American Fan:
Even though you are, hee hee hee (in a good way) <3


 American Fan:
I've been waiting for Battle of the Writers for so long and I might have to wait until tonight to start

Yeah, I am most likely waiting until tonight to watch when there are no distractions.

 American Fan:
BOY NEXT WORLD:  I'm excited, but after Love Sea and Wandee Goodday, I don't know what to expect. I don't want another break-up like Love Sea or the disaster that was WG...

I share this concern. WG has left us with trust issues!

Am I watching? Yes. 

Am I going to hate myself for it? Probably. 

You are so real for this.

For some reason Pat Benatar's song, "Love Is A Battlefield" has been playing on loop in my mind for two weeks now.

"We are young
Heartache to heartache
We stand
No promises
No demands
Love is a battlefield


You're making me go
Then making me stay
Why do you hurt me so bad?
It would help me to know
Do I stand in your way
Or am I the best thing you've had?
Believe me, believe me
I can't tell you why
But I'm trapped by your love
And I'm chained to your side"

Battle of the Writers EP 1 - First TWO minutes, lol

While I'm waiting to head out with family for the day, I saw the first 2 minutes of BOTW and OMG!! Tutor is a sight to behold in his white robes, long hair and blind-folded. I knew it was him immediately. 

Be still my heart. 

I have to remain calm, it's ONLY 2 minutes so far. 

 American Fan:
I have to remain calm, it's ONLY 2 minutes so far. 

Are you goign to be ok lmao

I'm waiting until I get home from work so that I can watch his beauty on a big screen in 1080p.

 Mignon toi:

welcome to the club <3


Are you goign to be ok lmao

Momma Mia!!!

Battle of the Writers EP 1

This, THIS series will be the hardest one for me to wait for week to week. Out of all the current series we've watched so far. Right behind this one is Meet You At The Blossom.

I'm praying to the drama gods this first ep. isn't another case of starting off with a bang and then fizzling out half way through. Brushing that aside, I LOVE everything about this drama rn.

Tutor & Yim are hot and their chemistry is working overtime. They are doing a fab job and so is Gems! He's a cutie pie with that crinkly hair and those eyes. I sent him flowers as a  congrats on his first big role.

I like how creative the story and presentation is. The game they played was fire! The ending...I'm dead! I can't wait for next week. Waaaaaah. 

"Love Is A Battlefield"

It sure is.

Two weeks

 American Fan:
Battle of the Writers EP 1

Well damn with such a glowing review I cannot wait to watch late tonight. I had to push it back further because I have a meeting *crying emoji

 American Fan:

It sure is.

Two weeks

Poor virgin me would not know so why this song is stuck on me is a mystery or it is just that good to my soul.

I had to push it back further because I have a meeting *crying emoji

Have a sneak peek...

Battle of the Writers - Episode 1

Well this is different. I do not mean that in a bad or good way. I am not sure what to make of it at this very moment so I look forward to future episodes.

Battle of the Writers Ep1

This show feels like it’s straight out of my wildest plot writting dreams… you know like when you’re in bed trying to sleep and come up with these awesome plots that you might write down in your notebook but you will never execute because you just don’t have the drive or time. This is what this show feels like, and I love that for a show about writers.

Do I even make sense? Probably not. i just finished the ep so I’m on a drama high lol

OK, to the actual show. Beautifull visuals. Gem is a gem. Tutor is the most gorgeous man ever. I love the cool calm collected Shan, who’s hinting at not being as cool calm collected as he seems. I love Ob-un and how he interacts with other’s. He’s a good kid but not a mary sue. He has a personality. The other writers are also fun and quirky ^^

I’m totally looking forward to future episodes and finding out how reality ties back to the story Shan and Ob-un have been writting.


Perfect Propose

Production  - 2/2

Writing - 2/2

Acting - 2/2

Intimacy - 2/2

Music - 1/1

Special 10 scene - 1/1

Final Rating Score = 10/10

I do not have it in me tonight so I will be brief.

I loved this series from the very first episode. Love how intimate they were with each other and that level of familiarity allowed for them to connect on an honest and pure level which allowed them to always be direct with their feelings and this is what I loved most about the series; the simplicity of communication while working through complex emotions. Both characters felt disenchanted in life for different reasons but in each other they found purpose and meaning in life. My special 10 scene came in the finale when Hiro ran home to make Kai stay. That whole confession scene was so real between them. "You've already been shaping my life. Take responsibility properly" - Hiro. When Hiro said this it came from a place of love and genuine need for a second half. It tells you that you cannot live your life away from others because you fear your rainy days will only influence other people's lives negatively; who knows there might be someone who will walk into the rain with an umbrella. Hiro is willing to spend the rest of his life holding that umbrella for Kai as Kai holds him close keeping him warm from the rain. "Perfect Propose" is a fitting name because in the end what could make for a more perfect proposal than someone who loves telling you that they will give you the rest of their lives. Well done Japan; you caught my heart this time.

Just looking at them you know that they are a couple.

Battle of the Writers EP 1

The opening scene of this episode is incredibly striking. It features a man with long hair, blindfolded, standing in a dense forest, which immediately brought to mind the character Po Xiao from the 2020 film Wuliang

I've read some comments about the first episode on the drama's profile page and am a bit confused. Some people looking forward to the show for a while were disappointed by the first episode, feeling that it didn't provide enough explanation about each character. However, I have a different view. The show presents the characters in a way that allows the audience to subtly get to know each writer.

 It did this quite effectively. I thoroughly enjoyed the game. It was well thought out, and I was captivated by the established rules. It offers the audience insight into which writers are knowledgeable about specific literary works. It was amusing to observe that many of the books on the table featured romantic scenes. I found several moments during the game quite humorous, especially when editor Pie called—that moment was hilarious! 

I have a soft spot for the Chinese-speaking writer; I would love to hear him narrate anything! Haha. If anyone knows the actor's actual name, please let me know. I struggle to recognize faces and can't locate him on the cast list.

 I appreciate how the dramatic readings are presented, like a theatrical production. They possess a distinctive artistic expression. This episode gives off a similar atmosphere to episode 1 of "Knock Knock, Boys!" where the boys are all engaged in a drunk game of spin the bottle. 

Shan said,  "Challenge accepted," and read more than three lines. Ob-un's "Already?" I screamed !!

The chemistry between the two male leads. I  see it!

what should i watch next


what should i watch next

among the currently airing ? 

try Meet You at the Blossom , Takara no Vidro , This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans these are some that i'm really enjoying. 

Among the old ones, you can check out my list here :