For a fantasy plot, I'd pick Lan Zan, so I'd be Wei Ying. And I'm ok with that because I love Wei Ying.

Ugh! I still haven't seen this one yet. I keep meaning to watch it (it's on my must see list), but I always end up watching something else.


We're in the same time zone so I feel you LOL maybe the european division in here should just riot so they have 20 pages to read in the morning lmao

I'm just mostly a night But I don't always stay up until the crack of dawn. Sometimes I get up at it instead and me and quiet have never been close friends, so hopefully I can liven things up for you now and then. ?


If I didn't see it, it didn't happen. ??

Btw emojis don’t work on the forum


Ugh! I still haven't seen this one yet. I keep meaning to watch it (it's on my must see list), but I always end up watching something else.

I deliberately avoided it for years simply because I felt it was just something really over hyped but karma kicked my ass and I rate it as one of my favourites, for BL and C dramas. But everything has it's critics. It's not saucy but you can at least have fun finding all the homo erotic imagery that escaped the censors LOL

GOOOOOOOD Morning my new found friends! Thank you all for being so welcoming and making my first day here so much fun. I already love it here and I look forward to being a part of this lively group from here on out. Big smooches to you all! ???


Btw emojis don’t work on the forum

Ha! I just noticed that with my last post. Bummer. Oh well, I don't use them all that often any way. Thanks for the heads up!

August Challenge Day 28

If you could have ONE BL character (not actor) as your partner who would you choose and why?

I actually made a discussion post on this exact question that I posted on Reddit in r/boyslove 2 months ago. Mine was a combo of three BL characters and the qualities that I loved about each of them. I'll post the link to it below if you would like to go see everyone's replies and you can upvote for it too if you like :)

If I'm only able to choose just ONE, then it's Tharn who would be my singular pick. ♡

What one or combo of BL characters would be your ideal romantic partner?

Here is a copy of that post for anyone that doesn't want to leave MDL to go see it there:

"I'm posing this question from a gay male pov, but I will leave this open to gender and orientation for everyone that wants to respond. I'd love to hear what character(s) you all would love to have as your ideal romantic partner. Share pics of them too!  

I'm asking about their personality traits and their character that is portrayed that appeals to you and what it is about them that you like. Not really asking about their physical appearance, but you can comment on that too if you want.  

For me it's a combo of Cake(My Only 12%), Tharn(TharnType), and Wu Bi(Stay With Me).  

For Cake, I love his deep sense of feeling emotion, truly seeing the person he is with and loving them just as they are, being protective, supportive, so affectionate, and his ability to love so deeply and unconditionally.  

For Tharn, I love his sensuality, his seductiveness, his ability to also feel and express emotion so intensely, his depth of romanticism, his capacity to be a very caring and thoughtful provider.  

For Wu Bi, I love his fierce sense of loyalty, a genuine guardian and protector, someone that loves you so much that he will use his own life and body to make sure nothing happens to you, with the perfect amount of healthy possessiveness as a sign of his deep affection."

 American Fan:
Is....Karan from Cherry Magic!

LOVE Karan, he is such a prince ♡


I deliberately avoided it for years simply because I felt it was just something really over hyped but karma kicked my ass and I rate it as one of my favourites, for BL and C dramas. But everything has it's critics. It's not saucy but you can at least have fun finding all the homo erotic imagery that escaped the censors LOL

LOL! The CBLs never are, but dependent on the show and how well it's done, I'm usually ok with it. As long as it can at least be alluded to, I can draw the pretty pictures all by myself. *grin* (my self drawing was very active during Meet You at the Blossom)

For me, it's the length that makes me shy away from most of them because I have a bad binging habit if I realllllllly like a show. I'll keep watching epi after epi until it's done or I fall asleep in the middle of it and based on what I've heard about this one, it's very good so Imma definitely need a clear calendar before I start it!

If you could have ONE BL character (not actor) as your partner who would you choose and why?

Hmmm... Imma have to give this one some serious thought cuz I've had quite a few favs for all sorts of reasons, so it's going to be hard to narrow it down to just one or even just a few. Let me marinate and get back to you.

 American Fan:

The On1y One EP 1

I'm liking far. 

I can't believe the MLs are 28 & 30 irl!! And playing high schoolers. WTH? I'm fooled.

I always like a step brother story with a twist. 

Me too! Speaking of which, I'm off to watch epi 3 *bounce, bounce, bounce*

Hmmm... Imma have to give this one some serious thought cuz I've had quite a few favs for all sorts of reasons, so it's going to be hard to narrow it down to just one or even just a few. Let me marinate and get back to you.

That's why mine originally was a combo lol. I just couldn't narrow it down to just one(and there are many other great ones too like Khun Yai from IFYLITA and Karan from Cherry Magic). Even singling out just Tharn, which I do not regret, was really difficult to do.

So now that Manner of Death is down, just awaiting to review my thoughts, I can comfortably enjoy my son for the next ep of Love Note. I'll do a live review for that one. I enjoy the live reviews, it feels like I have someone talk to LOL 

omg I skimmed through so much, this place was really active today lol

I like today's question because it's basically a character analysis, it's super interesting ^^

I still haven't decided who I'm picking.

Send help! This song is perma-stuck in my head since I finished watching the MSP series last night from watching it for the last week.