I would still pick Between Us over UWMA

Same for me, though! I enjoyed Between Us quite a bit more.


Can I please join!

Hello *waves*

Kp definitely made a lot of noise when it was released both good and bad. 

I experienced/witnessed the worst cyber bullying in my life. I will never touch another BOC project again. 

I've also just learned that MAME who wrote Love Sea also wrote TharnType, another thai bl I that made me want to throw my laptop out of the window LOL ahhh, I'm gathering a blacklist. Growth lol

Re: This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans - Episodes 1 - 4

Yup, I just binged and caught up. I loved every second of the episodes. The chemistry is hot. The mere fact that it is currently minutes after 4 am proves how much I am hooked. I never thought basil and its fragrance could be so sexy, I will have to pay that part of the supermarket isle more attention in future; right after I stop at the fruits isle with all those apples, grapes, watermelons, strawberries, I am drooling. Speaking of drooling that NC scene at the end of episode 4 that took place on top of the kitchen counter. Oh my, I had NC scene galore; first 4 Minutes now this. I could not be happier. I mean Oab spread Plawan out on that counter.  Lord have mercy on my thoughts lol.

The tension and chemistry between the second couple is giving me hot flashes like a woman during menopause. I am so ready for their romance. 

I also love that they satisfied my halfway mark desire for there to be substantial development and if that NC scene is not it then I do not know what is!

Loved everything about it; looking forward to the next episode.


Yay! Honestly this is  one of the series I am most excited for every week! 

Same! The Trainee and My Love Mix-Up r currently my favourite airing dramas lol

In one of the previous episodes I liked the moment of tying shoelaces, that was so sweet. :-) I have to think about wearing shoes with laces more often. You never know....It's all about being prepared! :D :D :D

Haha, totally! XD

BTW I just found out Pepper is in this

I love Pepper so much, his character's always such a green flag istg

Why do people seem hotter at the airport ??? Like the airport crush syndrome is real.

So real. I'm always on the lookout for hot guys whenever I'm at the airport lmao


Okay lol so my cousin is a Doctor and she got a offer to work in London for two years and her now husband was visiting family here in New York and they both met at the airport while waiting to get on the plane and when they got to London they went on a couple dates and they hit it off and got married after 2 years of dating. Now they are living back here lol 

*sighs dreamily* what a perfect hollywood love story 


 Tina Turner was a great singer. Her song "The Best" is my fave of hers. <3

wow I feel so young cuz I have absolutely no idea who she is

I strongly encourage this. The youth of today have lost their way in listening to music, lol I sound aged.

You do sound 'aged' XD 

But I do enjoy old songs!


Time to watch 4 Minutes now XD

My Love Mix-Up

I want to watch this definately, too. But as we know, I am now on the brave side and I wait with starting to watch patiently untill all episodes of a drama are aired. (*patting myself on the back*) :D 

Okay and now, let's talk about airports... 

What is this all about airports?! :D 

Did I miss something? Am I too old? Is it common knowledge that people seem hotter at the airport? I didn't know that! Wow! What does this mean? For me. In particular? Should I take a trip to the nearest airport next weekend? For research purposes only, of course. :D 

I think this is a sign that I should really plan to go on vacation next year. And go there by plane. :-) 

An idea comes to me..... Are there any dramas that take place at the airport? 

Can I please join!

Hello Kitty, welcome to the airport, ahem... club! :-) :-) 


Hello Kitty, welcome to the airport, ahem... club! :-) :-) 

thank you so much it's lovely to meet you!

4 minutes ep 1 

Woah. What Hia said was basically what I’d say 

That NC scene had me shaking, gave me goosebumps and-I have to admit- made me nearly wet *cough cough* please ignore that 

And it is officially the best NC/Sex scene in any BL drama I have watched so far

I thought no drama could beat the scenes from Kiseki Chapter 2 but I have been proved wrong 

I also noticed that- I’m not sure if this was deliberate or I’m just looking into it too much- the whole NC scene (although ‘NC’ is a complete understatement) lasted around 4 minutes, ironically 

As Hia pointed out, if this was just the beginning and only the side couple, I can’t even imagine how crazy the main couple’s scenes will be :0 

ON ANOTHER NOTE, this series is so good, I love how mysterious it is, and I’m looking forward to the next ep! It’s srsly so good 

PS. I changed what I'm currently watching from the original to the sultrier version lmao 

Oh my, I had NC scene galore; first 4 Minutes now this. I could not be happier.

Now I really want to watch it

Is the NC scene better for 4 Minutes or TLDHLB? 

I want to watch this definately, too. But as we know, I am now on the brave side and I wait with starting to watch patiently untill all episodes of a drama are aired. (*patting myself on the back*) :D 

Well done XD

I don't have the patience for that lol, I just torture myself into waiting weeks for each ep instead of peacefully bingeing

Woah. What Hia said was basically what I’d say

The way I kept typing and deleting because I wanted to be at least a little filtered.

And it is officially the best NC/Sex scene in any BL drama I have watched so far

It is definitely one of the hottest for me not the most explicit though lol. 

if this was just the beginning and only the side couple, I can’t even imagine how crazy the main couple’s scenes will be :0 

Right! I will probably not post about theirs; who knows, because the things I will likely want to say may not be appropriate for this platform lol. As soon as it ended I had to jump over to my other friends to get their reaction and they had me howling with laughter. They got my uncensored reaction lol. 

P.S I saw some photos of today's episode of Sunset x Vibes and it would seem there is an NC scene. Lord the blessings this week for BLs are well appreciated. lol.

I‘d love to join here!! :))