American Fan:
Do you have any deep purple colored pants? I think a deep shade of purple is really classy.

Nope I do not. I am not really a fan of purple but I do have a burgundy coloured one. I love the colour because it makes my abs look good shirtless with the colour contrast to my light brown skin. Oh and please note I do not work out lol I got abs when I was one the track team and they just stayed after I left lol. I am now allergic to exercise. 

 American Fan:
I'm trying to picture your  "tall hair"....and I can't get Marge out of my head.

LOL. Not me wondering now how my hair would look if it was blue *thinking emoji* 

Anyways by tall I meant it is like at afro height; planning to put it in an official style next week. Right it is just combed out and puffy on my head.

Can I ask what ohm and nanon did because it takes a very angry fandom to stalk and then tell the company to go fk themselves when they get warned lol

Oh wait never mind, I read gmmtv and for some reason my dumbass thought it was the person lol I would still like to know what ohm and nanon did. Was it that bad?


Can I ask what ohm and nanon did because it takes a very angry fandom to stalk and then tell the company to go fk themselves when they get warned lol

Oh wait never mind, I read gmmtv and for some reason my dumbass thought it was the person lol I would still like to know what ohm and nanon did. Was it that bad?

Refuse to keep working as a couple.

That's literally all they did. Their reasons are private, and it's their business why it happened.

They've both been way too nice about all this, but that fandom just keeps getting weirder.  Good riddance.


OMFG no shot!?! I would love to meet them, but I know they likely won't be anywhere near me to meet them. They will likely just go to like NYC & LA or something.

Hopefully they have a proper tour with more than two cities so that more fans can meet them ^^


Refuse to keep working as a couple.

That's literally all they did.  Their reasons are private, and it's their business why it happened. 

They've both been way too nice about all this, but that fandom just keeps getting weirder.  Good riddance.

That's all? Damn,  I see, thank you lol

I'm concerned about the recent behavior of fans of GMM TV artists. Several instances in the past month have involved fans disrespecting the actors and invading their privacy. It's as if the fans have become obsessed and are taking things too far. We, as fans, have a responsibility to ensure that our interactions with the artists are always respectful and supportive.

 It's alarming how connected some people feel to someone they've never met, to the point of disregarding their safety, sending bullying messages, and even stalking them. The recent issue with a truck is also disturbing, as it shows a level of entitlement and disrespect towards the hardworking individuals who cater to the fans' entertainment needs. 

I feel sorry for the artists who have to work under these pressures. They put in so much effort to make their fans happy, and dealing with this behavior must be disheartening. Sometimes, I feel ashamed to be part of the BL community.

August BL Group Challenge - Day 9 - What is your personal style?

I am not super into fashion and style, but I do sometimes give an effort. While many days I end up wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, sometimes I do try! This summer, I've been into wearing sundresses. I finally realized that I can wear a complete and good looking outfit and only put one item of clothing on! No matching necessary! You get so many compliments! I however, am a winter style kind of person. I love love love a good sweater! Where I live, layering is very very necessary to survive the winter so I have gotten pretty good at it. I usually wear solid color long sleeves or henleys with like a flannel or sweater over it. Looking forward for colder weather!!! I also always have this sort of "lesbian look" to me, (according to my friends)(I am not a lesbian), I'm not really sure why. Maybe my jeans? I don't dress butch or anything so who knows... Anywaysss back on track, I sometimes wear small gold hoop earrings and dainty necklaces. Not a huge fan of bulky jewelry. I sport the occasional anklet in the summer time, both beaded and chain. I have recently gotten more into purses, just bought a white leather crossbody bag. 

I have actually been going through a fish phase of my life style wise... I just can't help but buy everything that has sardines and other cute fish on them. It sounds really weird now that I'm typing this out, but I promise it's not that weird. One of my most recent sardine purchases (it's just so cute!)  -> 

For decor, I have decided to become a minimalist as of recently. I just have so much shit!!!!!! I gravitate towards whites and maybe like a sage green if I wanna go a little crazy. I also love bamboo and rattan. 

side note, I have recently contracted the flu (?????) (In August?????). I just got back from vacation, so I assume it's probably from one of the  international airports I visited. I originally thought I had Covid, so I took a Covid test that coincidentally also tested for the flu, and the flu line came up like instantly and very brightly. ,so yeah. I feel like shit and I have a fever. 

Silver lining though, I get to lay in bed and not even feel bad for wasting away watching mindless BLs. I've picked up "Love Sea", and I'm on episode 3. So far, I'm feeling like this show is a little meaningless. They have been doing way too many plot-irrelevant sex scenes that are obviously just for the fans (us) to fawn over. However, I am going to continue watching because they're right, sometimes I do want to watch largely meaningless shows and fawn. They really got me there. Hopefully it gets more meaningful as it goes on. 

I do have a burgundy coloured one

Great color for your skin! It works with my hair color.

Anyways by tall I meant it is like at afro height; planning to put it in an official style next week. Right it is just combed out and puffy on my head.

Oh oh ok! I love afros. Would you believe I had a semi fro once? Yes, thanks to a perm gone rogue. Think  very tight but long thick kinky waves in red hair. Long hair not meant for kinky do's. I thought for sure a gust of  wind would propel me into the air and I'd fly away into oblivion. Which at that time I really wanted to more than anything.

