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Day 14: Least Favorite BL Trope 

I have quite a few but here’s some I can think of right now…

1. Lack of communication: issues that can be solved within minutes if the characters actually sat down and had a conversation but the issue gets dragged on for the whole series.

2. Fangirls who act like paparazzi: when girls take photos of the guys like they are some celebrities like girls stop get some help. Not to mention it’s an invasion of privacy. I would feel so awkward if I saw a group of girls from a distance just blatantly filming me unapologetically

3. “I’m not gay, I just like you”: I don’t see it as much anymore but I get annoyed every time I hear it in a series

4. Uke and seme (top and bottom) trope: I feel like it perpetuates a negative stereotype. In real life, there are a lot of couples that are verse and I don’t like how some BL’s make it seem like only one person can be the top and only one person can be bottom. It’s just not realistic. For example, with Bad Buddy, especially after episode 11, I saw some people going back and forth online and in YT comments about the top and bottom aspect of Pat and Pran’s relationship. Like some people couldn’t believe that they can be verse. Like come on now!!!

5. Ties in with #4 but the use of husband and wife (basically forced heteronormativity): it also perpetuates negative stereotypes. It leans into that “So, who’s the man or woman in the relationship?” type of questions/thinking that I don’t like at all

6. Villain female characters that try and wreak havoc on the main couple: I don’t like seeing women represented this way. I like seeing positive and strong female representation and luckily lately we have been getting more but we can never have enough

The whole lack of consent and forced kisses/intimacy has been mentioned a few times already and I TOTALLY AGREE!!!! I honestly see it way too much so I get happy when consent is made explicitly in series. One good recent example was from Cutie Pie The Series. The main lead confirmed whether the guy was sober and aware of what was happening beforehand and tells him if he’s not okay to let him know immediately. Like YES CONSENT IS SEXY!!!

Day 14: Least Favorite BL Trope

Everything that has already said above + Normalization and romanticization of red flags and indirect physical violence  such as control ("you belong to me") and jealousy

@Sunshine123 has read my mind! Agree 1000% with all of those. I would only add one more which i have talked about already. I really dont like when they treat one character in all aspects like a child when they are meant to be 18+ years old. It makes me really uncomfortable. 

On consent, i think Lovely Writer did this so well with NubSib and Gene when Gene was drunk. 

Day 14: Least Favorite BL Trope

one word, - Engineer 

This trope is mainly for thai BLs. so here's a list of BLs I've watched with engineers, trust me there's many. 

Cutie Pie

Love By Chance

Why R U


My engineer 


Until We Meet Again 



Sotus S

Lovely Writer 

Love By Chance 2 


Our Sky 

En of Love: Love mechanics 

My Gear and Your Gown

En of Love: TOSSARA

Golden Blood

En of Love: This is Love Story

The Effect


I Am Your King

Secret Crush On You 

7 Project

Love Mechanics 

I Am Your King 2

and many more, if you know one that isn't on this list it's probably because I haven't watched it, and if there's engineers i probably won't watch it (lies)

 i also don't like the 'SCHOOL' trope but it doesn't bother me that much since most BL's take place in school. 


@Sunshine123 has read my mind! Agree 1000% with all of those. I would only add one more which i have talked about already. I really dont like when they treat one character in all aspects like a child when they are meant to be 18+ years old. It makes me really uncomfortable. 

On consent, i think Lovely Writer did this so well with NubSib and Gene when Gene was drunk. 

Omg yes about treating the character like a child!!! I hadn’t even thought of it that way before but that’s so true. I don’t like that either. Like these people are adults here. There’s no need for that lmao 

Day 14 Least Favourite BL Trope:

My least favourite trope is definitely non consensual acts and also the “I’m not gay I just like you” it’s very stupid and I’m honestly sick of them saying that.

Yes ! I would like to join it too ! I really love watching BLs !

Day 14 Least Favourite BL Trope: 

  • The step brother thing  is weird to me
  • Problematic ,and/or nasty female characters galore- i.e .female representation  is terrible considering BLs are said to be written by women
  • I'm not gay but you are special
  • Disrespect of Effeminate men
  • Colourism 
  • Violent/abusive behaviour equated with love

Yes ! I would like to join it too ! I really love watching BLs !

he link is on my feed and profile :)


hey, i wanna join :)

Absolutely! The more the merrier! Link is on my profile and my feed! We are a very active group!


he link is on my feed and profile :)

Thank you very muuuch <3


Thank you very muuuch <3

Anytime!!! We always have an admin active and we dont mind DMs!


Anytime!!! We always have an admin active and we dont mind DMs!

okay !

Day 14 - Least favorite BL tropes

1. Jealous ex-girlfriend or female antagonist who tried to separate the ml's.

2. Miscommunication as the main conflict - How hard is it to talk about the problem like grown adults instead of acting like children? 

3. "I'm not gay, I only like him". - What does that even mean? It makes no sense to me.

4. Strong seme / weak uke - I'm sick of watching "weak uke's" who can't defend themselves  (don't even try to defend themselves) , and want to be saved like a damsel in distress. 

5. Engineering - PLEASE STOP WITH THE ENGINEERING TROPES!!!! I'm so sick of it(╥﹏╥)

6. Characters that get too jealous way too quickly (and for no reason).

7. Shows that normalize physical violence