Just Ryan being Ryan



Her expression tho XD


Lol, yup. It is now 2:34 am and here I am watching abs *cough* I mean a series

I do not believe I have formally welcomed you to the club. Welcome!! I hope you have lots of fun and laughs

Abs all day everyday

 XD Thank you for welcoming me. Between the BLs and this club I'm constantly laughing. :)

Just Ryan being Ryan

I don't know Ryan but I think I want to.


Although iQiyi has rapidly grown in terms of good BL titles, quite a few of these are missing in my country (Germany), and although there's a way around it, VPN doesn't directly overcome iQiyi's account-based geo-blocking.

I'm halfway through the first episode... it's been funny so far. :)

I don't know Ryan but I think I want to.

LOL!! Watch Twins  haha 


Although iQiyi has rapidly grown in terms of good BL titles, quite a few of these are missing in my country (Germany), and although there's a way around it, VPN doesn't directly overcome iQiyi's account-based geo-blocking.

I Hear The Sunspot Ep 4: Why would the doctor say that. I understand needing to be honest with your patients but damn. "Society is for the hearing so you might find it hard to live in it"

Why would the doctor say that.

Keep watching. It's a key theme of this series, and you'll see where it's going ...


Keep watching. It's a key theme of this series, and you'll see where it's going ...

To you and everyone else who recommended this series... 

 I just finished Ep 5


I’m gonna try to crush some suggestions this week ?

Good luck lol 


I had to pause and run it back a couple times myself. I think I went too fast though because I made it to ep 12 before I had to go to work. 

Wow ur fast lol

I didn’t get much time to watch yesterday but I’ll be watching at least one ep of Trapped a day 

Laws of Attraction ep 8 ~

Ahhh, the gays unite to run and save their baby. I love it LOL <3

@MeNotYou  (re: The Trainee) I agree, it annoys me that Bahmee didn’t feel sorry enough about literally CHEATING on Tae- why the hell did she seem pretty normal after their break up but Tae was completely broken? I honestly hate Bahmee :(

My review for Laws of Attraction  Rated 9 ~ Vigilante justice served in a super grungy glamourous aesthetic and I was right in my element.

I keep a top 20 favourite series list and BL is starting to dominate it LOL I think I have now watched enough BL shows to warrant it's own list 

I'm all grown up now LOL


Welcome to the club. I'll be passing the newcomer torch to you. (*๑˘◡˘)

Thank you so much. Feeling kinda honoured.