
Short people unite!

Here here! *wine glasses clink*

Well, I have my very own lawyer (@RXinw) who is ready to fight. u cannot lay any sort of claim on mine and Hia’s Joong. 

"Divide and conquer."  I'm very happy to let you all fight over Joong while I get Dunk all to myself.

 American Fan:

Excuse me--

Lol happy anniversary with the BL drama lover’s club :)


Thank you!! <3

This is one of the best airing dramas

RE: First Note of Love - I agree!

Signed, dated and sealed. *shakes your hand* and NOW the case is closed. 

Yay! Finally peace comes to the BL forum......except......

'm very happy to let you all fight over Joong while I get Dunk all to myself.

Dunk is my ult bias wrecker so it's not possible for you to claim him 100%. Besides with your harem, (illegal btw), you don't have the time to devote to just one hot guy for 100% of the time. Give it up!!

RXinw has new competition in the updates market.

Hee hee, sure. Not!! lol

maybe I can share some spidey senses with you

What does this mean? "Spidey senses"?  Thx!

this is a really nice apartment 

Yeah, I was drooling over the fab rug they were laying on!!

since westerners are very tall,

Many are, but since there's a huge melting pot of all kinds of people, there's plenty shorter than me too. I'm 5'6" 

@Emma & Onyx - Thanks for sharing your secrets with us. <3 <3


did you see my notes for the episode I am freaking love them!  Sea's knows what he is doing haha 

Yes!!! I went to read it after I posted! I pretty much agree with you haha

Except I hope that last part meant if they weren't brother's because-- lmao TELL ME YOU MEANT THE ACTORS 

TBH I'm so invested in these two, it's currently one of my favorite airing dramas. Their dynamic is the best! 

TBH I'm so invested in these two, it's currently one of my favorite airing dramas. Their dynamic is the best! 

Me too! I love that Sea is no pushover. That's makes everything more fun & interesting!

With no hesitation, I took the serious step of removing Battle of the Writers from my Fav BL list. It might be too early to know for sure, but I'll be surprised if I rate this series above a 6. 

I shouldn't judge by this one ep, but I guess if RXniw can have just one scene that pushes his rating to a 10, then I can have just one scene that does the opposite, like yesterday's EP 4. 

BUT on the positive side, I haven't dropped it .....yet. I think I'll be recovered enough to come back for EP 5 next week.

August Challenge Days 16 - 20

Day 16 - Describe a typical day or weekend.
Honestly a typical day is absolutely nothing worth even mentioning lol. Mainly it's a miserable struggle surviving within an oppressive, highly financialized, late-stage, hyper-capitalist economic structure in the U.S. with little to no room to actually live and enjoy life for the extremely brief time that we are here. Hopefully I will still be able to change my circumstances to some meaningful degree in the near future.

Now Describe what your perfect day would look like!
My perfect day is one where I can spend my time creating something artistic and putting beautiful things into the world. Further developing something I'm already creatively doing and/or learning new creative things to make. We were all born inherently creative. We all have the capacity to bring beautiful things into this world and should be unapologetic about wanting to create them, whatever they are. I'd also be able to spend lots of time in my garden in my own home, growing and tending to my own micro greens and favorite baby variety of greens and other veggies, some fruits, and favorite flowering plants, sitting it in a western facing bay window in my home listening to my favorite BL soundtracks and BL actor/singers' songs in the warmth of the very late afternoon sun as it is getting lower(I love that time of day before the sun eventually starts to set), making a delicious simple delicious favorite homemade dinner with my husband and we we spend the evening cuddling together on the couch or in a giant oversized bean bag while watching a series or something — just being in a space, with a special person, and doing things that make me genuinely happy.

Day 17 - Do you have pets?
Not any more. Grew up with a family pet cat that I wasn't particularly close to. As I grew into my tween years, I started becoming extremely allergic to cats for some reason that I don't know. We also had a family Yorkie dog, but also was not particularly close to it either.

I used to have an adorable mini dwarf bunny that was light gray with white paws and white tail years ago that was my own actual first pet that I loved to death. Of course I named him Bugs(Bunny) lol. I sadly had to give him up, because I could not have a pet in the apartment I needed to move to at the time.

Day 18 - What is your love language?

