American Fan:
I'm caught up with Takara no Vidro. I think I figured out what parts and why I struggle with J-dramas in general. Pretty sure I can chalk it up to cultural differences. It doesn't help me enjoy them more, but at least I understand it better. 

You and me both. I will understand them and even search for secondary material on them to understand even better but I still can't warm up to them like BLs from other countries. I try with them but I either end up not enjoying them or liking them. I have so much of them backed up on me. Sigh! I tend to enjoy the J-BL movies I have seen though but that is well because *cough* nvm. 


Anti Reset Special is on Viki

The Between Us special is just a set of short on YT (I think this is what you're talking about).

Ok, that's why I couldn't find Anti Reset, it's at the end of the series. Looks like I already watched Between Us, according to YT, lol.


I tend to enjoy the J-BL movies I have seen though but that is well because *cough* nvm. 

LOL!! Yes, that's also why I approach J-movies with caution. BL or Het


It's on iQIYI:

Ahh, and I don't have a sub right now. 

While I may not ever drop a series, I have no qualms about fast forwarding one and frankly Wandee Goodday is pushing for it. I am currently trying to get through episode 10 and now they are pushing this dad conflict which I really don't want to watch plus are Yak and Wandee even together yet; I don't actually remember *thinking emoji*


I really like Japanese BL's but I'd love to hear your take on why you don't enjoy them, because I know a lot of people feel that way.

There are some J-BL's I enjoy and are on my fav list, just not nearly as many as other countries. I have watched both BL & straight J-dramas, and the difficulties I have cover both, but maybe a little more leaning toward straight. 

I'll share as respectfully as I can, with the reader understanding that my intent is not to look down or belittle another culture. And I may not be using the best words or description for my thoughts.

Most noticeable is the over the top acting, to a point it's almost comical, whether it's facial expression, the loud shouting voice or the slap stick physical motion of the actor. Instant turn-off. 

Verbal communication with few words, but plenty of "heh?" and the viewer has to decipher what is meant by reading btw a few words, not sentences, lol. I understand the Japanese read facial cues between each other, but as a Westerner I would need a crystal ball.

When a character says "Heh?", I hear "What did you say?" so I'm thinking they are asking to repeat what was said. But of course that's not accurate. (I haven't figured out what it really means).

For lack of a better word I'll use the term "self abasement" to describe behavior where one person seems to have the role (often the female or the cute guy) of constantly apologizing, putting oneself down or feelings of humiliation or wrong-doing over a slight or insignificant detail. (in my Western mind). :-)

That may not be true, but I'm sharing my perception. 

And on the other hand, that same character is also putting the opposite lead (maybe their crush) on a pedestal.  They can do no wrong (usually the male) and every. little. thing. is noted and treated by the "abased" character as something very important.  I don't know if that makes sense.

Overall though, if I like a J-drama storyline I'm more than willing to give it a go before judging or writing it off as no good. 

It's pretty short, but here's my list of favorite J-dramas.  It does include reality shows and I've seen some really good Japanese reality TV shows. Come to think of it, some of my very first Asian reality series was Japanese.

This type of character is so hard to pull off right

Yes, that's exactly right. I often struggle to connect with characters like this. However, Taishin is different. He is innocent but not naive; he can think for himself. I love his ability to understand and express his thoughts and emotions. Despite his sweetness, he is also courageous and willing to take risks to pursue his aspirations.

They are so good for each other.

It's the little things about this scene. Takara struggling to maintain his composure, not wanting to alarm Taishin further. The way he glances up at the ceiling before knocking or when he notices Taishin crying. he wiped away his tears.  The scream I let out when he hinted that he found him attractive and the fact Taishin didn't get that man can like men; this poor boy definitely lived in the mountains. LOL. ALSO, DID YOU NOTICE THAT TAKARA WAS RUBBING HIS FINGER ON TAISHIN'S  NECK !! , God, I love them so much I don't know if I'm going to survive when they start to show deeper affection for each other.

 American Fan:
Bad Guys trailer.

OOH, SNAP, Jeong Ri U is getting a main role !!???  Also, that kiss was nice!

