Hang on wait. I take that back  uhh, he just offered to help jerk him off

Oh I gave that one a 10 because of a special 10 scene


It's perfect now 

Yay :) ♡

LOL i had something similar happen where I woke up and heard an American show but it sounded like they were speaking Thai XD


I had a similar experience where I was watching Asian dramas all day and then I went to YouTube to watch something and I could not understand a word of English lol I heard the words but I could not for the life of me figure out the meanings screaming lol

So it's been actual years since I last took interest in anything Japanese and I'm feeling my teenage self inside me squee a little. 

I've forgotten how aesthetically pleasing I find japanese men. I hate to be that weeb but they are so pretty, it's not fair LOL I dont get that feeling with other asian guys LOL Must be their bone structure or something ...

I like re-watching shows at work because I don't have to pay attention-- so I currently have Ai Long Nhai playing (don't ask me, I just felt like watching after finishing The Rebound) and tell me why I glanced at the screen and saw that Fluke Nattanon is in it. Idk why I thought Wandee Goodday was his first show.

Oh yeah, I used to be a binge watcher but I also liking being in the moment with the other while watching airing dramas (although it’s absolute torture to wait for each ep each week) 

Preaching to the choir on this one! 

I just finished binging all thirty full length eps for my favourite CDrama 'Falling Into Your Smile'. I've already seen it a few times so of course I KNEW how long it is, but I just couldn't seem to help myself. I think it was the first CDrama I ever watched and it introduced me to my beloved Xu Kai too. *heart eyes*  Plus, I was all caught up with my current shows, but didn't feel like starting a new BL or anything else, for that matter. I guess I was just in the mood for an old comforting favourite and to anyone who's seen it, y'all know it never disappoints. And of course, Kai is just so damn purdy too. *grin*

Alas, because I gave in and watched it from beginning to end, I'm now once more pages behind on this thread and a few of the current airing shows too. Although as of a few minutes ago, I did manage to finally get to and finish most of them too. I think the only one I have left to catch up on is 'Addicted Heroin' and the 2 eps of the newly aired 'Happy of the End', both of which I'll watch a little later after I take a bit of a break and try to catch up here for a while, tho it looks like I'm REALLY far behind this time. 

Ahh too much to catch up with! I couldn’t watch anything today since I was so busy and now I have to catch up with 3 airing dramas and continue with Trapped. I am watching too much lol

LOL as I said above, I gave into sweet temptation and now I feel, and share, your pain.

Forgotten Romance by Saxon James

I can see why those quotes got you hooked. Now I wanna read it too!

RE: The Rebound

I am going to pick up where I left off. I am moving very slow because I want to savour every camera shot lol.

*GRIN* Since I'm late to this message, I'm sure you're already finished it by now. I hope you enjoyed!

Idk what drama to watch first !!!

When I get behind, I usually use my personalized airing list on my MDL calendar as a guideline and watch in order of my show's aired dates to catch up and not forget any by accident. I had to do that just now because not realizing how long it was, I started watching Trapped too late on Sunday. Then I made the mistake of binging Falling into Your Smile after catching up here....and got behind yet again. LOL!

Just watched episode 1 of Love Sea…

I was a little disappointed in that one. How are you liking it?

I cannot reach you

How did you like it? I think it was the first JBL I ever watched too.


So it's been actual years since I last took interest in anything Japanese and I'm feeling my teenage self inside me squee a little. 

I've forgotten how aesthetically pleasing I find japanese men. I hate to be that weeb but they are so pretty, it's not fair LOL I dont get that feeling with other asian guys LOL Must be their bone structure or something ...

This series (Perfect Propose) is really cute. Just finish Ep 3; Kai is so determined. :)


This series (Perfect Propose) is really cute. Just finish Ep 3; Kai is so determined. :)

Ive just finished it in total. Overall, yes, it's just short and sweet. 

Addicted Heroin (Thai) - episode 4

The side couple is cute together.

