Challenge DAY 1- 

To me , home is where my family is , my parents , siblings and me . As a very family-attached person, no matter when I move to , my home will always be with my family. It's where i feel most comfortable and can hide out from people without being judged for it 


Ep 7 almost had me kicking myself , (not going to spoil anything) and like someone said... ep8 is even sadder and ends on a major cliff-hanger. I think i'm going to read the novel, but translated novels make me feel weird. They're not very well written , I tried reading The Sign but... got paused midway , the language was too weird i couldn't make sense of it after a while and the punctuations were not right. Okay, I shall stop right there. 

Also, GMM posted the official statement of Ohm and Nanon not being a CP anymore , like yesterday

Daily challenge day 1- Home

My home is currently sitting in her office chair headphone perched on her head as her fingers are perched on the wsad keys . The character on the screen explores a grassy meadow with her Palworld friends. This woman has been more of a home for me than anywhere or anyone else in my 45 years, except for my father.


I have not really watched a really good  Filipino BL since the  Like in the Movies or Gameboys era.  You put this on my radar

That's great!

Physically, I live in an old rural town in N.Ireland with my parents and dog.

A small old town in Ireland sounds wonderful! Of everywhere I've lived and visited, Ireland is one of the few places I badly want to return to. And I like your little magical story. :-)

Your average Romanian village, there's a lot of nature/trees about, birds, etc. All in all a beautiful place to live in

It sounds amazing since you have the beauty of nature close by. I promise I'm not a stalker but I did Google typical Romanian village and found a lot of lovely places and scenery. 

my home will always be with my family. It's where i feel most comfortable and can hide out from people without being judged for it 

That's really special to have that!

This woman has been more of a home for me than anywhere or anyone else in my 45 years, except for my father.

Your father sounds important to you.

Family can be everything! 


I agree that family is home no matter where one is.  I'm not near most of my family, so thats why travel is a big part of my life. My family moved around so much while growing up that my father kept a list of all our addresses on a excel spreadsheet. When I became an adult the moving around continued. Until now! I hope to stay in one place for a long time. I'd like to know what it feels like.

My home is a sunny studio apt. on the 4th floor of a medium size building, in an urban area very close to mountains. Most everything I need is close enough to walk to, including the library & local art supply store. There are lots of flowers & trees around. In the summer the downtown (one block away) has many festivals & other events. It's common to see lots of people walking or riding bikes.

The living area is mostly taken up with my art desk, but I do have a comfy chair for drama watching and looking out at the clouds. I have plants and a nature collection of rocks, feathers, shells and other stuff like that. One thing about moving often is there is no excess of material possessions, lol.

 American Fan:
Your father sounds important to you.

He saved my life.

August Challenge (DAY 1) - Home 

I live in the desert. Home of infernal heat, but compensated by wide blue skies and not a cloud in sight.

My town boast of only 35,000 residents. Our biggest store is a Walmart, built only 12 years ago. We have fast food burger chains, a couple local restaurants and markets, but that is that extent of our dinning and entertainment scene.  The nearest movie theater is 20 miles away and  a lot of us drive 30 minutes to work in the nearest city.  

When I was a teenager I dreamt of leaving, but now that I'm older I don't think I could ever give it up.  I want to see my nephews grow up, and I want to be there for my parents as they grow old. 

My dream is to see the world, but I don't have it in me to be an immigrant (my family has already done enough of that). Instead, I take one bite at a time and enjoy being a tourist, in part because I know that I can always come home

So, the replies for the august challenge so far have essentially been, my family is my home which makes me want to bake cookies for you all lmao

 American Fan:
I promise I'm not a stalker

You don't say. Are you sure about that? /jkjk Yeah, Romanian nature tends to be beautiful in general. ^^

Day 1 of August Challenge: Describe a place you call home

London, UK

I live with my parents and younger brother (no pets unfortunately)

 American Fan:
At least you're on summer break so I say GO FOR IT!!! haha

Yep, so glad it's the holidays! I was planning to catch up on sleep but NVM! lmao XD

 American Fan:
I hope to stay in one place for a long time. I'd like to know what it feels like.

It feels...boring lmao 

I've lived in my neighbourhood my whole life and been wanting to move for so long lol

Day 1 August Challenge: Describe the place you call home


I'm living with my mother, sisters, and pets.

Kiseki: Dear To Me (finished) 

I don't know what to say except that was the best 6 and 1/2 hours of my life lol (jk but u know what I mean)

I finished the whole drama in less than 24 hours- I think I just set a new record for myself! 

I did however cry a river in the second half of the show- really wasn't expecting everything to just suddenly go so downhill 

Overall, this was totally worth staying up til 3 in the morning for, and I'll probably rewatch it a few times in the future (added it to my Plan To Rewatch list) 

Rating: 10/10 and now on my Masterpiece BLs list <3

(Btw, is the special ep worth watching? I saw a bunch of reviews saying it's unnecessary and not worth watching so I wasn't sure)