Fun Fact : Bokura no Shokutaku is the only show I've rated a 10 on this site.

There is no way!

OMG! I just checked.

“Takara no Vidro” (Gaga: “Takara’s Treasure” 3/11): The winner.

My favorite too. I wish it's showing at least twice a week. The waiting is looong.


There is no way!

OMG! I just checked.


I think the stars just aligned the day I watched it. It felt like the right thing to do lmao

tbh my imaginary rating scale is skewed because an 8.5 from me means a great solid show-- 

tbh my imaginary rating scale is skewed because an 8.5 from me means a great solid show-- 

LOL, here's my imaginary rating system. I'm such a soft rater.
9.5-10.0 Highly recommend
8.5-9.0 Enjoyed
8.0 Comme ci comme ça

 American Fan:
Oh...oops, I hope you didn't mind my post

haha, Suum Cuique: “To each his own.” You're good, no worries.

the only show I've rated a 10 on this site. 

Lol, I see I'm not the only one who is stingy with 10 ratings. Bokura no Shokutaku definitely deserves that rating. Will We Are make it?

My 10/10  BLs (4 out of 86  ) haha 

A Tale of Thousand Stars

Love for Love's Sake

Bokura no Shokutaku 

We Are

How can we have so much differences lol. @p43425 is your twin while am your antithesis. Well you know what they say, opposites attract.

I can't keep up with all these BLS coming at me 😂 I'm going have to be that kid trailing behind you all. Monster next door does look fun though. I'm a very protective over my 10s as well. I've only given a 10 twice so far and one of them was because of the bias lol

Will We Are make it?

IDK YET, I know it's getting at least a 9-- but I have to wait and see how I'm feeling after the last episode!

LOL, here's my imaginary rating system. I'm such a soft rater.

I think your rating system makes more sense than mine! For me everything over a 9 is all emotion no facts lol

After looking at my BL list, it seems that this is my rating scale;

10- Masterpiece,  Highly Recommend, Comfort Drama, Most likely cried

9.5-8- Great Story, Small Plot Holes, Unanswered Questions, Unbalanced Character Development, Still has Rewatch Value

7-6 - Average story, Enjoyed the MLs,  Needed to be "Flush out" more, Good OSTs, Will Rewatch for the NCs

5.5-5-  Average to Boring Plot, Skippable Scenes, Cringy/Unnecessary Dialogue, Has Toxic Characters, Some Cute Interactions, Good Cinematography, Ok NCs and OSTs

4.5-3- Bad to Borning Plot, Toxic Characters / Relationships, Most likely enjoyed side couple, Appreciated Cinematography, Favorite Actors was Casted can't  Trash it. Don't Recommend

2-1 - I'm offended; belongs in the Trash. What were the writers thinking? Actors need a new agent! Do not recommend; there are better ways to spend your time.

2-1 - I'm offended; belongs in the Trash. What were the writers thinking? Actors need a new agent! Do not recommend; there are better ways to spend your time.

This made me lol


It got a 10 out of 10 for me after episode 15, and that episode was a masterpiece in my eyes. It made me feel like I was in the series with the boys. It was filled with so much love and laughter. I know I will repeatedly go back and share that joy with this group of guys. Now, I only need Phum to have a meaningful and genuine heart-to-heart with his father in the final episode. A conversation that is deep and emotional rather than brief and superficial. 

Even if this conversation doesn't happen, I'll most likely keep it at a 10! It's such a small part of the series that it would not affect my rating overall. I love them and will miss them all when it's over.

This made me lol

It is a pleasure to contribute to your amusement. lol 

Instead of getting ready for tomorrow's class, I made my first "official" BL schedule! For all the BL's I am watching and will prob watch as currently airing and upcoming (in the next month).

Unfortunately I can't figure out how to share it here, from my Numbers program. Post images rejected it. :-(


Interesting to see the different ratings and reasons. 

Mine is basic, mostly cuz I'm lazy, but I do follow it. I'm more of a "feeling" rater than an analytical one. That's also why I almost always use even numbers. I really like them and I don't have to think too long about that 1/2 of a number.

10 - Loved it!
9 - Liked it a lot, but not quite perfect.
8 - Pretty good and would recommend to others.
- Just okay and probably finished it.
6 - Not very good. If I didn't finish it, I chose Dropped or Not Interested.
5 -  Pretty bad and likely Dropped it like a hot potato.

Rarely rate below a 5.

 American Fan:
Unfortunately I can't figure out how to share it here

You can take a screenshot, crop it, and then save it. I use post images for an image link. You can pick no expiration date for the link and then post that link in the image link here!