I will be saving all my thoughts on this series for the final review so I will not be doing reviews on each episode.

I am now off to watch Happy of The End.

GMMTV actually had OffGun fans believing  "The Trainee " would be a BL  series. In reality It is a slice-of-life drama in which the BL couple plays a minor role.

Y'know, now that you've put it that way, I just realized it kinda is, isn't it. Tbh, I hadn't noticed since I watch a lot of regular romance dramas at the same time as my BLs and I found it cute and funny, so I was enjoying it for the most part, regardless. That said, cuz the other paired drama is resolved, I think maybe we're going to get all the missed BL couple time, with little else, for the rest of the show and it might be able to appease those missing it... if it's done right. *shrug* Who knows? Either way I like enough to see it through so I'll let anyone not watching the rest know how it turned out.

For the others watching, are you of the same mind?

Yes and no for me. While I can see how it can come across that way, I still like it better than the two other series of theirs I've seen so far, and as I said in my above comment, I think most if not all the focus will be on the BL for the rest of the show. It's not like they were never in an epi either plus it's depicted as more of a slow burn, slow to realize/admit, kinda romance, so I get it. The show just has a multiple storyline prong that's happening simultaneously and takes place in various departments, so the screen time is divided up and giving some of the epi to each character's story development for that reason. 

The het CP in this story is essentially the side couple you'd get in any other BL, but in this case, their story is told and finished first, instead of at the same time and same pace as the BL, like we're used to. I think they did it that way because they were already a couple from the start so their arc is completely different than the MC so it stands out more simply because we usually only get to this point much later in a story, exactly like what's happening with our BL here, so I think it makes it look like there's more to their story than the BL. I hope that makes sense?

 American Fan:
Really? Well,  I've already moved this series over to my hold list, but now if that's the case, then what is all the hype about? I would be expecting a BL with scenes and all...but to get almost nadda is not good!

Read the above. You might change your

I’m going to miss them SO much, I already feel like doing a re-watch

SAME! As soon as it's over I know I'll also be checking out any other shows my son is in because I think his acting is freaking amazing!

So how was today's episode of Battle of The Writers; I have yet to watch it.

You've probably already watched it by now, but I really liked it. Nothing silly or over the top. Tbh, as fun as some of it has been, it made me wish the entire series was done this way.

 American Fan:
It's off my list. Checked and done!

Bummer. I felt the same way at first, but warmed up to him a lot. I'm just sad you're going to miss all the parts I found epic about this show, despite of all the things wrong with it.

 American Fan:
It would be a godsend if the show could continue in this direction. Please drama gods, hear my prayer!!

Right?! I really enjoyed it.


Does anyone know if the fan subber has stopped subbing Sugar Dog Life? I haven’t been able to find ep5 or 6. Might just put it on-hold and hope it gets officially license :(

I watch my shows mostly on Kisskh because their shows air before everyone else's for me and usually the quality is always good and usually always uncut when others aren't. Occasionally MyAsiantv has better sub translations, but they don't always post all shows I want to see and can also take a while to post and sub too. But if I ever feel like something isn't right sub wise, I'll check out their version.

I loved this series (and Takara and Taishin) in so many ways. Can't wait till the "spin-off" aka special episode next week

OMG, ME TOOOOO! I've fallen in love with Takara (and his actor) and have claimed him as my I Hear the Sun Spot (Hidamari ga Kikoeru) is also another current love I'm going to miss desperately when it's over... and I'm now sharing custody of Kohei. LOL!