Now that I think about it, I don't have a good track record regarding my hair (thinking about my hair on fire story a little while back).

Maybe I better re-think dying my hair altogether.

 American Fan:
Maybe I better re-think dying my hair altogether.

I used to dye my hair when I was younger. I did like literally every single color except for maybe like green.  It kind of just looked fried and not as nearly good as my natural color. I've def seen it done well, I find it's hard to achieve and expensive. 

 American Fan:
hair on fire story

I have burnt a little more hair than I would like to admit...

For decor, I have decided to become a minimalist as of recently. I just have so much shit!!!!!! I gravitate towards whites and maybe like a sage green if I wanna go a little crazy. I also love bamboo and rattan. 

We match! I love bamboo and rattan. I have it around my place. And I too prefer winter wardrobes. I almost feel lost when it's time to transition to summer clothes. Btw, I was in Boston/Portland not long ago.

I have been a simple living soul for like forever. I can't describe the relief I feel to not own very much stuff. I'm not the extreme and only have like 100 things total, like some You Tubers, but I do have only what fits into my space and that I need to be comfortable. 

Sooo Love a lot of attention around here.  I feel confident this series will fulfill all your meaningless expectations and desires. That doesn't sound right, but you know what I mean.

I hope your recovery is swift and you feel back to normal in no time.  <3

 American Fan:
I almost feel lost when it's time to transition to summer clothes.

omg you like nailed the feeling that comes every spring!!! I've never really been able to put words to it but I know exactly what you mean. 

 American Fan:
 I feel confident this series will fulfill all your meaningless expectations and desires.

I  hope they squeeze in just a little more meaning so I can continue watching and not feel like it's just elaborate porn. I really do like the premise of writer and island local, but I def see how it can easily lead to an empty-feeling show.

 American Fan:
I hope your recovery is swift and you feel back to normal in no time.  <3

thank you!!! I will be taking tons of dayquill and nyquill to hopefully ease the suffering. 

 American Fan:
Oh oh ok! I love afros. Would you believe I had a semi fro once? Yes, thanks to a perm gone rogue. Think  very tight but long thick kinky waves in red hair.

I swear every day in here my dirty mind fights to break free because I read this sentence and saw the words "very tight", I was like okay, then I see the words "long, thick, kinky", at that point I was fighting dangerous thoughts lol. But oh my laughter did not end there because then I read this sentence and I lost it:

 American Fan:
Now that I think about it, I don't have a good track record regarding my hair (thinking about my hair on fire story a little while back).

Now I am a bit worried about doing something to my hair because I am laughing and karma might slap me for it.

I have burnt a little more hair than I would like to admit...

Not you too! How is this happening to you guys?

Silver lining though, I get to lay in bed and not even feel bad for wasting away watching mindless BLs. I've picked up "Love Sea", and I'm on episode 3.

You have no idea the comfort and peace of mind I feel knowing that Love Sea finishes Sunday. My review will be rant I can feel one coming.

I hope you feel well soon.

My review will be rant I can feel one coming.

very excited to read the review. Honestly, not sure if I can make it to the end but I'll give it a try!

I hope you feel well soon.

thank you!! I'll try my best to enjoy the last bit of summer I got left and to not let this silly fever win!!

Century of Love - Final Thoughts

First, I'm shocked. Just shocked. Is the person on the left really the same person on the right?!?

Because if that's true, I might have enjoyed the main couple's character's more with the cutie on the right as San. Yep, that's me being shallow rn. Just sayin'.

Anyways, I figured out why I didn't enjoy this drama as much as I hoped to have. The story and the execution wasn't believable. I couldn't buy into it from the beginning, then add in my visual disconnect (it's the really really short hair do, sorry, shallow thoughts again) AND on top of that, I couldn't feel a very strong romantic connection btw the MLs. Could it be because San was constantly being called a "Great Great Grandfather" by the beautiful Chu? Maybe! Or because first he was so in love with Wat?

I'm imagining this drama set in the magical world of Wuxia. San and Wee have long hair and robes. San is magnificent in the martial arts scenes and Wee is the cute fun one (kinda like Xiao Bao in Meet You at the Blossom). A lighter character would have made the story less heavy and some breaks from the unrelenting dramatic scenes (which felt recycled). 

I never really saw San smile with his whole face (see photo above right), but he sure did fall down a lot. Maybe he did but I admit to skipping over a few parts (yeah the bloody ones for sure, but I guess he wouldn't be smiling there) in the last two eps. 

Silver lining - I discovered the sweet looking Pond (Dr. Third) and just had to send flowers.

ETA: I forgot my rating! Sadly it's a 7/10. I can't rec this drama to others. 

August Challenge Day 9

What is your personal style?
My personal style in clothing tends to lean heavy towards clean and simple looks and I like cross body style sling bags. My style is similar to Noah Altink's style(I'll drop a couple pics from his TikTok below). I also really like metrocore/urban ninja/techwear styles for edgier looks.

For my home interior style, I also just like very clean, simple, and minimal(I'll also drop a couple of images below of what I like for that was well), but my place would be a bit more homey and lived in than the inspo images.