Itt was one of the most characters I've had the displeasure of coming across.

I cannot agree more. I regret all the time I spent w/  L.S. III 


Your witty comments always make loll, definitely one of my fav

You're definitely gonna get that cheesecake that Itt doesn't deserve haha


I cannot agree more. I regret all the time I spent w/  L.S. III 

It's one thing if a kid is having constant tantrums, but is old enough to know better... I get it, sometimes I wanna have tantrums too, but I'm a full adult so I don't.


You're definitely gonna get that cheesecake that Itt doesn't deserve haha

My friends always laugh at me and my cheesecake obsession, I mean I have standards money can not sway me; cheesecake however, well we can negotiate lolll


It's one thing if a kid is having constant tantrums, but is old enough to know better... I get it, sometimes I wanna have tantrums too, but I'm a full adult so I don't.

Absolutely... I watched that part twice, because I thought I was hallucinating.  


My friends always laugh at me and my cheesecake obsession, I mean I have standards money can not sway me; cheesecake however, well we can negotiate lolll

Cheesecake is delicious <3

 Doriana Markova:
Absolutely... I watched that part twice, because I thought I was hallucinating.  

Not watching it twice, lol, I really had to  pause and take a moment because my brain was trying to justify Itt's behaviour until I just convinced myself that he is either a natural brat or its the effects of the Stockholm Syndrome; these are my two theories. 

Cheesecake is delicious <3

You are my type of person, FREE THE CHEESECAKE!!!! (I could not work at Cheesecake Factory) 


You are my type of person, FREE THE CHEESECAKE!!!! (I could not work at Cheesecake Factory) 

Lmao same I could not either  

Anyone is watching Cherry Magic or Twins Right now? if yes, what are your opinions  (so far) on it?

Personally, I am liking them both so far 

TayNew's acting has yet again rendered me speechless. Whereas, In 'Twins'  the concept itself is very fresh and unique and so far it is not a flop and I'd say they're doing pretty good. I wait for these ( and cooking crush ) every weekend.  Despite the popular opinion in Not Me, I did not feel their chemistry much ( as much as the hype) maybe because I binged it the day before my finals to relieve stress, but in Cooking Crush I think they are slaying their roles. I've gone off topic so I'll shut up right now. 


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I've gone off topic so I'll shut up right now. 

No need to shut up - I like it when people share their enthusiasm.  :-))

Anyone is watching Cherry Magic or Twins Right now? if yes, what are your opinions  (so far) on it?

I am. Cherry Magic imo is nice so far. Twins is emmm idk,  the fact we have 2 eps left and Sprite has yet to tell First the truth is just so bleh, I'm frustrated with the storyline.  It's like they threw any logic out the window (suddenly Zee, a good player, doesn't know how to play? and from a really cold person he becomes so friendly? and his teammates don't think it's very strange? and where do they live? under a rock? how no one knows they are twins? Sprite doesn't use social media at all??). If you mentioned Not Me, than I feel like this series is like a different (and worse) version of this twin-switch-places plot. 

btw am I the only one who doesn't like Cooking Crush that much? I see so much hype over it while for me it's just like 'fine, whatever'.  

Anyone is watching Cherry Magic or Twins Right now? if yes, what are your opinions  (so far) on it?

I absolutely love Cherry Magic; I have never watched the original version, so this is my first experience of the story and I am loving it so far. It is so wholesome and heartwarming; TayNew is delivering. 

Uhmmm Twins, sigh. I initially loved the story and where it was going until it got stagnant around episode 6. It is like we are going in a circle; no progression. Is the main couple even official or are they just seeing each other knowing they have feelings for each other? Then we have the spontaneous side couple that have their own stagnant story, we keep getting little pieces of their story but for 12 epiosdes and they are still playing around each other without any declarations of love (cue the Celine Dion song). For me the pacing in this series is awful, the way they are doing it is as if they think it is a 30 + episode K-drama and a 12 episode series. To me it is a good story just executed poorly so now we have a mess of a story-line and all resolutions will be crammed in the final 2 episodes; because we still have the twin reveal to come, the side couples' stories to finish, the bullies who assaulted Zee to be taken care of, Zee and Salmon story, the resolution of the relationship between the parents and the twins, Sprite and First fully coming to terms with their relationships etc. Now we have these writers introducing a new conflict of Tom and his betrayal out of desperation. At this point I am just watching to finish up. 

Cooking Crush I think they are slaying their roles.

For me cooking crush is cute and very entertaining but obviously in terms of depth of storyline I prefer  Not Me. Their chemistry in my opinion shines through no matter what they are in, they could be playing in a low budget school play and still the chemistry will stand out; to me that is just a OffGun thing :)