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Ahhh everyone’s talking about KinnPorsche here. I had a lot of issues with the series, even though I liked it…. 

I can fully understand that you would have issues with it.  It didn't pull its punches AT ALL and was quite disturbing.  Since I don't know anything about the story I didn't have anything to compare it on that front.  After reading quite a few reviews I think you certainly in good company with people who also have troubles with it.


I can fully understand that you would have issues with it.  It didn't pull its punches AT ALL and was quite disturbing.  Since I don't know anything about the story I didn't have anything to compare it on that front.  After reading quite a few reviews I think you certainly in good company with people who also have troubles with it.

But there are quite a few people in the series’ comment section attacking others for not liking how the series turned out or how toxic it really was. Fans can be scary. Thanks for the encouragement. 


But there are quite a few people in the series’ comment section attacking others for not liking how the series turned out or how toxic it really was. Fans can be scary. Thanks for the encouragement. 

The source material is apparently way more problematic. They toned things  down in the series. .I'm likely never going to read the book because of that  but I appreciate what the show has managed come up with considering what they were working with. The actors were the highlight and  really brought the show to life despite some of the issues plot wise. You are allowed to voice aspects that you don't agree with and it takes nothing away from the series. Nothing wrong with constructive criticism. 


But there are quite a few people in the series’ comment section attacking others for not liking how the series turned out or how toxic it really was. Fans can be scary. Thanks for the encouragement. 

Yeah its all about how you voice your dislike. Some people just get rude and nasty about it but not everyone is going to like every show so my golden rule is just be respectful when sharing your opinion and then everyone is welcome :)

Hi! I‘m a newbie to the bl drama world but i fell into this rabbit hole at the beginning of this year and have been loving every second^^ hope to be added to this club

 Saygo :

The source material is apparently way more problematic. They toned things  down in the series. .I'm likely never going to read the book because of that  but I appreciate what the show has managed come up with considering what they were working with. The actors were the highlight and  really brought the show to life despite some of the issues plot wise. You are allowed to voice aspects that you don't agree with and it takes nothing away from the series. Nothing wrong with constructive criticism. 


Yeah its all about how you voice your dislike. Some people just get rude and nasty about it but not everyone is going to like every show so my golden rule is just be respectful when sharing your opinion and then everyone is welcome :)

 Glad that this group here is so kind. I feel much better now. Thank you <3333. 


Ahhh everyone’s talking about KinnPorsche here. I had a lot of issues with the series, even though I liked it…. 

I don't think there is something wrong with having issues or even things you dislike in a series, even if you do like it all in all. It's all a matter of how you put it. But in my opinion, when it comes to crime shows, people need to expect for fucked up stuff. I find it a bit strange when people complain about characters being immoral when those characters are well, criminals.  I believe that people who really have a hard time with problematic storylines, might be better off not watching this kind of shows, rather than watching them and complain about them being problematic. 

hi would like to join as well^^

 Mitzi Miao:

I don't think there is something wrong with having issues or even things you dislike in a series, even if you do like it all in all. It's all a matter of how you put it. But in my opinion, when it comes to crime shows, people need to expect for fucked up stuff. I find it a bit strange when people complain about characters being immoral when those characters are well, criminals.  I believe that people who really have a hard time with problematic storylines, might be better off not watching this kind of shows, rather than watching them and complain about them being problematic. 

There's a difference between doing things because that's part of your career/life and something you, to survive, have to do and doing things that are not vital to your survival, like much of the abuse in the series. It being a crime show doesn't mean I can't point out the non-moralistic things that I don't agree with. I agree with what you're saying though, I just think in the case of this series, some things could have been left out while still getting the whole criminal point across. Being a criminal doesn't necessarily equal being a piece of crap.