Every show I’m currently watching (from most enjoyable to least) as of July 15, 2024: 

  1. We Are - My comfort show. I have imprinted on these characters like a duckling.
  2. Takara No Vidro - Idk if I love Takara or Taishin more ;;
  3. Century of Love - Story building is chef’s kiss. It’s fantastical.
  4. The Trainee - This one is quirky! I’m already in love with Jane <3
  5. Hidamari Ga Kikoeru - Soft. Warm. Waiting for the pain.
  6. Sunset x Vibes - The end of Ep5 threw me off— but I still like it.
  7. My Love Mix Up - This one didn’t impress me initially but it’s consistently getting better every episode.
  8. Love Sea - What can I do, I love FortPete, so here I am.
  9. Wandee Goodday - I don’t hate it… I just don’t feel much of anything.
It's the little things about this scene. Takara struggling to maintain his composure, not wanting to alarm Taishin further. The way he glances up at the ceiling before knocking or when he notices Taishin crying. he wiped away his tears.  The scream I let out when he hinted that he found him attractive and the fact Taishin didn't get that man can like men; this poor boy definitely lived in the mountains. LOL. ALSO, DID YOU NOTICE THAT TAKARA WAS RUBBING HIS FINGER ON TAISHIN'S  NECK !! , God, I love them so much I don't know if I'm going to survive when they start to show deeper affection for each other.

Right!!! I'm so glad this is 11 episodes long because looking at Taishin, it's going to take a while for these two get together lol On the other hand he seems like the type to learn things and just accept it, so he might realize his feelings sooner rather than later.

I definitely rewatched the apartment scene! The way Takara touched Taishin omg I'm not ok. Takara is a goner and idk how early it happened, was it the marble scene?

 American Fan:
Verbal communication with few words, but plenty of "heh?"

I snorted, it's so true when you see it written  lol

I totally see your points, I've had trouble with some of the things mentioned, in both BL and straight shows. Though probably to a lesser extent. 

Out of your list, I really enjoyed number 3 and 11.

I definitely rewatched the apartment scene! The way Takara touched Taishin omg I'm not ok. Takara is a goner and idk how early it happened, was it the marble scene?

I think it was when Taishin openly wore the earrings suggested by Takara, which solidified his emotions and sparked his growth. Takara was truly touched by Taishin's humility, a quiet and sincere gesture that didn't require attention. His genuine expressions of gratitude and desire to connect are touching.

Even when the topic shifts, Taishin remains sincere and expresses his gratitude again. He notices when Takara is distressed and genuinely tries to do something kind for him without expecting anything in return. Taishin honestly expresses his feelings for Takara while giving him the space he needs, which is crucial in a world where others attempt to confine him to a role he may not want. Taishin's actions bring a sense of peace, and it's genuinely impactful that he is unaware of the profound value they hold for Takara.

 American Fan:
Maybe I need to jump on this series instead!

YESS All aboard the Takara no Vidro love Express!

Re: Meet You At The Blossom Episodes 1 & 2

How did he not know?

For a better understanding I searched for the book and found it and so read the chapters corresponding to where the series is at now. It was most enlightening to say the least especially regarding that scene at the start of episode 2. It is clear that the series is making the novel very digestible for viewers which is for the best. If you do decide to look up the novel please note the warning tags before proceeding to read. That being said I will find it interesting to compare both the novel and the series as I will be reading in parallel with watching. 

I do need some assistance understanding something though, so if anyone can enlighten me please do. I have not watched any BLs of this nature as I did not watch The Untamed which is the closest series I can compare this with. It is to my understanding that Chinese dramas set in this time period or that have characters in this particular attire as in the aforementioned series in heading, are not all historical dramas; I have seen terms such as Wuxia, Xianxia, danmei etc. I don't want to give my thoughts before I have some understanding of these Chinese drama categories, so can anybody explain this to me please?

I am not quite sure how I feel about this series yet but I am looking forward to episode 3.

I have seen terms such as Wuxia, Xianxia, danmei etc. I don't want to give my thoughts before I have some understanding of these Chinese drama categories, so can anybody explain this to me please?

Here I am not sleeping so I thought I would help you out. I can't explain details myself, but I could find a source of info that might be helpful. And it's interesting too.

Wuxia: Martial Heroes / Jiang Hu

Xianxia: Immortal Heroes/Fantasy & The Three Realms (also has demons & magic)

Taken directly from the articles above:

"Wuxia and Xianxia are both composed of two Chinese characters, and both include Xia (heroes). Wu means martial, while Xian means immortal. Wuxia focuses more on the stories and adventures of martial artists and heroes while Xianxia focuses more on immortals, demons, and mortals. Mortals in Xianxia may be cultivating to become an immortal or improve their internal power and skills, but characters in Wuxia only cultivate to achieve the latter."

Here's a timetable of Chinese/Hong Kong historical periods:

I'm going to have to start Love Sea just to see what everyone's talking about  ? I can handle one more show so lets see if I can add to the complaints because its the one thing I do really well LOL