Karan from Cherry Magic

I freaking loved him and Cherry Magic. I still haven't had a chance to watch the original Japanese version, but I heard it's excellent too, so it's on my must see list.


So now that Manner of Death is down, just awaiting to review my thoughts, I can comfortably enjoy my son for the next ep of Love Note. I'll do a live review for that one. I enjoy the live reviews, it feels like I have someone talk to LOL 

Is that a show or a place? Off to watch FLN myself! Back in a jiffy!

REALLY liking The On1y One. Even next day epis can't come fast enough...lol


Ha! I just noticed that with my last post. Bummer. Oh well, I don't use them all that often any way. Thanks for the heads up!

Np :)

 American Fan:


Is....Karan from Cherry Magic!

I usually go for the bad guys, but this is a time to get serious. Karan has everything I need in a partner: 

  • Faithfulness
  • Trustworthy 
  • Stability
  • Thoughtfulness
  • Good-natured
  • Maturity
  • Patience
  • Good looks

What more could a girl want? <3

Aw man, I wanna choose him lol 


REALLY liking The On1y One. Even next day epis can't come fast enough...lol

Ikr It is so freaking good ♡

Since the poster's answering today's question made me feel really shallow. I wanted to repost LOL

August Challenge Day 28~

If you could have ONE BL character (not actor) as your partner who would you choose and why?

Emma had a point here LOL Also, all our favourites will be in a relationship right?  Unless we're planning to be a character in order to be with the character of choice? 

So, with that in mind ~

For a fantasy plot, I'd pick Lan Zhan, so I'd be Wei Ying. And I'm ok with that because I love Wei Ying.

I do love an Ice Prince though. I was nicknamed an Ice Queen at one point in my life and I do believe we'd suit each other quite well, and I get to live in Cloud Recesses, fighting evil with my Bae.

Lan Zan ~ 

  • Graceful & Elegant
  • Strong & Disciplined
  • Deeply loyal & Tender
  • Reserved & Studious
  • Righteous & Brave
  • Loves rabbits/small animals, music, and looks great in white and blue <3

For a real world plot, I would pick Pyah from The Sign, so I'd be Tharn. Also perfectly happy with that because Tharn = body goals, and I'd be a badass psychic cop, also fighting evil with my Bae LOL 

Pyah ~

  • Is also Strong & Disciplined
  • Is also Deeply Loyal & Tender
  • is also Righteous & Brave
  • Charming & Intelligent
  • Flirty & Sensual
  • Is a legit artist with his own studio & YES. I will continue to be shallow~ has a body to die for LOL The man has some serious cake. 

August 28 challenge: Choose a BL series Bf-

For this challenege I am gonna choose someone different and I am gonna go with Mhok from Last Twilight. He is just such a green flag and super caring and protective of the people he loves. He might be tough and a Baddy on the outside but on the inside he is much more than that he is very strong, loving and caring .♡ 

 American Fan:
. I commend you for the visuals!

Thank you. It didn't take much thought at all. I've always admired Chief Phupha, as he truly is perfect. I wish I could find a women  with his qualities, as that would be my ideal real-life partner. *Sigh* A girl can dream.

Also, Karan from Cherry Magic! would have been my number two, but we could only pick one. Haha!

I already love it here and I look forward to being a part of this lively group from here on out. Big smooches to you all! ???

Is that a show or a place?

Do you mean Manner of Death? It was a BL series I've just finished

 Day 28 of August Challenge: If you could have ONE BL character (not actor) as your partner who would you choose and why?

I choose....Bai Zong Yi from Kiseki: Dear To Me! He really stood out to me when I was watching (*cough* bingeing *cough*) this drama, and I absolutely loved his character lol he was such a green flag. His love for Ze Rui was so beautiful and I was truly amazed by how much he meant to him- Zong Yi's love for Ze Rui is what you call True Love! Also, he kisses so good lmao<3 And not him having a strawberry day for his bakery becuz his boyfriend loves strawberry desserts lol XD I also loved how he was never truly mad at Ze Rui for anything that happened, especially when he lied about the amnesia- that scene where they reunited had me in tears TT Ok I should shut up now lol

My second choice would definitely be Karan from Cherry Magic, he's the greenest flag in the whole BL universe lol

I love green flags. So Cherry Magic and Kiseki: Dear To Me. Got it. Thanks Guys LOL

Also my review for Manner of Death

I know you guys post your reviews in here but I always review on the mdl page so I'll just link from now on, if anyone cares LOL


Ikr It is so freaking good ♡

It is... it so is!


Do you mean Manner of Death? It was a BL series I've just finished

Hadn't heard of that one so I looked it up and I've added it to my plan to watch list, but I have heard of Max and Tul so I'll def be checking it out.

Bai Zong Yi from Kiseki: Dear To Me!

This was the moment that completely destroyed me UGH! I'm a sucker for lap kisses.

Bai Zong Yi's affection for strawberry cake is absolutely adorable! This drama was a pleasant surprise for me. I didn't expect to love both couples equally, as I usually favor one over the other. The relationships were so cute. The bromance between Ai Di and Bai Zong Yi is 1000 times YES, I need more. Also, my baby Ai Di must be protected at all costs!!! LOL