Now in terms of pleasure hehe how you want to play this @American Fan, I mean I like to be pleasured...HAHAHA okay I am done. Let me answer the question seriously before I am sued for sexual harassment lol.

I will repeat, I'm a good girl now, haha. You're on your own baby!

I will have to take one of these. I will probably share my results here.

Yes, share your results here. I wanna know.

I've dropped My Love Mix-Up TH so many times

Join my club! The Drama Dropping Queens. (I just made it up, but all droppers welcome).

I was done by EP 3.  That's kinda harsh, but what can I say? I really liked the J-version, which is a twist as I'm not a fan of J-dramas in general. 

Just for the record I'm not a big fan of MSP, but I did watch the whole thing!

I took the personality test and it was very accurate for the most part. In truth I felt attacked reading some paragraphs of the results lol:

About RX's latest update:

What is this about His Man and a web drama? Where will it be posted on, does anyone know? 

I can't wait for The On1y One!! I wish there was a way to set reminders on MDL when a series debuts and when the next ep comes up. Wouldn't that be cool?

Sooo, does "screen grabs" mean the same thing as screen shots from the film or YT vids? Cuz I've done that.  I didn't distribute anything , but did post on MDL.  Will I get into trouble?

perhaps I should give Lovely writer a go :)

This drama is in my BL favorites list. I might actually rewatch it this winter. 

 American Fan:
Sooo, does "screen grabs" mean the same thing as screen shots from the film or YT vids? Cuz I've done that.  I didn't distribute anything , but did post on MDL.  Will I get into trouble?

You should be fine; they are focusing on reporting social media accounts that post them such as X, IG and maybe tumblr (although that has never stopped tumblr before). Oh and TikTok they are very pissed at tiktokers


I took the personality test and it was very accurate for the most part. In truth I felt attacked reading some paragraphs of the results lol:

How did I know you would be in the analyst area, lol. You'll make a great lawyer, or whatever your chosen law career is. :-)

We are opposites as you mentioned once, but that's a good thing in friends. Keeps life interesting & fun!


You should be fine; they are focusing on reporting social media accounts that post them such as X, IG and maybe tumblr (although that has never stopped tumblr before). Oh and TikTok they are very pissed at tiktokers

Good! Yeah I don't do most of those sm platforms, just IG, and no postings like that. 

Hey, is it cool if we answer the August challenge questions later in the month? My schedule has been crazy busy, but I really like the questions and want to participate.


@americanfan you have a pristine rep? Lol cause there's some saucy minxes in here lmao 

'every saint has a past and every sinner has a future' - We're all battling something and it's often linked to our childhood. I'm glad you can put it behind you <3

Yes, well, I was being a little sarcastic.  And thank you for the kind words! And great quote that's going in my book. :-)


Ok i need to make a list on my profile of dramas with the best soundtracks.... Reminder to myself to do that lmao

I have an OST list and so does onyxthehedgehog. I love adding the mv's of the songs and going back to listen & watch whenever I want to.  Of course, I also add them to my playlists whenever possible.

I am happy that you have transformed your life into one that you feel happy in and that you continue to be a good girl (I will be bad for both of us). Also your family sounds very loving and I am sure they are proud to see you being a good girl. 

Yeah, you're more than bad for the both of us. Hehe. 

And thanks for your support. 


Hey, is it cool if we answer the August challenge questions later in the month? My schedule has been crazy busy, but I really like the questions and want to participate.

No rules here! You bet you can! Hope you can get enough rest.

 American Fan:
Hope you can get enough rest.

I'm looking forward to the weekend when I can finally chill and have some me time. I can't wait to grab a big cup of coffee, catch up on BL, and chat with you guys

Day 8. What is your guilty pleasure? Any vices? We're all friends here, don't hold back!

Hi guys it's my first time really talking here but I think this is a really fun question!!! what a funny way to introduce myself!!! I'm the type of person to have a lot of hobbies and phases and a slightly addictive personality, so over the years I've had many many  vices. 

At the moment, I've been really into watching dramas, of course. I feel like watching BL is one of my biggest guilty pleasures in life lol. I just love watching hot men!

I really enjoy  wine (for anyone that knows/cares, I like whites and especially a good riesling, not too sweet). Recently, I had a meal at a very fancy restaurant where they served a different glass for every course and by the end of the night I had like 12 glasses of really good wine. oh my god it was so fun!! Everyone should go to a restaurant that serves little courses like that at least once in their life.  It was worth the insane price (my wallet is still feeling that hit). I was so drunk I started speaking spanish (I don't speak spanish). To be fair, I was in Spain. I can't explain how wine drunk is better than other drunk, but it truly is!

 I also really love driving, I'm always the one to volunteer to drive the carpool. I wouldn't call myself a "car girl" or anything, but I really enjoy watching cars and spotting cool cars as I drive. I think you can tell a lot about a person by what car they drive. (again, for anyone who cares, I drive a WRX named Lucy she is very fun). I think screaming along to music while driving alone is maybe my favorite vice/guilty pleasure. 

I definitely like sweets and food but I don't really think of it as a vice, more of a way to live. I don't do drugs really, I used to be a huge stoner but I haven't really felt like it that much lately. I'll probably smoke it more when I go back to school in a month though, that's the usual cycle of things. 

Oh, and my personality type is ISFP.  Honestly, not really sure what it means but hopefully it's a good one!

Also, just reread this and I would like to clarify that I don't drink wine while driving!!! that would be stupid!!!

Hi guys it's my first time really talking here but I think this is a really fun question!!! what a funny way to introduce myself!!!

Nice to meet you*Waves*

I really enjoy  wine (for anyone that knows/cares, I like whites and especially a good riesling, not too sweet). Recently, I had a meal at a very fancy restaurant where they served a different glass for every course and by the end of the night I had like 12 glasses of really good wine. oh my god it was so fun!!

I was so drunk I started speaking spanish (I don't speak spanish).

I think screaming along to music while driving alone is maybe my favorite vice/guilty pleasure. 

LOL I like your personality already!

Also, just reread this and I would like to clarify that I don't drink wine while driving!!! that would be stupid!!!

I almost spat out my water lol


Nice to meet you*Waves*

LOL I like your personality already!

I almost spat out my water lol

Nice to meet you too!! INTJ and ISFP are pretty damn opposite but opposites attract <3 

INTJ and ISFP are pretty damn opposite but opposites attract
