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August BL Group Challenge - Day 30 - Ask family/friends to describe you as a person. Choose 5 words.

So I asked two friends and my mother.

Friend 1 - Smart, Dedicated, Mature, Dirty Minded, Funny

Friend 2 - Mature, Open Minded, Smart, Analytical, Sexy

Mother - Humble, Handsome, Smart, Educated, Ambitious

 American Fan:
Hi back!! Several of us are watching The On1y One and l believe the consensus is it's a hit so far!

I can attest to that. I'm a self proclaimed serial dropper and I'm loving it LOL


August BL Group Challenge - Day 30 - Ask family/friends to describe you as a person. Choose 5 words.

So I asked two friends and my mother.

Friend 1 - Smart, Dedicated, Mature, Dirty Minded, Funny

Friend 2 - Mature, Open Minded, Smart, Analytical, Sexy

Mother - Humble, Handsome, Smart, Educated, Ambitious

May you always be a chubby cheeked baby to your mother <3 awwww LOL


So I'm thinking that the events that happened here are what actually happened, and whenever Great went into cardiac arrest he was able to go back and fix everything. I'm only 15 minutes in but why am I like.... SO into this alternative version of things. THE DRAMMMAAAA WOOO! This morally wrong Great is so different than what we've been seeing the last 5 eps and it's ?

 American Fan:

Hi back!! Several of us are watching The On1y One and l believe the consensus is it's a hit so far!


I can attest to that. I'm a self proclaimed serial dropper and I'm loving it LOL

Okay okay i'll start it then and I'll comeback to give you my thoughts >.<



So I'm thinking that the events that happened here are what actually happened, and whenever Great went into cardiac arrest he was able to go back and fix everything. I'm only 15 minutes in but why am I like.... SO into this alternative version of things. THE DRAMMMAAAA WOOO! This morally wrong Great is so different than what we've been seeing the last 5 eps and it's ?

Also I love how Great and Tyme met alternatively, bad motives and suddenly, idk it's getting the heart going lmao. Also Tyme poorly flirting is crazy.

Agreed, which is why I'm still watching. I like opposites attract stories and these guys are definitely opposites in every sense of the word, except when it comes to kindness. They're both on the same page there. 

And yes, that girl makes my blood boil

Lol I agree 


Agreed. I absolutely refuse to be one of those girls I always call 'too stupid to live' in a horror movie and I absolutely will not die because of being with one. *nods lots* 

I also am the type to hit first and ask questions later if someone were to jump out at me, so there's that too. The unfortunate byproduct of growing up with nothing but guys, and mischievous ones at that! LOL!

Lol I'm probably that girl who has a death wish in every horror movie cuz I'd be the type of person to try and find the ghost and befriend it lol


I am just imagining you saying this and I am dying lol

Yes guys, in my head I have a voice I think fits each of you lol.

Now I'm curious to know what u think of me lol


Also I love how Great and Tyme met alternatively, bad motives and suddenly, idk it's getting the heart going lmao. Also Tyme poorly flirting is crazy.





On ep 3 of Unknown. 

Makes me think of an anime I watched as a teen, only it was a man who took in an a little girl and it ends in a romantic relationship too. And it got me thinking. Even though you may not be biologically related, is it possible, for the brain to separate family from lover? We're not designed to breed with our family so I wonder on a psychological level, what is happening for someone developing a romantic attachment to someone who is meant to be seen as family? esp in this case, where it's a parental figure? 



The way Great reacted to the video is insane and I love it, he said "Hmmm.. I don't remember," AHHH

 American Fan:
I read that mayo worked wonders,

You see, the car still running, I can understand. I left a stove hob on not so long when I thought I had turned it off. Fog brain, happens to the best of us. 

But, you actually had to take a jar of mayo and put it in your hair, thinking it would work .......

Ok I went, I saw, and I am ready to report on 4 min ep. 6. I am happy to say that I suffered zero confusion, but that's only because the episode is confirming my entire theory on this show and what's going on.


It has long been my theory that we've been watching TWO separate/parallel, but also very much entwined timelines, shown to us happening simultaneously, which is why there's been so much confusion when our minds try to piece together the storyline. Simply put, one timeline is reality and the events that really happened and the second, is the same events as seen by Great's subconscious mind in the hospital after getting shot and fighting for his life. Basically, the false timeline is happening in order to allow his brain to change the course of these events into preferred and more acceptable outcomes, to prevent all the bad stuff and people's deaths etc., including his own, from happening.

Because of the whole brain can survive for 4 minutes stuff, in his mind while they are trying to save him in the real world, his brain is treating his "chest pains" as a trigger and a reset button for every bad event he's experienced thus far (my guess is these are times when he's experiencing the medical team shocking/paddling him and trying to bring him back to life). These resets are also counting down the time left to save him, which is why the clock keeps changing from 11:00, to 11:01, to 11:02, and recently, to 11:03, after every reset... leaving just one minute and one chance left before he dies for good.

So basically what we we're seeing in this epi, is how things really went down. He did NOT save the woman he hit, he did NOT save Dome from Tle, he did NOT save Nat from getting shot, the brother he idolizes was/is NOT innocent and happily gets his hands just as dirty as the rest of the family, and finally...he did NOT have a loving relationship with Doc and they were NOT a team fighting evil together. He even rewrote who shot him, in order to protect and preserve his mind's version of saving Dome from being killed in the first place, but the sad and simple reality is Tonkla killed them both for killing his brother.

Lol I'm probably that girl who has a death wish in every horror movie cuz I'd be the type of person to try and find the ghost and befriend it lol

ROFLOL! See this is why we are now friends. Clearly I need to protect you from yourself in these types of situations!