
Me too. Packing my kid up from college (yes, I'm old).

Haha! Old is okay. :-)

I'll be in Quebec then on the Northeast coast, near someone here, but don't remember who. 

Me too. Packing my kid up from college (yes, I'm old).

lol old is wonderful, plus I get to be the baby of the group (at least I think.

 American Fan:
I'll be in Quebec then on the Northeast coast

Safe travels to you both.

My exams start Monday and heat is being felt to the core.

So I've been working on knocking down my PTW list by going through any series rated under a 7. I only have 2 left to check out.  I don't know how many series/movies I deleted* from my list, but only one is worth mentioning. 

A short series called Night Dream. While it's not nearly is good as many of the BLs we love and enjoy, it does have a charm of it's own. More telling, I actually watched it from beginning to end, lol. I'm not saying I loved it enough to recommend it (maybe almost though?), but it's worth a peek to see if it catches your attention. Or not! :-)

* Deleted means I didn't watch enough eps to drop it, certainly not enough to give a rating. I made a fairly quick judgement call based on the first ep or two, which wasn't terribly hard to do when the rating level is btw a 6.3-6.8.  In the future I may not add any dramas rated below a 7 to my PTW list. Does that seem too narrow-minded of me?


Regarding another series ... and *WARNING*,  my opinion is prob unpopular. 

Sorry, not sorry to fans of WORD OF HONOR.

I really wanted to like this drama. Like a lot.  After 8 eps I was exhausted trying to keep up with the many different sects, leaders, and side characters, and all the while trying my best to make sense of the plot.  I've watched my fair share of fantasy series, and this plot/story felt all over the place, in a bad way.  The acting could have been much better. The FL's character, Gu Xiang, drove me nuts.  I couldn't feel the chemistry btw the MLs. I may go back to later eps for the openly romantic behavior that I hear about and people wondered how it got past the censors. 

This drama is sometimes mentioned in the same sentence as The Untamed over the years, two main "classics", so maybe I was expecting too much. They do have one thing in common:  plenty of horror scenes. Unfortunately it went on my dropped list. But my curiosity is satisfied.  

Safe travels to you both.

My exams start Monday and heat is being felt to the core.

Thank you! Best of luck to you!! <3

 American Fan:
 In the future I may not add any dramas rated below a 7 to my PTW list. Does that seem too narrow-minded of me?

Not at all. My cut-off point was 7.6 for a long time, but my PTW list got too long, so now it's 8.0 with exceptions. If someone with similar taste likes it, I may add it/not remove it from my PTW list. It also depends on the country of origin. For some unknown reason, I find that JDoramas and Thai Dramas are rated lower on MDL but I still find them enjoyable. The 8.0 rating, I strictly use for Taiwanese Dramas, KDramas and CDramas. Another exception: if actors I like are on a show, I may still check it out.

 American Fan:
 In the future I may not add any dramas rated below a 7 to my PTW list. Does that seem too narrow-minded of me?

Sounds reasonable to me! I hadn't realize but apparently that's my cut off too :) Although I have watched lower rated stuff for the thrill lol

 American Fan:
In the future I may not add any dramas rated below a 7 to my PTW list. Does that seem too narrow-minded of me?

I wish I had this type of self discipline because I don't even look at the rating. Once I see the BL tag I am a goner, and then I end up suffering through the most absurd bs and then ranting in some comment section and recently here lol

OMG this! The man has no decency. He is scum!

Yes !!! He made me so angryyy

it reminded me of Nuer and Syn in Cutie Pie 2 You *laughing emoji*

omg I tried to figure out what it reminded me off and I think this is it! Do you know of other BL dramas with this trope?

but my PTW list got too long

It's REALLY long! I don't feel nearly so crazy now, lol. Not that you are, of course. It's good to know others are selective. I think it makes sense.

For some unknown reason, I find that JDoramas and Thai Dramas are rated lower on MDL

I have reasons/theories why J-dramas might be rated lower.  :-)

Sounds reasonable to me!

Me too! My new policy as of today...if I don't get carried away, like RiqueXinw, hehe.

I feel like watching a short drama tonight, something super tropey, country doesn’t matter! Does anyone have any recs ? If I can’t settle on anything I’ll just do another rewatch :)

Edit: I think I’ll choose between Mr. Heart or To My Star …

I think I’ll choose between Mr. Heart or To My Star

I really enjoyed Mr. Heart!

 American Fan:

I really enjoyed Mr. Heart! 

Watching this one then ^^ Thanks!

Re: Wandee Goodday Episode 1

I like this first episode. Both leads are easy on the eyes

ikr, but in such different ways. Wandee is all soft and pretty. Yak is all muscles and hot. LOL, And that mini-mart scene really cracked me up. 


I wish I had this type of self discipline because I don't even look at the rating. Once I see the BL tag I am a goner, and then I end up suffering through the most absurd bs and then ranting in some comment section and recently here lol

Agreed. I do look at the actors tho iykyk

 American Fan:
Regarding another series ... and *WARNING*,  my opinion is prob unpopular. 

Sorry, not sorry to fans of WORD OF HONOR.

I really wanted to like this drama. Like a lot.  After 8 eps I was exhausted trying to keep up with the many different sects, leaders, and side characters, and all the while trying my best to make sense of the plot.  I've watched my fair share of fantasy series, and this plot/story felt all over the place, in a bad way.  The acting could have been much better. The FL's character, Gu Xiang, drove me nuts.  I couldn't feel the chemistry btw the MLs. I may go back to later eps for the openly romantic behavior that I hear about and people wondered how it got past the censors. 

This drama is sometimes mentioned in the same sentence as The Untamed over the years, two main "classics", so maybe I was expecting too much. They do have one thing in common:  plenty of horror scenes. Unfortunately it went on my dropped list. But my curiosity is satisfied.  

understandable. Honestly , i find Chinese History interesting , and I do admire you trying to keep up with the different sects and people, I'm very bad at remembering names so I didn't even try now. But if you can get through the beginning , it's nice. But I do admire you for trying. Thank you *sending virtual hugs*