is it just me or does Peat seem kinda unrecognizable in the tiktok? He just looks so different to me..

Oh he had to get nose surgery to fix his first rhinoplasty, because it was starting to lead to health problems.

First day of school and I’m already tired lol 

Anyways, I just finished packing my bag and doing what I needed to do school-wise so time to reward myself with an ep of Trapped before going to bed 

Mame's Twitter : (x) 

Peat's Tik Tok : (x)

Thank you!  I love the way Nagumo Shoma just sits there at the back of the table, totally the cool cucumber ... (I could say something lewd, but I shall restrain my impulses)


Oh he had to get nose surgery to fix his first rhinoplasty, because it was starting to lead to health problems.

Ahhh, I didn't know that! 


Ahhh, I didn't know that! 

Yeah he got it done around 4 or 5 months ago. It was sometime after they got done finishing filming Love Sea. 

I am genuinely enjoying this show and I will continue to live type my thoughts as it helps me from feeling overwhelmed when the drama picks up. It also helps me relax so I'm not reliving KP anxiety while I wait for the next episode. I already have to live with a disorder, I'd rather not crank up the volume on it LOL

Yesterday it got a bit long, so I will try and keep things condensed.

Alrighty - The On1y One episode 5 Live Thoughts ~

Yeaah, we are getting the rest of the ending scene as the opener

I really like this song. I have to look that up later lol

uhhh, a table for planning is a bad sign whenever you're really peeved off with someone lol

ohh, this again.....oww, that hurt my feelings. 

Because LIFE doesnt have a schedule. You cant plan for everything. It's a spiritual freefall and you have no choice but to roll with it. Thats why he cried. Feeling out of control. Ahhh, anxiety. 

So basically plans to move away while we pan to the love interest 

Are you feeling like an asshole yet? ahh, the shadow of forever alone

oooff, violin, dont come for me like this 

LOL he came out of that room like, honey, are you still mad?? LOL

ugg now they're lying to each....boys.. really?

Both of them are pondering how they ended up with such emotionally negligent fathers lol

Mum cant cook but at least she's trying

the avoidance arc....I never enjoy seeing you but hello again.

I feel sorry for mom, I really do because she's genuinely trying and both boys are just being stubborn

Thought I heard Wang screaming go away in his head lol

to be fair Jiang, you kind did push him away first and now you're refusing to talk about it....

i dont miss being a teenager. not one bit. 

This boy has no clue what to do with his feelings LOL

the emotional wall....I can see it pulsating through the screen or maybe that's a throbbing vein in my forehead LOL

yeaaaah, he's the type of old guy who doesnt like change, no matter how something is broken 

Dont come if you have guts? He's being threatened into not missing a free lunch lol

Puppies. they will do what they please and smile at you afterwards LOL

oh Jiang, take note of this please

oh wait, just remember the first part about Wang, forget the rest. This old guy is going to turn you into him. 

ooohhhh, I see those big sad eyes Jiang

oh, are we learning boys?

Ahhh, my hopes.....see them float away like balloons on the horizon

oh Jiang. You cant keep pushing him away, telling him to leave you alone, and then cry when he does LOL Ya see, I can't feel sorry for you here. I feel sorry for Wang who's been putting up with your emotional issues. 

oh for goodness sake,,, someone say something lol

Its quite nice seeing these teenage boys protect girls with period or ketchup on their skirt. Is that real to life? Because, teenage boys here most certainly do not do that LOL 

oooh, that was nicely planned Jiang. I take it their friends dont know they their parents are together.

oohhhhhhh, shit. Comeuppance? We're just here, doing it...I see wetwad....oh, yes, give it to me!!

ya see, Miss Jing, your giving him too much credit. He wanted him to fail. 

*deep inhale* ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...hang on, I might to replay that a few times ....It's a filthy win boy. Learn your lesson here. 

You know what. After all the bullcrap, my pride wouldnt let me take it either if I'm being truly honest. I would absolutely be telling them all to shove it too LOL Always go down with your dignity. lol

LOL Jiang. You are head over heels boy. And the new teacher looks pleased with this camaraderie LOL

OOHHHHHHHHHH BIG DUMB MOMENT!! LMAO I said yesterday, how do i know this guys face?? He's the restaurant owner LMAO duuuhhh 

Also thats why he was smiling. He's gay. Maybe he's seeing the rainbow vibes coming off these two LOL

husband behaviour.....we going encourage the boys with this? 