Yeah its all about how you voice your dislike. Some people just get rude and nasty about it but not everyone is going to like every show so my golden rule is just be respectful when sharing your opinion and then everyone is welcome :)

I agree! As long we are able to voice our opinions in a calm and rational manner, any thought is welcome, and it only creates opportunities for good conversations :)

(Couldn't quote your answer)

Sure we can point out the immoral actions of the characters, we can also dislike them, disagree with them and wish they were done differently. I sure would have liked if some things in the series were different as well. The only thing I tried to say is that when it comes to crime series, I expect that the characters will be fucked up and that they won't act like normal and moral people. I expect them to do shitty stuff, even if they don't have to, becuase I guess that if someone lives this kind of life, they are probably not "the nice guy" and therefore they probably act immoraly even when they don't necessarily  have to.  I mean, if you are used to killing people,  I find it hard to believe you'd think of sexual harassment or rape as such a horrible act. 


Ahhh everyone’s talking about KinnPorsche here. I had a lot of issues with the series, even though I liked it…. 

I keep changing my final rating. It was a 7.5 out of 10 but I’m changing it to an 8.0 but I might change it back idk lmao. I’m SO conflicted by this show. I was honestly expecting more from it but I enjoyed watching it week by week. My main issue with the series though is the scriptwriting because I feel like there were inconsistencies in the writing and plot holes. Mind you, I feel like this is a more character driven show but I still feel like the writing could have been stronger. I knew it was going to be messy since it’s set in a mafia world so I was expecting problematic characters. But, one thing that irked me was the  romanticization of the abuse and dub con (or whatever term you want to define it as) and fans reactions to it. I mean Vegas literally tortured and abused Pete and the fact that people still think they should end up together and are cute together boggles my mind (I get it that they have chemistry together and are drawn to each other based on similar traumas but I’m judging based on what I see and it’s a mess). Vegas needs therapy and Pete needs therapy to deal with the trauma from the abuse (actually the whole cast needs therapy). Then, Vegas tried to force himself on Porsche twice. Then, you have freakin Kinn having sex with Porsche while he’s under the influence of a date rape drug and you had some fans who thought that was okay. Like come on now. But, Vegas was probably my favorite character in the show because I love villain and flawed characters but I just can’t condone anything that he did. Just like I said in my review, for Vegas and Pete, you could argue that Pete is a masochist and you could also say that Vegas and Pete’s relationship is a dom and sub relationship when it’s an EVOLVED relationship but even then, those types of relationships have boundaries and communication between the two parties about how the relationship is going to be. Vegas already started their relationship off on a bad note with the abuse and the power trip so I have a heard time shipping their relationship. For this show, I think I wrote the longest review I have EVER wrote here on MDL because there was so much to talk about. 

I agree with everything you said, Sunshine. 

Here is my 2 cents for anyone interested!

I don't believe they glamourized Pete & Vegas's relationship. 

Vegas is an utterly broken human being who has been physically and emotionally abused his whole life and therefore his only way to communicate is through the same physical and emotional violence even so far as to self harm. He literally doesn't know any better and thinks this is all he deserves.  Pete is also a broken human but has chosen to repress his pain behind a smile.  But a smile hides a multitude of sins. As he said himself there are no good guys and bad guys.

It was HORRIFYING what Vegas did to Pete and I don't think they hid that.  It was extremely hard to watch. However, in real life broken people are often drawn to each other and its going to go one of two ways, they either make each other worse and spiral deeper into the cycle of abuse or they can be each others mirrors to help start the healing process. Sometimes when you are that broken only someone just as broken can communicate with you. 

I think show did a great job of showing both Pete and Vegas struggling with the horror that was happening and the spark of hope that maybe they could save each other.  Both things were terrifying for them. They were both disgusted with themselves at various points and not willing to accept what they were feeling.  I never once looked at them and said I want a relationship like that. Instead it made me feel so sad that people treat their children like that and how the cycle of abuse is so hard to break. Yes I think they need a hell of a lot of therapy  but neither would be willing to recognize that (at least at that stage).

So to me this was not a relationship for the ages, not something I aspired to or thought hey i want to be kidnapped and tortured because Vegas is hot. Did i want them to have a happy ending? Absolutely! I wanted them to start helping each other heal and break the cycle of abuse. Not all relationships start out with fairytale beginnings and not all dysfunctional relationships end badly.

But again this is just my humble 2 cents worth of opinion!