Welcome Friendly Helpers and Seekers of How to... 

This library is for you to  preserve and help people find answers to all they need to know for getting the most out of MDL. 

Don't let your brainwork/help  get lost in your Feeds. Place them here! 

Hello Participant and future-Guide, the LOT is for you to browse and get help and pay it forward... 

Library Rules:

  1. Your post needs to be an  answer a question related to MDL 
  2. Have a link to either a feed or a forum post

How to Enter:

  1. Make a guide/tutorial,
  2. Copy and paste it here or post on feeds/forums and paste it here. 
  3. Insert the link of your post

Once  you post your guide/tip/tutorial  I will link it in the Catalog in this first post

Missing an answer to your question or need clarification?  

- If it is related to a specific post, ask the question in the linked post 

- if it is a general request/question you can post it Here

Other important libraries: 

Dictionary , Games, Questioners , Badges 

1st edition can be found in  the picture, 2nd edition below... still in progress but here are the first 4 pictures... 

Box, cell, table... whatever you chose to name it you need one of those little  blue squares to be able to ad a color, you can add text, pictures and links in the cells to with the toolbar on the top of this picture (I will make a detailed guide for that sometime before 2027). But honestly the best way to do this is to experiment on your own. 

The text above was written straight in to the forum without a cell, I used the "Paragraph format "Heading 2"

Adding color can be tricky...

Here is what you can do once you have your table : 

You have text inside or outside a box... here are some things that can be good to know about colouring it! 

You have your box, you have your colors now you can add pictures and gifs... (it is the same procedure for both) 

if you have followed all the steps you can achieve this: 


Hiding notifications from forums:

Original post

Ever participated in a forum and gotten 99999 notifications, well I have and I see more people have too sooo I made another guide to make your MDLlife just a little bit easier

To be continued... link in picture... 

Links to : 

Your friends can see you global space posts, wether or not they are part of GS, I will update this chart once everything is completely settled! 

Friends Vs. Followers 

To be continued... link to original post found int the picture 

Profile picture  

Post on feeds  

I will soon make new ones... but for now...  

If you don’t have one in your library you can download from the internet both jpeg and gifs work , I don't know about other formats.



Share post, send DM, click on profile picture...

Ever tried to tag someone here just to find out you can't well... many of us write the name and then send the person a DM with a link to the post. While I am att it I figured Id give Seo Kang Joon and Nam Joo Hyuk some love and a show you abit about sending DMs

We can still not tag each other even if we use the username

 Viewing and finding your way on profile pages:

The different tabs 

If you scroll... 

If a page is made for dark mode or light mode (works for articles too) 

Other peoples watchlist:

Viewing other peoples watchlists 

On Browser 

1. Get to the persons profile page:

Username and display name how do I find them, where can I change them, how can I use them

Post on feeds 

Pictures and display names will change but the user name will haunt you...

you can also type https://mydramalist.com/profile/ + the username of the profile you want to visit to get to it, not shiro, but shirioink if you want to get to my profile page



App Vs Browser 

1. On the app you can change your name as often as you want, on the browser this is limited.

2. The app is simple to use has no ads and lots of numbers.

3. You can get notifications on your phone/tablett from the app.

4. Drama pages on the app give great overview

More about finding yor way on the browser: https://mydramalist.com/profile/Shirioink/feeds/pAZDdsP
More about editing your profile on the app: https://mydramalist.com/profile/Shirioink/feeds/6dR11cl

It is more about finding your way on the APP and how it differs from the browser... 

This picture is a bit confusing sorry there is a small square to show all the tabs in the browser, the rest is the APP. Someday I may make a new one but for now... 


Wow, thumbs up - learnt a lot from your unofficial guides (this + the MDL dictionary)!

Step 1:https://mydramalist.com/profile/Shirioink/feeds/4B3BXhA
step 2: https://mydramalist.com/profile/Shirioink/feeds/Wlvorc3
step 3: https://mydramalist.com/profile/Shirioink/feeds/eKV5yCy
pics from phone: https://mydramalist.com/profile/Shirioink/feeds/E0VVkT3

Including as hyperlinks will save a lot of convenience for the users >< !

The formatting can be quite a pain.. if only there's the auto save function. And if only the comments to the feeds can be in a more readable format. Fingers crossed that MDL will introduce more user friendly changes + use of emojis soon


Wow, thumbs up - learnt a lot from your unofficial guides (this + the MDL dictionary)!

Including as hyperlinks will save a lot of convenience for the users >< !

The formatting can be quite a pain.. if only there's the auto save function. And if only the comments to the feeds can be in a more readable format. Fingers crossed that MDL will introduce more user friendly changes + use of emojis soon

I am glad you find them useful! And thanks for the feedback ;) 

MDL has it's rustic charm... Many are used to the big platforms with lots of investment so it can take time to adapt... Emojis work on feeds as well as comment sections since June 6th... the heart and smiley works here and in DM's I think... ❤️ ? These guides used to be liked from  my profile page, but I am doing some "Spring cleaning" a little bit a time...  

When I am done with this the guides will look more like the ones I made for the watch challenge and each post will look like the first post on here. Links to the original feeds post can be found in each picture for now, however it will take time to complete this... But at least here is a start.