
Same. Gritty and seedy, and not in a good way, at least not yet. Nevertheless, I'll probably watch it to the end because that's what I do, not least because I often wind up liking things more as they go along.

Me too. I think that's why out of over 200 shows I've watched this year, I've only ever dropped 2, and one of those was only because the English subs were so bad that they made absolutely zero sense and it became a hassle to try and constantly figure things out. That said, the new TayNew show 'Peaceful Property', is precariously close to the edge and I may have to let it fall.

I do have several sitting in my on hold section waiting to be subbed or for me to find a viewing platform for, but yeah, I almost always have to see it through for the same reason as you. Not every book or show starts off good, but there's been quite a few that turned it around and I ended up enjoying it, and would've missed out had I dropped it.

I am super excited about kidnap too

It's definitely on my can't wait list and just two days away, I believe!

 American Fan:

Sorry if my question is bothersome: You've prob also uninstalled Adblock and then reinstalled again recently?

ETA: My recent Chrome update messed with Adblock, so that's what I did and it works fine now.

Yep, yep, yep. I've just come to accept that I am somewhat of an electronics jinx. I can't even tell you how many times I've done the same steps to fix something as someone else (knowing full well what needs to be done) and they've watched me do it so I know I didn't miss or do anything wrong, yet it works for them when they do it, but not me. I just have the absolute worst luck with electronics...lol. At the same time, I'm also someone who's fixed things that have baffled others, so *shrug* Electronics and I will always have a deep and meaningful LOVE/HATE relationship. LMAO!

*GRIN* Of course that now begs the question.... is that a good thing or a bad thing? I'll let y'all decide that one. *whistle*

Well, that hinges on two questions:

  1. Which club member you ask?
  2. Who are you twins with, RX or the CSO?
Ah yes, right! I hope you're adjusting ok

I got inundated with work today so....SCREAMS!!!


I saw people mention Lovesick 2014 and wanted to note that I have seen it. It was my first BL way back in 2014/15. I will start watching it when the new one comes and maybe can better assess. But the original was very wholesome for me. There was drama elements that made me hit my head on things, but it really is kind of the OG BL in my opinion so it was the start of so many cringe trends, but trends that really are nostalgic.  I am looking forward to seeing if they recreate it directly or not.

Amen to that! It is definitely a benchmark BL.

The On1y One - episode 6

Beautiful, simply beautiful. Hold on I need a moment...............*dabs eyes*

I look forward to all future episodes.

I've just come to accept that I am somewhat of an electronics jinx.

Daannnng, I feel bad for you! 

The On1y One - episode 6

Beautiful, simply beautiful.

Yes, it was. The build up is killing me but I love it.


Source - X

They are back hehe if you know you know

@MeNotYou (re. School) thx for ur support! Hopefully I’ll still be able to watch Kidnap with u guys *fingers crossed* 

Stan Huang who played Gu Jing in 'VIP Only',

I just watched that today. I think I crushed 3 BLs today. :D 

Kare no Iru Seikatsu

25 Ji, Akasaka de

VIP Only

I'm liking the JBLs wish they had better kisses though lol

Hopefully I’ll still be able to watch Kidnap with u guys *fingers crossed* 

I'm so looking forward to this series. I hope we can all watch together :)

Hey, I would love to join this! >.<


Hey, I would love to join this! >.<

hello, welcome 



I was just thinking last night that perhaps GMMtv shows just arnt my thing. I will give this one a go since they have it on their youtube. If not then it just confirms that I need to put gmmtv on my red flag list lol

*gasp* Oh no you didn't! I feel faint. I think I need one of those Thai nose inhalers they're always promoting... STAT!

I had clicked on it, got through the opening scene and then watched the credits, I seen MAME's name and clicked off LOL

Unfortunately MAME and I fight like feral cats and I have learned to just not bother with her stuff. We dont get along. Shes one of my red flags so there was just simply no point in entertaining it. 


hello, welcome 

Thank you for having me!