How are you liking learning the guitar? Do you try to learn to play songs from any of the BL soundtracks

I've learned a few cords and right now I'm attempting to learn Zombie by the Cranberries. I would love to learn one of Jeff Satur's songs.

Oh no, I've made my username difficult

oh no no , it's a me problem , i find difficulty in remembering names, unless i associate it with something else (especially since usernames are a combination of letters and numbers).

 thank youuuu

I call myself faery so I welcome that lol

Am I exhausted? Yes. Is my day anywhere near done? Nope. Am I stealing this moment? Yes, yes I am.

It is moments like these my mind wonders: I come home to a luxury apartment overlooking the city, after an exhaustive but fulfilling day of conducting the people's business, Bible is there waiting for me in just his black boxers (I changed the colour in my mind) with a glass of wine for me, and then we lounge on the sofa with him feeding me endless amounts of fruits and cheesecake till I pass out. Sigh one can only imagine while sitting through a meeting. Anyways that was my mind vomit lol.

August BL Group Challenge - Day 10 - Fav hobbies or interests? Why do you love them?

I have three main hobbies/ interests; reading (of course), music (singing) and law & politics:

Reading - as I have mentioned before I love reading and find it stimulating to the mind and soul.

Music - I have always loved music. As a young child whenever Spotlight by Jennifer Hudson came on in my mother's car she would have to play it on loop and I would never fall asleep once it starts playing. At that time I was just learning to talk so when I was singing along my lyrics were totally different. Just the other day I realised that even now I am still singing a part of it with the wrong lyrics lol. Anyways I had a normal singing voice meaning I did not sound bad and could hold a note but that was about it. However during the covid-19 pandemic I started taking online lessons and I have come a far way to today being able experiment with my voice, reaching notes such as G5 and beyond, still cannot whistle though but I will not be greedy lol. However my confidence in this area is very lacking. I was asked once to sing at a high school graduation ceremony and I declined so fast. Only my family, friends and a few teachers have heard my voice and it will remain that way for a while lol. Seriously though I hope to explore more and take classical lessons. I like the versatility of being able to switch and combine singing styles. Some singers vocalists I admire who can do this are Celine Dion and Dimash Qudaibergen.

Law & Politics - I feel like I am having a Doctor X moment right now lol. Dr. Diamond always says on her resume that her skill is surgery, passion is surgery and hobby is surgery lol. Well the same is true for me regarding law and politics. This year has been a political wet dream for me with so many countries going to the polls including the world's largest democracy; India. I am so enjoying the US election campaign right now. My country's own election is next year though. The geopolitical arena has also been holding my interest with so many conflicts happening. In terms of law well I just simply love it nothing less than that. I cannot wait for school to start back because we are doing Unit 2 law next since we already covered criminal law (Unit 1).

Oh and of course BL is a hobby of mine (more like addiction.) 

*looks away nervously*

*clears throat* Young lady we need to have a talk about your online activity *said in school principal tone*

@RXinw I thought I made this very clear: JOONG IS MINE BACK OFF (re: page 986) 

Why are you actively seeking death?

Just a few pieces

I like the last one and it is cool you are learning to play the guitar. I would like to learn to play the erhu.

Favorite hobbies or interests?

OMG, you are awesome at being a sugar artist. These pieces are stunning. I would be that friend that lounges all day in your kitchen waiting to be fed cake as you bake them lol.

Random comment is random but the actor who plays bee in between us has a really beautiful nose lol 

OMG, you are awesome at being a sugar artist. These pieces are stunning. I would be that friend that lounges all day in your kitchen waiting to be fed cake as you bake them lol.

Thank you! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)

I had always wanted to open a dessert cafe. Not too unlike the one in Bake Me Please actually but without the bl drama lol ...and with a different aesthetic. Sadly, that never came to be because life said fu.

If you do decide to watch but want to avoid those scenes what I can do for you is tell you where they begin and stop (yes I have time stamps on lock down lol) or you can watch the cut version although I am not sure how spicy that version is. 

Okaaaay, I'll remember that! lol

I've learned a few cords and right now I'm attempting to learn Zombie by the Cranberries. I would love to learn one of Jeff Satur's songs.

Awesome choice to learn, and a Jeff Satur song would be amazing! I only know of one song of his that was a YT suggestion from the KinnPorsce series(that I have not seen yet actually)"Why Don't You Stay." That is such a beautiful song and would be such a great one that's perfect for guitar.

I have declared myself the forum faery of sparkling innocence.

Sounds like the name of a drink.  "Sparkling innocence"

(I'll drop a few pics of my work below of a white rose, a Cinderella carriage cake topper that was for a bride getting married at Disney World, and a Corpse Bride cake topper for a bride that had that theme for her wedding).

I adore these. They're absolutely incredible!!

"Why Don't You Stay." That is such a beautiful song and would be such a great one that's perfect for guitar.

My favorite of Jeff Satur's songs. I listen to it often.

 American Fan:

Sounds like the name of a drink.  "Sparkling innocence"

The Faery of Sparkling Innocence would prefer to not be liquidised into a drink. Shes still traumatised from Pans Labyrinth.........


I adore these. They're absolutely incredible!!

thank you! ♡⸜(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)⸝♡


Awesome choice to learn, and a Jeff Satur song would be amazing! I only know of one song of his that was a YT suggestion from the KinnPorsce series(that I have not seen yet actually)"Why Don't You Stay." That is such a beautiful song and would be such a great one that's perfect for guitar.

I love his songs and Keshi I can recommend their entire play list