August Challenge Day 29 ~
Let's talk pizza. Favorite toppings? Thick or thin crust? Brand? OR are you a pasta freak? Fav dish?
I'm not fan of either. Pizza was a binge item so it's connected to a lot of bad memories. Even the smell of it, makes me feel a bit sick. And I don't eat pasta because it never really filled me. I think I always suffered a blood spike with it. I could eat loads and never feel full so I just stopped eating it.
I'm assuming today's question was just a 'pizza topping ~ what kind of person are you?' and I have to go and be picky and miserable LOL When I did eat pizza, I liked it spicy and with mozzarella cheese.
Perhaps in time, I can try making the more healthy, pretty versions I see online that's not loaded with cheese and deli meats
Here's some I can look at without wanting to gag. Linked to the blog if anyone is interested.