
That's one I've watched more times than I can count. Such a beautiful story of young first love.

I have a confession. The first time I watched it I thought it was too young for me, superficial, blah blah, and then I decided to re-watch it and tbh idk what I was on before— it’s a really good show lol


It means No Children since the content is age restricted.

makes sense 

then I decided to re-watch it and tbh idk what I was on before

I often feel much more positive after a re-watch, as I can focus more on what's good and on what I like about it. An example that comes to mind: "Kieta Hatsukoi" - the first time I watched it, I was kind of "meh" about it, but then after a re-watch I totally loved it.

Sunset x Vibes - Episode 10

I wish, oh God, I wish the script was as good as the production and cinematography. The camera work is a thing of beauty in this series. I get a rich K-Drama feel every time I watch this series. These are some of the most stunning scenes I have ever seen shot and the lighting is just emaculate in how it underscores the mood of each scene. If I was to give a rating for this series solely based on cinematography I would give it a 10 without a doubt. The NC scenes are always well done too; matter of fact it is the only time as of late that the writers actually do good - minus Salin calling Sun, "Khun Dad".

I will not even talk about the NC scenes instead let me show you because these scenes deserve attention:

Let's start off with the scene where Sun teaches Salin how to play pool:

Next The pool scene; the lighting used here is so beautiful to me, I would love to have pictures taken of me using this background and lighting.

Also, I hope when I get wealthy I will remember these scenes because I want a mansion with interior  designs like these:

I'm trying to upgrade the hexagon club badge(s) with animation in PowerPoint, here's another test.

I'm trying to upgrade the hexagon club badge(s) with animation, here's another test.

I like it. I can see I will need to redesign some sections of my profile with these new designs you have been sending lately.

Thanks for sharing.


I like it. I can see I will need to redesign some sections of my profile with these new designs you have been sending lately.

Thanks for sharing.

My pleasure I love learning new things and making the badges and banners is fun. For the Emblems I will probably do something like this.

*I feel like everyone is asleep so I will be quiet while posting this*-whispers

Jazz For Two - 10/10

The writing was well done in how they crafted the story to link the stories of TaeYi - Seheon and TaeJoon - SeJin. It created a full circle of symbolism in how TaeYi and Seheon ended up together, transcending their brothers' past. 

I love how well the series was paced and how each clue given slowly fell into place. I love every single kiss scene but my favourites are the one in the classroom and the one at the end of the series. 

The only complaints I have are that they left an open ending for the side couple and that they did not delve more into the story-line of Seheon and his father. I would have appreciated a back story regarding the mother and some closure between father and son.

However special 10 scenes veto all complaints and original ratings and there were quite a few special 10 scenes and dare I say special 10 writing; I just love how the entire series was written minus my complaints. The confession scene in the piano room is one of the special 10 scenes I must admit.

I love this series and I highly recommend it.

My pleasure I love learning new things and making the badges and banners is fun. For the Emblems I will probably do something like this.

I like the Jeff one. I like this new idea of animated badges; it's like coming out of one era and stepping into the future of cool graphics; evolution!

*I feel like everyone is asleep so I will be quiet while posting this*-whispers

I wish I was asleep. And why are you still awake?!

I'm glad you enjoyed Jazz For Two!

 American Fan:

I wish I was asleep. And why are you still awake?!

I'm glad you enjoyed Jazz For Two!

*whispers* well I am usually up until 4:30am. Why are you up?

Yeah, I really loved it.

probably do something like this.

I bow down to your greatness!!! 1000 YESS

*whispers* well I am usually up until 4:30am. Why are you up?

I think I had too much sugar.

*I feel like everyone is asleep so I will be quiet while posting this*-whispers

Jazz For Two - 10/10

Yeah, good series. I was a bit lukewarm on it at first but really warmed up to it in the second half. I agree, however, that the side couple left me unsatisfied and wanting to see more resolution.

 American Fan:

I think I had too much sugar.

Oh I see. Try drinking some water. 

I think we were too loud, we woke up the others.

Yeah, good series. I was a bit lukewarm on it at first but really warmed up to it in the second half. Agree that the side couple left me unsatisfied and wanting to see more resolution.

In the beginning I was more invested in the side couple but then the main couple's story kicked into gear.