So you are their future selves, is what I'm hearing LOL

I prefer this guy's advise over old man withers living alone in his hut lol I would much rather have cute little cafe by the sea with my baby. I would take his advise lol

Yah see? My wisdom early comes through? LOL I've learned this lesson

Hear that Jiang? Are you paying attention? Passion. Remember that word. 

He meant to grab your hand but the wrist is a good start......see? he's smiling LOL

hmmmmmmm ?? =)) .....I see you....I see the heart eyes, I feel the love <3

I just made a really unearthly noise....Ya see, I'm very intense kind of person and that sounds like something I would say. I hate half hearted efforts. So i would just melt into a puddle, if someone ever said that to me LOL Yes sir

OK....this adorable. They're talking with a song singing, 'i will run to you' in the back....The fluffy rainbowness of it all

LOL ohh, honey, reign it in before he falls out with you again lol

oh the classic, whats over there? lol

ohh, thats a very potent thought

Poor Crab, he gets cut off all the time LOL. So is this our new problem? A fan club catching all the romantic moments between these two?

Is this boy just camped outside Wang's door now? haha

Your room is full of pheromones Jiang LOL it helps him focus

these chords are nice

LOL is he going to cry? hahaha

yeah but your pillow smells nicer

ooooooooooo......fudge.....I hope that isn't a premonition for later episodes =( 

Alrighty, we are half way and I'm still loving this. That problem got wrapped up quicker than I thought but thats ok. Maybe we can move into the feels now and await the final boss LOL 

My bet is Jiang's father LOL

I did not succeed in condensing my post. LOL

Here's me shamelessly spamming all the new insta pics from the lita jp cast lol

I dropped Lita the moment I seen Mame in the opening credits LOL 

I wonder if the japanese version will stick to the original source?


I dropped Lita the moment I seen Mame in the opening credits LOL 

I wonder if the japanese version will stick to the original source?

Tbh, I did not like the Thai version. I dropped it about 4-5 eps in and just watched snippets of it. Excluding the plot itself, I found too many issues with it.  I'm usually fine with watching toxic stories, and the chemistry was fine and all, but I couldn't look past certain things in the show. But, I kinda have high hopes for the remake, for some reason. I feel they have the potential to bring in better elements and bring in different vibes or more emotionally touching moments.  I hope they'll make some changes and experiment with new ideas though. A carbon copy remake is not super fun, but I'll still probably watch it for the extremely appealing cast lol. 

The BL gods read my posts about Thai BLs and decided I committed sacrilege and so they put me in my place properly and swiftly.

Thai BLs came with a vengeance and reminded me who tf they are. *salutes the OGs*

Y'all better get down on your knees and get to prayin' to the Thai powers that be, and beg for! Sādhu 

This is how you do romance. This is how you write scenes authentically and beautifully.

I remember in my first review post of this series I said there was little chemistry but it was enough to build on and they certainly did. Every episode leading up to this one the main couple build and build and build on their chemistry to deliver these scenes today; well done. 

I think this was my fave epi so far. It left ya girl cheering like a proud Mama of her boys. *wipes tear*

The episode finished right as the NC scenes were getting started. However what we saw so far was not hot or sexy; it was even better. It was tender and loving. A NC scene without chemistry holds no depth. Having watched the main couple's chemistry build over the episodes brick by brick will really make next week's NC scenes special for me.

THIS! I was starting to wonder if BL creators had forgotten how to write adult NC tenderness and romance anymore. I was beginning to give up hope and was starting to think that for the next foreseeable future at least, my choices were going to always be just between chaste and pure or hot and raunchy with nothing else in between. Ngl, I do love me some hella good raunch and well done chasteness, but I've definitely been missing that more adult type tenderness and loving moments. Big ups to this show's creative team this week for sure. For the first time with this series, I'm impatient for next week.


YES!! It's coming out on Nov 3rd! Here's the teaser -->

WOOT! Thank you for the sneak peek! I can't wait to see this version of LITA!

Damn Taiwan is hitting me in the feels. I love this series so much.

Me too! The On1y One is easily my fav currently airing rn. TBLs have been steadily climbing up the ranks, competing strongly and vying tirelessly for my #1 BL Country's spot since I first saw 'We Best Love', 'Kiseki: Dear to Me', and the EPIC 'Unknown'.


