American Fan:
You've got my attention. Still feeling burned by WG. It brought out the worst in me when it came time to rate it. I'm worried about starting up a new one. 

I think The Trainee is one you either love or hate, but I can say up until now: it has a good cast, it's simultaneously serious and funny,  and it's visually appealing (the shots, the coloring)- the romance is totally a slow burn and secondary to the character development of the trainees, but I like that for this show.  It feels unique (not like a typical BL format). 


The trailer had funny, but like over the top kind of funny. Which is a no-no for me. Sorta loud and slap stickish, if that makes sense. Is it like that? 

the romance is totally a slow burn and secondary to the character development of the trainees

I gotta have romance. 

I'm going to remember all the positive comments and binge watch it later.  If you're leading me astray I'll come get ya. haha!

 American Fan:

The trailer had funny, but like over the top kind of funny. Which is a no-no for me. Sorta loud and slap stickish, if that makes sense. Is it like that? 

I gotta have romance. 

I'm going to remember all the positive comments and binge watch it later.  If you're leading me astray I'll come get ya. haha!

It’s a little slapsticky but it doesn’t go overboard… wait for my final review lmao I don’t want to be found guilty!

It’s a little slapsticky but it doesn’t go overboard

I agree with this. "The Trainee" is comedy but also substantive, and the comedy is at a higher level than the usual Thai slapstick with sound effects. So far the love story brewing between the protagonists is *very* slow burn, but I think that'll probably change soon - and I'm fine with slow burn. It also helps that I'm always fascinated with watching Gun, who can be so expressive without a single word.

Revised Reality Series Rating Scheme

Production -2

Structure - 2

Cast Revelation - 2

Interaction Situations -2

Sex Appeal - 2

Sounds good to me. Give it a test drive! (I think my own rating scene, if I were disciplined enough to have one, would look something like this: cuddly cuteness 2, raw sex appeal 2, my mood when I was watching 2, how much I look forward to each week's next episode 2,  ability to overcome my very short attention span 2, arbitrary visceral adjustment factor +/- 5 subject to max. 10.)


Sounds good to me. Give it a test drive! (I think my own rating scene, if I were disciplined enough to have one, would look something like this: cuddly cuteness 2, raw sex appeal 2, my mood when I was watching 2, how much I look forward to each week's next episode 2,  ability to overcome my very short attention span 2, arbitrary viseral adjustment factor +/- 5 subject to max. 10.)

IF I had a rating rubric, I’d add a negative point section depending on how much I cringed because I’m currently stuck at the start of EP 4 because why is Alan hugging Kazuto, who he just met, LIKE THAT lmao


I agree with this. "The Trainee" is comedy but also substantative, and the comedy is at a higher level than the usual Thai slapstick with sound effects. So far the love story brewing between the protagonists is *very* slow burn, but I think that'll probably change soon - and I'm fine with slow burn. It also helps that I'm always fascinated with watching Gun, who can be so expressive without a single word.

I agree! I love that about Gun! It’s all about the microexpressions! 

why is Alan hugging Kazuto

(re "The Boyfriend") Actually, there's a reason for this: Brazilians are expressive and unreserved and super direct to the point of bluntness (I dated a Brazilian boy long long ago, so I have some experience with this) - and of course, Japanese are the exact opposite. I don't think Kazuto quite realised what he was getting himself into.

Needless to say, there are also some cultural differences with Taiwan and especially South Korea, although we haven't really seen much of these (yet) with Gensei and Taeheon - but gosh, the culture shock of the Brazilian coming in and hugging everyone upon first welcome. Boom!


Hi! I would love to join! I only watch BL's haha so this seems to be the perfect club for me!

Welcome! hope you have a good time here :)


I run the risk of sounding delulu, but if this isn't romance-- what is ? 

I need someone to dedicate me a birthday post like this lmao

Thats so adorable 

Takara No Vidro Ep4

I'm in love. I know I've said this about a lot of Japanese dramas, don't judge me, my heart has room for all of them.
Taishin is so freaking adorable. He's innocent and that in turn makes him so blunt, because he just goes out there and asks questions-- Like Takara is a champ because how many times has Taishin asked him what his own feelings meant? Like, no wonder he changed the subject, he's basically getting a confession every episode. 
Iwase Yoji is gorgeous as Takara wth I've also said this about multiple Japanese actors, but look at him!!!

Also the shushing incident-- like they're both so sus for that
I wonder what Taishin will do when he realizes that we call whatever he's feeling, a crush, love, etc.

This drama is developing beautifully. Taishin's eyes are really like marbles, so pretty. We can also see Takara slowly falling for him. and yes Taishin is so adorable , triggers my motherly instincts



Welcome back. I missed you :)

You are back the right time because the series currently airing are kind of cool at least to me. Oh and 4 Minutes starts next week Friday and I saw a hot clip from the trailer on X so now I am so excited lol.

Missed u 2 :D

As for the airing series, which ones r u watching or planning to watch? I'm def gonna watch Monster Next Door,  Battle of The Writers and 4 Minutes lol 

Care to share the hot clip?? ;)

On another note. I just finally saw The Paradise of Thorns trailer and the intensity is killing me.

Just watched it and I'm so excited for this, it seems to be quite an intense emotional watch lol


My god, that is so good

I can really picture that

 American Fan:

Hey BL besties!

I found a new challenge if there's interest...and maybe we could start for the month of August?

It's like  "Get To Know Each Other Better"  questions (but nothing that ID's personal info).

Things like favorite tags, type of drama watcher,  favorite food, hobbies, etc

I came across this challenge post and I've edited, deleted and replaced some of the questions. I just need about 4-5 more questions to get to 31 days in August. 

If ya'll are up for it, what are some things about this group you'd like to know more of? I can add your responses to the question list.

I'm traveling in a  few days so not sure I can make the calendar chart ready to post for sharing. But maybe! 

Sounds good to me! Maybe another question could be personality type or weird thing about yourself?