
I consider it THE original blueprint for EVERY enemies-to-lovers story written ever since this one was first published 200 years ago. Literally, a timeless classic! I read it or watch any of the versions, when I need some serious pick me up or when dramas/books are a disappointment! I know that this one will never let me down! I still have to find another story featuring the same trope that can be just as good (impossible to be better!)! Do you know of any?

I wish there was something as good as this, but there isn't and most probably never will be...

Did not finish any books in April, but I started and finished a book within the first three days of May..... hahaha

All Systems Red is a novella by Martha Wells. I didn't know much about her except that I've seen people reading her books for a while now. My currently reading list is constantly more than 4 or 5 books long, and it's a little tiring, so I decided to switch things up by reading a novella. It was satisfying! I think I'll try reading novellas every once in a while from now on. I kind of want to take a break from longer books, but my TBR and my PTR lists are already too long with actually novel-length books. I want to at least finish my currently reading and one more book before I make a dramatic switch to only reading novellas. We'll see, we'll see.