August BL Group Challenge - Day 9 - What is your personal style?

Interestingly my first dream job was to be a fashion designer; I made sketches and everything but then that dream was left in childhood lol. Anyways to the question:

I am not a fan of baggy clothes lol. You will almost always find me in skinny jeans/tight jeans of all colours on a normal do going out. I love dark coloured jeans mostly though. I never wear shorts outside of my home. They are just not my thing. I prefer button up shirts as opposed to T-shirts. I love loafers more than sneakers. I am always wearing scent; I say scent because for me cologne has too much of an overbearing alcohol smell and perfume has too much of a sweet smell for me so I like a scent that is in between while still being potent enough. 

I love formal attire so blazers, vest suits, jacket suits, etc. you will find me in, depending on the occasion and whatever organisation and/or institution I am representing at the time. 

For jewellery, I love rings. There is one ring that I am always wearing that I only take off when I shower that is my high school valedictorian ring. I also always wear a chain with a cross pendant; no I am not religious. I got it as a gift and I just ended up always wearing it. 

I have no piercings or tattoos. My hair is very tall at the moment. It is thick and black (oh my that sounds well *cough*)

Yeah that is all I can remember right now.

 American Fan:
I can't get over how much you love this drama. It's so unexpected in a


Right! This series has me reacting in such a way that is it destroying my street cred.


??? I think this user has been hacked

BUAHHAHH that's what i thought too

??? I think this user has been hacked

I declared myself the forum pristine one yesterday. Am I willing to side with the minx leader to make my point? Hmmm LOL

Guys, what do you mean; I am so innocent minded *cute face*

magnolee (please dont murder me for getting the username wrong, im generally bad at remembering names even irl )

Ohh thank you remembering me!! :-) You can call me whatever you like! :-* .... Or wait..., this might sound strange, lol. You may write my username as you like. You know what I mean. :D 

I have the feeling that I have to read 3-4 pages every day to catch up. Not that I complain. :-) But sometimes I wonder if I live in the wrong time zone, lol. 

Day 9. What is your personal style? Fashion, accessories, hair, nails, makeup, tats, room decor, whatever...

I ask myself every day what I should wear when I stand in front of the mirror. Fortunately I always find something, lol... I try to wear every day something different, I always try to incorporate a colour, I rarely wear black or grey, mud green colored clothes because I look very pale in them. I recently discovered that white or light colored or patterned clothes seem to look good at me. At least I think so. :D So I want to wear them more often in future. 

I love cheerful, happy socks with a print of an animal, a seasonal picture or another motif picture (Christmas theme, cute teddy bear, cute cat, cute dog, ribbons, dotted, striped and so on). I can enjoy them when I get dressed in the morning. :D I love that! 

I always wear a necklace and/ or a bracelet. A few necklaces do mean something to me. So I wear them for a reason. :-) I don't wear rings because I've lost some in the past because I have such thin fingers and they slip off. 

I love hand lotions/ balm/ cream with a little scent. 

maybe some band t-shirts too, but those are so early 20s. I used to have lots of band shirts laying about.

The other day I saw some cool hoodies from Stray Kids with a skzoo motif and I'm thinking about buying one. I've never had a band t-shirt or sweater before. And I am no longer the youngest but I find them so cuuuuteeee! Awwww.............. Should I or shouldn't I buy one? Opinions? :D :D :D 

not even a watch since smartphone serves the function.

Here, too! :-) 

*Sometimes I feel so lonely in this group!

Ohhhhh, pat pat. (Sorry couldn't resist. :-))

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My internet was down a lot today. Please keep your fingers crossed that it will be stable at the weekend, sigh. Maybe I should praise my router so that it stays good and I can continue watching dramas.
Talking plants well is also supposed to help. Why not trying with routers?! :D

I hope they explicitly announce soon - or better yet, get married! (Actually, my bad: I should respect their privacy.)

Do you mean they are dating for reals?


Guys, what do you mean; I am so innocent minded *cute face*

I would post that Morticia gif but my phone seems to hate this site and I can do little until I get my laptop back lol 

You have been spared this time lol

 American Fan:
Do you mean they are dating for reals?

How do I-- pushes you down the DaouOffroad rabbit hole. 

But yes a lot of us are 100% convinced they are a thing irl 

 American Fan:
Do you mean they are dating for reals?

They're never said it publicly, but there's considerable evidence to suggest it. (Again: Bad me for not respecting their privacy.)

Speaking of DaouOffroad-- there are plans for a USA & South America fanmeet next year.

On that same note, is anyone planning to see JimmySea in November?


I would post that Morticia gif but my phone seems to hate this site and I can do little until I get my laptop back lol 

You have been spared this time lol

HAHAHA Your phone just knows that I am innocent.

Question, is there any other discussion page on MDL that has more pages than us? If we have the most that means we are the most interactive group on here lol


How do I-- pushes you down the DaouOffroad rabbit hole. 

But yes a lot of us are 100% convinced they are a thing irl 

They're never said it publicly, but there's considerable evidence to suggest it. (Again: Bad me for not respecting their privacy.)

Gotcha! The above photos of them look A LOT different (in a good way) then their appearance in Century of Love, which I'll post about a little later. I've almost finished the series.


HAHAHA Your phone just knows that I am innocent.

Question, is there any other discussion page on MDL that has more pages than us? If we have the most that means we are the most interactive group on here lol

It would appear my phone has indeed betrayed me hahaha 

I have found this thread the most consistently active by far so I would believe that it has the most pages too lol

Speaking of DaouOffroad-- there are plans for a USA & South America fanmeet next year.

OMFG no shot!?! I would love to meet them, but I know they likely won't be anywhere near me to meet them. They will likely just go to like NYC & LA or something.

skinny jeans/tight jeans of all colours on a normal do going out.

Do you have any deep purple colored pants? I think a deep shade of purple is really classy.

My hair is very tall at the moment.

I'm trying to picture your  "tall hair"....and I can't get Marge out of my head.


Source - X

I feel like a ninja right now because of the amount of dodging I had to do on X to avoid 4 Minutes spoilers. It would seem episode 3 has some spice ahead of the 18+ rated episode 4 so I want to apologise for the person I will become as CSO later tonight and next Friday night hehe. Not me proving the allegations right lol.