When watching Korean dramas, one might start to wonder if the country has a shortage of colors, especially when it comes to male characters' wardrobes. It's almost as if the black suit has become the universal uniform, fitting for every occasion, character type, and profession.

  • Party? A black suit.
  • Funeral? A black suit.
  • Prayer? You guessed it—a black suit.
  • Secret Agent or Gangster? The trusty black suit.
  • Lawyer or Police Officer? The ever-reliable black suit.
  • Bodyguard, Spy, or Businessman? Naturally, the black suit.
  • etc black suit

This consistent portrayal raises a question: Is there a specific cultural or cinematic reason behind this monochromatic trend? Or has the black suit simply become a default choice, symbolizing power, professionalism, and seriousness across various contexts? While it certainly adds a sleek, polished aesthetic to the characters, one can't help but wonder if the occasional splash of color would bring a refreshing change to the screen.