Yes, I am about to invite you into my mind and bore you with my thoughts about this statement I just came across on X:

While I agree, broadly speaking, with your thoughts (which reflect what many others out there also say), I would qualify them a bit:

You both have valid points, and I see for myself everything you both are stating. There has been a similar arc in the gaming industry overall. As someone that comes from the mmorpg gaming community, having played dozens of mmo titles, mainly from eastern developers (primarily SKorean titles) and a few from western developers, this exact same thing is going on there. Same thing is happening with major films, especially all the major IPs like Marvel, DC, etc., with Disney just about owning everything. Everything is just a rehash, or you're drowning in origin stories, prequels, pre-prequels, and sequels of all the existing IPs that have been around for decades now. There's less and less "original" new IPs, and it's just about pushing out *stuff* for turning profits by milking existing IPs until there's nothing but ash at some point.

I noticed how we didn't have much BL content before 2019 like we do now, and that there was a huge big bang of BL productions that took off around 2019 into 2020 and skyrocketed over the following 3 years to present. It seems like the BL industry, that's being led by Thailand, had a golden era in variety of quality BLs from 2019-ish until about mid-late 2023. There's still unique gems coming out, like Century of Love, but that's more the exception and not the rule. I saw the list of upcoming BLs for this year into next year, and my god, it's just an onslaught of Thai productions. Many of which seem like uninteresting, unoriginal, copy-paste story lines that we have a million of already, just with the newest, freshest faces, and very few unique original stories that are captivating but in the BL world.

I'm still lagging behind and riding the high of the previous 3-4 years as I am catching up with all those series that came out from 2019-2023 that I didn't see when they came out. So, I'm still in those years mentally right now from my pov, but in 2024, whereas many of you guys saw all these when they came out, so you are caught up and watching all the new series that have been coming out — many of you are in the *craving new content* state, because you have seen it all already from the last several years, so you're having a different experience than I am overall right now.

That said, like I stated at the beginning, I'm still able to see what you're seeing from the industry. I do hope we will see new talented writers and new original stories continue to emerge amidst the other muck being pushed at us. The underlying analysis that most people don't recognize when things like this happen is that this is us watching how capitalism ruins everything, in this case, how it ruins all kinds of art forms and media that we consume. Every industry eventually arrives at this point, and it won't change until we have an economic and societal shift. That's a shift that's hard for a lot of people to grapple with because people only understand this current system.

LITA Japanese Cast

OMG there's a Japanese version of LITA? Has it aired? If not do you know when? I'll be there with bells on!


Awww ((Hugs))

It’s like the director got replaced or possesed

LOL! Ikr? I loved it.

Yes, baby, hide your little fluffy keychain too LOL Dad will never know LOL


I found that it's not the type of show to binge watch. I watched 2-3 episodes a day over several weeks and thoroughly enjoyed it at that pace. Because it was a censored adaptation, I was always watching for the queer-coding. 

I wish I could do that, but I've found if I really like a show and the eps are available, I'm binging until I fall asleep or have to go! I haven't seen it yet either so I'm avoiding your spoilers and will come back looking for this post after I've seen it. *grin*

How big of a mistake will I be making if I watch Tonhon Chonlatee? lmao

I've heard the most cringe and unhinged things about this show for a long time, and the curiosity is getting to me!

How big of a mistake will I be making if I watch Tonhon Chonlatee? lmao

I loved that series lol. The couple moments were just too much for my heart at the time *cough* Gangstas don't melt that was back then lol

It won’t let me quote a long post, I hope I can tag, @MeNotYou asked how I was looking Love Sea…

i finished it sometime yesterday and here’s what I thought 

Overall: so, already  I went into it with low expectations because I’d heard/been told a lot of people were dropping it. Because of that, I think i enjoyed it more than I would have if I had gone in with high hopes. There were several moments that I thought were funny that I had to rewind to watch again, like when Rak ordered Muk to get Mut underwear. I did skip around a lot, and I got annoyed when Mut was meeting with the dad while Meena was with him. I was yelling at my screen “get that child out of there!” (^_^;) I thought the mature scenes were done well, and I didn’t hate Rak chasing after Mut in the end. So, didn’t love it, didn’t hate it. I doubt I’d watch the whole thing again, but I would definitely rewatch certain episodes or moments