Any future provocations made by members of the club will be responded to with decisive and comprehensive legal action. 

I am within my rights to peacefully protest and carry signs to the effect of "Management can shove it take a hike!!" And "Down with management's manipulative practices to restrict our freedom to love Joong!!"

Take that!

I didn't even know who this Joong was but he's very pretty lol

The following is in response to statements made by certain members of the BL Drama Lovers Club regarding claims to Joong Archen Aydin:

The following is in response to the management team of a certain RXinw:

I can already imagine how Day 15 is going down lmao

 American Fan:
Take that!

While the right to peaceful protest is recognised and appreciated, the right to protest in favour of theft and malicious conspiracy to undermine the relationship and life through threats( "Management can shove it take a hike!!") of others is not just morally appalling but in fact can allow for legal proceedings to be taken against any party that engages in said activity for conspiracy and intent to disrupt and invade the privacy of others as well as for the abrogation of the constitutional and internationally recognised right to privacy. Furthermore such immorally motivated protests can be seen to incite and conspire to disrupt public peace which is now a not just a matter of private law but also public law as it is criminal to do so.  

 American Fan:
"Down with management's manipulative practices to restrict our freedom to love Joong!!"

As it regards to freedom of speech the management recognises and appreciates this right as well as exercises it in saying that those who call it "manipulative" in "restricting" the "freedom" of fans to love said actor, are not just busy bodies who whet their appetite for spreading chaos by mindlessly joining protest they have no real stake in but they are also delusional "fans" who cannot accept the romantic relationships of actors; in that same vein the management calls for fans to respect the private life of actors and to not attack in any fashion their spouses. Fans do have the freedom to love whomever they wish but that freedom must not, under no circumstance, invade or attack said romantic relationships. 

Again, legal action, both civil and criminal, will be taken against those who engage in all aforementioned activities.


Speaking of dark chocolate- my brother makes the best homemade dark chocolate brownies and he will not give me the recipe lol. he said that is the one recipe he will never give to anyone lmao :(

*crying emoji* 

 American Fan:
The following is in response to the management team of a certain RXinw:

The management recognises your confusion and proves its point that:

just busy bodies who whet their appetite for spreading chaos by mindlessly joining protest they have no real stake in

as the graphic displayed shows protest in defence of one or entity or establishment named "Pete".

 American Fan:
I wondered if you would pick up on that, lmao

I dont know about others, but I definitely picked it up and wanted to bold, italicize and underline it but unfortunately he bet me to it :(

 American Fan:
What r we talking about here? Did I miss sm?? Dropping dramas maybe?

Yeah :) 


I can already imagine how Day 15 is going down lmao

Lmao XD

I am very interested to see which series will have me finally drop a series lol

If you want, I can suggest a few really bad ones that can help you achieve your goal :) 

They are so bad, so bad, you may not wanna talk to me after I give these recs, that's how bad they are... but its ultimately your call; let me know if you wanna go down this rabbit hole :)

Purple-It is my favourite colour since forever. I will buy something just because it is purple lol

I feel you! I feel the same way with blue! It doesnt matter what shade of blue it is - light blue, navy blue, blu-gray - If it's something in blue, I am already there trying to see if I can own it :)

Almost everything I own is in shades of blue and gray... right from my clothes to decor in my room :)
{although I really hate ultramarine blue, with all my heart, Grrr. Whoever found that colour, imo, must really kill themeselves... maybe a little extreme, but yeah, I really hate it!}


If you want, I can suggest a few really bad ones that can help you achieve your goal :) 

They are so bad, so bad, you may not wanna talk to me after I give these recs, that's how bad they are... but its ultimately your call; let me know if you wanna go down this rabbit hole :)

Oh please do lol I am interested to see if I have already lived through any of them lol

I have a question to all the current viewers of "Takara no Vidro": 

Is it just me or does anyone feel like Taishin is too slow and not the cutie little patootie, he is supposed to be?

WARNING: Don't read the following if you like Taishin... really, really don't.

I find myself genuinely upset by his character... I know he is supposed to be the country mouse, that is oh-so-fragile-that-its-heartwrenchingly-cute and needs a knight-in-shining-armour to be there for him ever second, in a similar fashion to how an IV accompanies a sick person, but its actually annoying me... why is he so slow? How did he make it to college, if he needs somebody else to let him know about his feelings? And why does he take a hundred million years to complete a sentence? I dont find that cute, I find that really annoying... And why does he feel like he cant be on his own... it feels like for everything, he needs Takara sempai to come flying like superman to rescue him -_- Now even after he has finally bagged Takara sempai, I feel bad for the latter, he is still trying to find something to mess it up... 

So my question is, do people really find such qualities charming, or am I not alone in this?

So my question is, do people really find such qualities charming, or am I not alone in this?

You're speaking my language. This series is #116 on my dropped list, for one of the very reasons you  pointed out and seem to be staple qualities of both male/female leads of a "cute" nature.  

ETA: Oopsie, I'm not a current viewer!

Again, legal action, both civil and criminal, will be taken against those who engage in all aforementioned activities.

I'm backkkkk!

Whatever! You don't scare me with all your big a$$ words you found in your law books, baby.