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 Mitzi Miao:

(Couldn't quote your answer)

Sure we can point out the immoral actions of the characters, we can also dislike them, disagree with them and wish they were done differently. I sure would have liked if some things in the series were different as well. The only thing I tried to say is that when it comes to crime series, I expect that the characters will be fucked up and that they won't act like normal and moral people. I expect them to do shitty stuff, even if they don't have to, becuase I guess that if someone lives this kind of life, they are probably not "the nice guy" and therefore they probably act immoraly even when they don't necessarily  have to.  I mean, if you are used to killing people,  I find it hard to believe you'd think of sexual harassment or rape as such a horrible act. 

You’re totally right, sadly…. I guess I view murder and acts of sexual violence and mind-messing abuse on different levels. Because, again, one is “necessary” in the lives of some characters and the other is not. Thanks for bringing me that point of view. I just hope the people that keep praising Vegas’ character realize they wouldn’t want to go through what Pete went through in real life….

Thanks for giving your input, loubug. I’m still so conflicted about that part of the show. It felt so out of place and unnecessary to me, no matter it’s purpose or intent. And that’s also an interesting point about healing for broken people. 


Thanks for giving your input, loubug. I’m still so conflicted about that part of the show. It felt so out of place and unnecessary to me, no matter it’s purpose or intent. And that’s also an interesting point about healing for broken people. 

Hey they were complex characters so feeling conflicted is to be expected. Your opinion is valid and its good to have open discussions. 

I can see your point, murder is part of the job, but rape is not. Yet, I don't think such people even stop to think about it nor care.  If they don't value people's lives, why would they care to value others' feelings?

I would be surprised if anyone who watched this series would have liked to go through what Pete has. I like Vegas, and Pete and I like them as a couple, but it doesn't mean I think their story was "lovely".  In my opinion, as long as you acknowledge the problematic stuff, and like it just as fiction, I don't think it's wrong to like them. Yet, everyone has the right to their own opinion, and I can understand why some people hate their storyline, just as I can understand why some people love it. I guess that as long as you don't take it into real life and don't support actual real toxic relationships, let fantasy be fantasy.    


I agree! As long we are able to voice our opinions in a calm and rational manner, any thought is welcome, and it only creates opportunities for good conversations :)

Well said!

(Couldn't quote you loubug1012 )

That's exactly how I felt! Sad, sorry, and happy (sometimes pity too)  for them. Finally, two broken people found their happiness in each other! And it's true no matter how hot Vegas is, I would rather choose his soft side to be with rather than the abusive negative side.

I want to say a big thank you here. Not everyone can have the same opinion, but respecting each other and listening to what one has to say really matters. I think this is one of those few times where I have seen people voicing different perspectives in an orderly manner with no one arguing or questioning each other as to why they think it that way.



Hi! I‘m a newbie to the bl drama world but i fell into this rabbit hole at the beginning of this year and have been loving every second^^ hope to be added to this club

Welcome :)

For me, I think I felt connected to the deeper journey that Vegas and Pete were going through in trying to hold on to any shred of their humanity, heart and soul and though it was about as ugly as it gets to see their shadow acted out so unfiltered I also felt them both trying to survive their broken selves.  I fully agree that therapy would have been brilliant and yet so many wind up living through life without that support and this show only had time to go so deep with the redemption theme.  I just appreciated SO much that these actors could bring such a hard topic alive with that level of raw brutality and turn the tide toward something hopeful in their short window of time.  I do see the hazard in glorifying this type of sexual violence as being sexy.  It is a huge topic.  I also feel it's quite reassuring that everyone here is remaining decent and peaceful even discussing something fairly loaded with potential clashes of values and opinions.  Makes me grateful to be here and encouraged to share.

You all are awesome!


Hi! I‘m a newbie to the bl drama world but i fell into this rabbit hole at the beginning of this year and have been loving every second^^ hope to be added to this club

Hey! welcome and glad to have another fellow BL fan to talk to! :)

Well said Lou <3 

Thank you for putting together whats basically my thoughts to that.

For me they made apparently clear that Vegas is over the border to be just bad,
even by mafia standards . At least it is a Show and i am old and settled enough to know that violence is never the way. 

I understand that Victims of problematic Themes tend to relate it to their own Experiences and feel more offended. But maybe then this is the wrong type of show to watch.

Tbh i had more problems with the KinnxPorsche Sexscene while he was drugged. Because for me the Show didn't make clear thats wrong to abuse drugged People. It just felt swept under the Carpet.

Like Plush said  "I do see the hazard in glorifying this type of sexual violence as being sexy."

For sure. But at least i hope that People are smart enough to differentiate between having Sexual Fantasies and committing a Crime.

Hello~ How to join here?

Side stepping from KP for just a moment!

How many of you are excited for Vice Versa to drop and will you be watching in real time or waiting for it to finish so you can binge watch it? #cant make up my mind!


Side stepping from KP for just a moment!

How many of you are excited for Vice Versa to drop and will you be watching in real time or waiting for it to finish so you can binge watch it? #cant make up my mind!

I'm more than excited XD

I'll be wating and bingewatch as everytime.