Battle of The Writers ep 2

It’s so obvious that Ob-Aun and Shun like each other lol, they’re not even trying to hide it atp

Also, I love the second couple, that ‘Puppy’ on Pie’s phone when Ozone called him was so cute 

And that kiss at the beginning of the ep was hot, I like YimTutor more than TutorYim now lol XD

(Is anyone else watching this?)

I'm waiting to get off work so that I can watch it! This is Dunk's first lead out on his own, so (as his fan) I can't not watch. I'm just super excited that he gets to act more and gain experience. When I watch it, I'll post my thoughts on the Friends Feed if you want to discuss the show over there ^^

Battle of the Writers Ep2

Random thoughts~

  • Ok. Starting of with a kiss.
  • Is that a stalker I see ?
  • Shan is hardcore, like he's chasing hard : give me all your socials, you are mine
  • The roommate and the BF are such ah omg-- (btw random but they gave "we are a cp" vibe so I looked them up and they are from Playyboy so that makes sense)
  • Here comes Shan, like : I have room, live with me
  • Everything in this show is sooooo convenient lmao, like why do the lights keeps shutting off (this place looks too expensive for that), why is everything sucky happening to Ob-Aun at once basically forcing him to live with Shan, did the plagiarism controversy just disappear???
  • I'm going to suspend disbelief and choose to believe fate is pulling them together, because they are SOULMATES from a previous life
  • Ozone & Pie are going to be IT-- 

In summary~

  • How do I say this... this episode definitely feels contrived (maybe it's on purpose?)... but I'm still having a good time so let's see how next week goes. 

It's been a day, but my mind is still here.



I'm waiting to get off work so that I can watch it! This is Dunk's first lead out on his own, so (as his fan) I can't not watch. I'm just super excited that he gets to act more and gain experience. When I watch it, I'll post my thoughts on the Friends Feed if you want to discuss the show over there ^^

Dunk’s acting has improved so much srsly 

This series is amazing, I’m enjoying it a lot, I’m sure you’ll love it! 

Where is the Friends Feed?


It's been a day, but my mind is still here.

Ahh, such a good scene! I can’t get over that dreamy gaze from Jane TT

Where is the Friends Feed?


Just go to Feeds, and then select the Friends tab. You can post there and only your friends can see.


Just go to Feeds, and then select the Friends tab. You can post there and only your friends can see.

Wow I never knew that despite being on MDL for 7 months now (I just realised I joined exactly 7 months ago on 5th January lol) 

What else I am missing ? :0

 American Fan:
not counting Red, White & Royal Blue. Have you seen the second title?

Oh yeah. I've watched almost all the US shows/movies featuring gay characters, and a handful of foreign ones. My favorite series is Young Royals, including all BLs. It's probably why I get annoyed with BLs so much.  Young Royals = Masterpiece.

Dark Blue Kiss ep 3

Ahh Kao, for god’s sake, stop making promises u can’t keep :( 

Also, Sun and Mork r so cute together, I love them

I really wish Kao would just tell Pete that he’s still teaching Non but also explain his circumstances and somehow make Pete understand his struggles

I’m really dreading PeteKao’s fight TT 

Is it soon? How bad is the fight

Now you know how my mind works why would you include the word "big", LOLLLL

Since I DO know, it was for your entertainment purposes. hee hee

More proof that I am not American Fan's alt account or clone:
(1) I almost automatically love JBLs, American Fan rarely.
(2) I almost never drop anything unless it's truly an abomination.
(3) I have low standards, especially where cuties are involved.
  1. Very true!
  2. Yes, I can drop just about anything.
  3. Even with cuties, it has to hold my interest.

These are my honest thoughts.

RE: Love Sea - Honest thoughts are always welcome here. Even preferred!

I'm mesmerized by HYE's attractiveness. He fits my ideal type with his tattoos, earrings, and voice—he's flawless.

He's pretty cool! I love his voice.

And Summer Night too-

What is this? Did I miss sm?

ETA: Ok, I figured it out! Duh.  Short memory over here.

It's been a long tiring day.  I skipped over some spoilers cuz I just started BOTW and I'm soooo loving the opening scenes. The sword spell with a twist - always a fav of mine!

Time to get my ramen dinner ready and relax with BOTW! YAY!!

I'm always behind on this.

August Challenge - Day 4
Fave/Least Fave tags
Not sure if these are the actual tags, but putting them the best way I could think.

Top Tags: Enemies/Rivals to lovers, Friends to lovers, Friends with benefits, Historical (though I have a hard time finding historicals that I enjoy in BL),  Reincarnation (See prior comment. Love it when it's done well), Sports, Dark, Secret romance

Bottom tags: Unhappy ending, Cheating, Miscommunication, Death (unless there's reincarnation)

August Challenge - Day 5
What is essential for a drama to be worth your time to watch? Or re-watch, over & over   

For Rewatch: Must be memorable. I often forget major points of things shortly after watching, but when I can think back and have solid memories (such as for Unknown, Bad Buddy, Between Us, Not Me), it's a solid rewatch. Some kind of emotional reaction tends to also add it to that rewatch list.

Essentials: So for me there has to be a solid story/plot and well-formed characters. If that is lacking, then the acting can sometimes win me over, but it is difficult. Chemistry is a must-have, and I often prefer some level of intimacy, though I have enjoyed some BLs with minimal. Since BLs are essentially romantic connections most often, I just want to feel that and experience it. And lastly, the lack of tropes that make me want to bang my head on things is important.

I think Zee and Saint had more chemistry than ZeeNuNew; they make a better couple to me.

I have to agree.


I just watched Summer Night ep 1 and I know it’s not BL but the bromance between DunkPhuwin is KILLING ME 

I mean, it just feels more like a BL than a straight love and I can’t help but ship WhiteLune so much TT

Also, Dunk is freaking handsome <3 

(Is anyone else watching this?)

It's high on my list to start watching. I just need to catch up on my shows from the last two weeks.