
Maeionic said she'll use her Notion thing, I sent her a message :) I was actually thinking that now it's getting into the administrative part of organizing something, like lists of members and stuff :))

Oh okay, I see. :)

Notion is completely free for normal consumers. There's also a paid version and a business version. I have the paid version, but for free because I am a student :)


Notion is completely free for normal consumers. There's also a paid version and a business version. I have the paid version, but for free because I am a student :)

can i join it then?


Notion is completely free for normal consumers. There's also a paid version and a business version. I have the paid version, but for free because I am a student :)

This is totally for educational purposes :)) totally.


can i join it then? 

Yes you can join for free!


This is totally for educational purposes :)) totally.

100% sociological research.

Also: it is easier to add you to the page when you already have an account. If you do not want to make one, that is totally fine too!


Yes you can join for free!

100% sociological research.

Also: it is easier to add you to the page when you already have an account. If you do not want to make one, that is totally fine too!

I'm game for everything, it's just a new tool for me, that's all :) thank you for helping :)


I'm game for everything, it's just a new tool for me, that's all :) thank you for helping :) 

Off you're very welcome! Let's get this show on the road


Off you're very welcome! Let's get this show on the road

I´m so excited for our future "adventures" and that we took off so well :)


Yes you can join for free!

100% sociological research.

Also: it is easier to add you to the page when you already have an account. If you do not want to make one, that is totally fine too!

*coughs in the 20 or so pages of psychological word dumps for specific antagonists* education at its finest


I´m so excited for our future "adventures" and that we took off so well :)

Same this is gonna be big, I can feel it. We're taking over the world soon

So I've added an example of the sorting I propose we do for all villains and series mentioned in the future. (databases that are linked)


So I've added an example of the sorting I propose we do for all villains and series mentioned in the future. (databases that are linked)

Sounds good to me. :))

The series I am referring to: The Untamed

I will name something that bothered me today and it´s the behaviour of some so-called "fans" towards specific actors who portrayed antagonists/villains in a series. What I am referring to right now is a Fans Meeting of 2019. Despite the MC and fans being ignorant towards the rest of the cast (Xiao Zhan and Wang Yi Bo were in the spotlight ofc but they really exaggerated) they also had rude behaviour towards Zhu Zan Jin who played Jin Guangyao. At one point they even booed him?? After all, I am not judging their lack of interest in those types of characters but don´t project it on the actor. Zhua Zan Jin, you´ll know once you´ve watched a few interviews with him, is such a wholesome and steady guy. Why treat him with less respect just because he played the evil mastermind. The anger of these fans just left the world of The Untamed. Our love did the same, but at least we don´t harm people with it. (Most of the times)

Those sort of things really keep me up and night and remind me why I never wanted to be famous. (At least not with my appearance) Great respect to all the actors out there, they really have a hard job.

(The "Fan" Meeting I was referring to)


hehehe got recommended to join here, and this is exactly my cup of tea ? ? 

i'd love to join this club :) 

ps. all the antagonist that I like are psychos like me hehe...

omgg hiii welcome to the dARK SIDEEE

tell me what i was missing out on?

We're going on notion or gdrive?