to tie up all loose plot ends.

"I'm looking for Trouble in all the wrong places...." *singing away*

I am the trouble.

Can't wait to see my 2024 Yearly Stats LMAO I've completed 6 series (mostly JBLs) in the last 2 days. 

Lol. I have never really paid attention to mine before randomly clicking on it one day so now I am kind of excited to see this year's stats lol

What should I start next? Haven't seen any of these yet...

  1. sunset vibes
  2. century of love
  3. the gifted
  4. the rebound
  5. triage

Not Sunset x Vibes …

LOL is it bad?


What should I start next? Haven't seen any of these yet...

  1. sunset vibes
  2. century of love
  3. the gifted
  4. the rebound
  5. triage

Not Sunset x Vibes …


LOL is it bad?

I rated it a 6.0 *sobs* that’s really low for me. BUT watch it if you must lol I shall not discurage you any further, be free! 


What should I start next? Haven't seen any of these yet...

  1. sunset vibes
  2. century of love
  3. the gifted
  4. the rebound
  5. triage

Absolutely not Sunset Vibes.

I recommend Century of Love and Triage.

Watch the rebound if you want visuals.

the gifted

This one's really good, give a shot anytime you want. I haven't watched any of the other ones.

What should I start next? Haven't seen any of these yet...

century of love

THIS! Most definitely this!

The ending surprised me but I think it does not change anything we figured out.

That's the part that I found cool cuz it could change it depending on how it was written. I wanna see if they're going to do anything with that little nugget or just keep the status quo.

I am the trouble.

You and me both. No wonder we get along so What did you think of 'Unforgotten Night'? I'm about half way thru.

You and me both. No wonder we get along so What did you think of 'Unforgotten Night'? I'm about half way thru.

At the time I watched it while it was airing I found it to be lacking in portraying the elements promised; namely Mafia and BDSM. If anything I saw it more of a parody of these elements. I did not enjoy it, matter a fact it became a weekly source of hilarity for me because it was either I laughed or roll my eyes out of their sockets. 

That being said re-watching scenes later on I found more enjoyment in the couple scenes than I did during my initial watch of such scenes. This pulls me back to a long post I made months ago here in the club where I talked about the differences in watch experience when you watch a series while it airs versus binge watching a series and how popular opinion influences the perception of a fan during the airing of a series. Would my rating change if I re-watched now? No it would not. Firstly, I do not ever re-watch a series; I only re-watch scenes I like, and secondly my opinion has not changed  even though popular opinion on it has. I still think it failed to deliver what it promised. However if I should close my mind to the Mafia and BDSM elements that were attempted I can see a good enough series because there was chemistry. The actors deserve another shot as a couple. If any fan of the series read this, I respect our differences in opinion on this series and encourage such differences as a world in just black and white is dull just as a world without diverse views, so let there be rainbows; literally since this is BL.

This is my honest opinion. I probably over answered lol.

I found it to be lacking in portraying the elements promised; namely Mafia and BDSM. If anything I saw it more of a parody of these elements.

(re "Forgotten Night") Indeed. Back when I started watching it, I initially saw the series as a bit of a cringe train wreck. But then as I decided to think of it more as a spoof of a mafia BL, it was OK. As with many Thai BLs, the cuties help. @MeNotYou, I'll be interested to hear your final opinion.

Absolutely not Sunset Vibes.

I recommend Century of Love and Triage.

Watch the rebound if you want visuals.

I totally loved "Century of Love". @DramaNomNom, this is my own enthusiastic recommendation.

"Rebound" was very flawed but watchable and had good visuals.

I've not (yet) watched "Triage" because I'm not sure it's really my thing, but the reviews are really good. Conversely, the reviews of "Sunset x Vibes" are generally bad, and despite my famously low standards, I'm still grappling whether to subject myself to it. (Biggest argument against: The leads don't really make my heart go pitter-patter.)


@American Fan: I'm watching "Lovely Writer" and lovin' it so far (now at Episode 4). At some point I'll get through all your recommendations. (I'm slow.)

I love JBLs, KBLs, Taiwan BLs and Thai BLs in different ways. One of the various things I especially like about Thai BLs (although it has a downside*) is that the same actors keep popping up - so for example, when I saw Nubsib the first time, I immediately said to myself, "I know this actor!" (Kao Noppakao = Korn from UWMA).

* probably not good for the art or the artists, but I like it, so pffft!