I dont know anyone's names yet but I find both singers have beautiful falsettos lol

I haven't heard Onewe yet (will be checking them out in a bit), but the first time I heard Sammy (Woosung) from The Rose sing, I was blown away by his voice, it's unique texture, and the way he utilizes it. I can immediately pick his vocals out of any song, heard or never heard before and know instantly who's singing. I also really liked DoJoon's vocals too and yes their falsettos are like liquid gold.

 American Fan:
Leader Woosung... :-)

Well now isn't that a vision to behold. *Curtsy* Thank ya kindly for such delish eye candy and contributing so tirelessly to my visual health and well being. So many beautiful men in every corner of the Korean Music Industry. *le sigh*


For lovers of Tutor and Yim:
Newly posted MV of the "Writers" OST. *big throbbing heart emoji*

YT is mad at my ad blocker atm and keeping the screen black, so I'll have to check this out later when I get their twisted panties untied as I always Can't wait to watch!


Now....I don't rage quit often. I drop but when I rage quit it's because I'm triggered in someway. I've just finished ep 2 of 1000 stars and honestly, this whole trope of being the biggest, most unwelcoming bully as the love interest, is really getting on my tits. 

Why is this a thing?  

Not sure and it's a triggering thing for me too and also getting on my last nerve, which is why I'm not loving the newly airing 'Happy of the End' and while I enjoy gritty shows well enough for the most part, tbh I'm not really feeling this one so far. I'm finding it's passing the gritty mark and going straight into the seedy and undesirable area and I watch shows to get AWAY from the real world tyvm. 

That said, our boy in 1000 stars is a lot more forgivable a lot more quickly than most "bullies" we encounter in the trope and I think you'll forgive him pretty fast. If I recall correctly, it doesn't take long for it, and him, to mellow out into a more teasing type of vibe and away from the straight up bullying and just outright mean side of things. You already know how much I disliked 'Sotus' and that was a big part of the reason why, but I really enjoyed this one so I hope you'll give it another chance.


Why are these two so freaking cute!!??LITA JAPAN payu-rain TikTok -->

Aww! I just wanna squish them both!

EDIT: Did you guys see the cute videos from Seoul Fashion Week, where the cast met FortPeat ? <3

No I hadn't but thanks to you got to see them! What an attractive group of men! Loved seeing my Thai LITA boys there too, even if it took me a moment to recognize

First day of school and I’m already tired lol 

((hugs)) It'll get better! Just gotta get your body back in the school groove and you'll be fine in no time!

Thank you!  I love the way Nagumo Shoma just sits there at the back of the table, totally the cool cucumber ... (I could say something lewd, but I shall restrain my impulses)

This is a safe space and you are among your most loyal and lewd friends... by all means free the impulses and let 'em fly like the wonderfully suggestive little birdies they are!

Alrighty, we are half way and I'm still loving this. That problem got wrapped up quicker than I thought but thats ok. Maybe we can move into the feels now and await the final boss LOL 

I'm so glad you decided to watch it! I'm really loving this one A LOT!

I did not succeed in condensing my post. LOL

My posts are never condensed. I've given up trying. I just have too many thoughts and freaking opinions and I just talk too damn We are kindred spirits and shall continue to march on page after page.

Here's me shamelessly spamming all the new insta pics from the lita jp cast lol

It's not spam if it's wanted and me wants, so feel free to keep 'em coming!

I dropped Lita

*gasp* Oh no you didn't! I feel faint. I think I need one of those Thai nose inhalers they're always promoting... STAT!

Tbh, I did not like the Thai version. I dropped it about 4-5 eps in and just watched snippets of it

Another one! Such devastating news. This is a sad, sad, day for me. Somebody hand me some tissues.

So I've finally watched 'Happy of the End' and I gotta say I'm not loving it so far. How does everyone else feel about it? I've caught up in the chat so I'm off to grab a bite to eat and then find something light and fluffy to balance things back out. 

I remember in my first review post of this series I said there was little chemistry but it was enough to build on and they certainly did. Every episode leading up to this one the main couple build and build and build on their chemistry to deliver these scenes today; well done.


This is how you do romance. This is how you write scenes authentically and beautifully.

Yeah I was finding difficulty connecting with the series and the characters and struggling with their chemistry at first, but it eventually got there for me. I'm feeling better about the series now. I'm only on ep7 though right now, and I'm looking forward to ep8. It looks good from the preview.