Day 19 - How did you discover BL & LGBTQ+ dramas?
I happened to already write about my discovery story in my MDL introduction post. Rather than copy that wall of text here, I'll just drop a direct link below to that post to read my story there:

Do you usually watch dramas alone or with others?
I usually watch them alone currently, but I am trying to get friends that like LGBTQ+ media(who have only had limited western LGBTQ+ media exposure) interested in them as well. The dream is to find *the one* and he will love watching them with me too.

Day 20 - What is something people would be surprised or maybe shocked to know about you?
I have an OnlyFans and relevant nsfw Twitter account for it doing solo content. In 2024, I doubt that's even anything people would even be shocked or surprised about someone having anymore.

Wait wait wait— Love in the Air is getting a Japanese ramake???

And Payu is being played by Nagumo Shoma (the really hot guy in At 25:00 in Akasaka for those of us who watched it lol)???


If they ease down on the hair gel in the actual show, it would do wonders.

Wait wait wait— Love in the Air is getting a Japanese ramake???


Wait, I can't even imagine this as a J-drama. It does not compute.

Mainly it's a miserable struggle surviving within an oppressive, highly financialized, late-stage, hyper-capitalist economic structure in the U.S. with little to no room to actually live and enjoy life for the extremely brief time that we are here.

You sound JUST like one of my sibs. He plans to move to Thailand in a few years for this very reason, not to mention the politics, which I say very very quietly, cuz I don't like to bring that issue up.

My perfect day is one where I can spend my time creating something artistic and putting beautiful things into the world. Further developing something I'm already creatively doing and/or learning new creative things to make. We were all born inherently creative. We all have the capacity to bring beautiful things into this world and should be unapologetic about wanting to create them, whatever they are.

I really like how you express yourself! I totally connect with this as a creative as well. 

I used to have a garden and it was heaven.  <3

 American Fan:
Wait, I can't even imagine this as a J-drama. It does not compute.

RIGHT??? Like how is that going to work? I think the casting looks fine but-- how are they going to adapt it? Like what vibe are we talking about here???

 American Fan:
You sound JUST like one of my sibs. He plans to move to Thailand in a few years for this very reason, not to mention the politics, which I say very very quietly, cuz I don't like to bring that issue up.

I have been so unhappy being born and living here in the states. I feel like I don't belong here for most of my life, but more and more year after year. I would love to be able to go live there. I have always been drawn to Thailand also long before I ever got into BL dramas. I have had images of Thailand as my pc lockscreen and wallpaper for a long long time. I only fell further in love with the country, the culture, the people, the topography, etc. as I learned more over time and then eventually got into BL dramas. Seeing that they are such a LGBTQ+ accepting country also and now  have legal marriage equality as well only further cements my love for Thailand. If I had the money and ability to just leave and stay for 2 months to live there to see what it's actually like, I'd go do it since they now have visa free 60 day stays.

 American Fan:
I never lie about my age, cuz I don't care what other's think, but it will remain a secret here on MDL

Same here. One of things I especially like about online groups like these is the diversity - of age and gender, countries, social and cultural background. Even height! (I'm one of those tall Westerners.)

And now I feel like a double minority in this group: (1) a guy, (2) over six feet.

And Payu is being played by Nagumo Shoma (the really hot guy in At 25:00 in Akasaka

OK, I'm definitely watching it. (My motto: "Cuties over Quality.")

 American Fan:
with your harem, (illegal btw)

You're just jealous. And speaking of my harem, the next time I meet up with Tutor and Yim* I'll have a little talk with them about being more selective as to the scripts they accept.

* Together. Yeah, I know it's slightly pervy. Not my usual thing, but I'm willing to make an exception for them.

I would love to be able to go live there.

Having lived in four countries, I can tell you there's the good and the bad, with lots of surprises in both directions. And it's very different than visiting on vacation, when one doesn't have to deal with the realities of daily life (not to mention the maze of bureaucracies) - and in a foreign language to boot.

Think of it like sex: Some things are better left as fantasies.


Someone (RXinw?) recently posted about the forthcoming JBL micro-series "Bump" (not yet on MDL). The first 3-minute episode is now on Youtube, and it looks pretty cute ("identical twins" trope). There are Japanese subtitles only, but one can auto-translate these to English (bumpy but more-or-less understandable):

I would like to join :)


I would like to join :)

Welcome to the club ♡