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After looking over it, "The Wailing" and "Killer Toon" have been switched to "The Silenced" and "Thirst". 

"The Silenced" is an all-female led cast that follows a dark mystery in a woman's boarding school during Japan's colonial period in Korea, while "Thirst" is a romantic blood-fest directed by Park Chan-wook. 

I chose to change to these two movies because they just feel better story-wise along with the other movies and they are lesser known. I was looking over the lists of some of you who are participating and did notice that these movies aren't in it which is another reason they were chosen. Even in @Babynandos' list, who has seemed to seen practically every horror movie ever (every movie I researched was in their list how dafuq). 

P.S If anyone is watching "Kwaidan" or "Thirst" for April's challenge, let me know and I'll message you a link to watch it with good quality (if you need it). 

You should visit r/horror and r/creepy sometimes. it has a real good collection of horror/creepy media, info and news

also have y'all watched Kimi to Sekai ga Owaru Hi ni: Season 1?

 Ichika Kaneki:

You should visit r/horror and r/creepy sometimes. it has a real good collection of horror/creepy media, info and news

also have y'all watched Kimi to Sekai ga Owaru Hi ni: Season 1?

I think I did go there a few times before but I generally don't use reddit much. I get most of my news from following horror accounts on social media. And no I didn't watch that, but it seems really interesting so I will add it to ptw. 


I think I did go there a few times before but I generally don't use reddit much. I get most of my news from following horror accounts on social media. And no I didn't watch that, but it seems really interesting so I will add it to ptw. 

link them!!!

 Ichika Kaneki:

link them!!!

Oh I just meant like directors, actors and production companies of horror movies I like to follow, such as "Blumhouse Horror". 

I’ve already watched Thirst but I think I didn’t update my list ^^’ It’s about this priest who accidentally turned into a vampire and I also remembered some sex scenes in that movie. I don’t mind rewatching it again since it’s on my Netflix :)

 Ichika Kaneki:

You should visit r/horror and r/creepy sometimes. it has a real good collection of horror/creepy media, info and news

also have y'all watched Kimi to Sekai ga Owaru Hi ni: Season 1?

It’s in my PTW list :) I had to double take coz Netflix showed its English title

Do  you guys follow reignbot? one of the  best urban legends/horror related youtubers out there. i used to watch her back in 2017-18. 

 awkward potato:

I’ve already watched Thirst but I think I didn’t update my list ^^’ It’s about this priest who accidentally turned into a vampire and I also remembered some sex scenes in that movie. I don’t mind rewatching it again since it’s on my Netflix :)

Ah that's nice :))

 Ichika Kaneki:
Do  you guys follow reignbot? one of the  best urban legends/horror related youtubers out there. i used to watch her back in 2017-18. 

Nope haha. Don't watch much videos like that but I do enjoy some ghost hunting videos or exploring haunted/abandoned places. Example: https://youtu.be/aUrKlUD5NcY

March Scream Challenge - Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum

I've finally watched it today and tbh, I'm not really a fan of found footage coz it makes me annoyed of not having to see things properly XD  But that's the charm of horror flicks, right?

The first hour or so feels like watching a normal movie. The real scare starts around the last 30 minutes or so. I was actually duped into believing the prank scares, until I realised how freaked out Charlotte got about the doll. That was when I knew that the events beforehand was all staged. I feel bad for Ji Hyun and Charlotte coz they took the initiative to get out of there quickly and yet still ended up "dead".

One very important rule when it comes to ghost hunting is to never touch anything. They broke that rule when Seung Wook? Sung Hoon? picked up the doll. Also, why in the world would you want to leave your name / initials in such a place *facepalm*. You're literally inviting all these unclean things to pay you a visit.

Overall, I rated this a 7 thanks to that very scary possession like, whoa, that really caught me off guard with the chanting !

 awkward potato:
I've finally watched it today and tbh, I'm not really a fan of found footage coz it makes me annoyed of not having to see things properly XD  But that's the charm of horror flicks, right?

Ha ha, same here. Yeah the last 30 mins were the best part of the film until then it was all just build-up.

 awkward potato:
One very important rule when it comes to ghost hunting is to never touch anything. They broke that rule when Seung Wook? Sung Hoon? picked up the doll. Also, why in the world would you want to leave your name / initials in such a place *facepalm*. You're literally inviting all these unclean things to pay you a visit.

I think the doll was part of the pranking in the beginning but yeah Charlotte was kinda dumb for the initials tbh ha. Maybe that's why she endured the most creepy things.    

 awkward potato:
Overall, I rated this a 7 thanks to that very scary possession like, whoa, that really caught me off guard with the chanting !

That's a nice rating, that's also what I would rate it if I didn't love FF so much haha. It was cliché but it was better produced than most FF films with a low budget and enjoyable all throughout so I had to personally give it higher. That scene freaked me out because I was wearing headphones and it felt like she was whispering in my ear. Apparently she was talking to the audience and quickly repeating "in room 402" in Korean. :O

I can't seem to select quote replies T___T

@perfect: Whenever that scene came out, I pushed myself away from the screen as far as possible XD I don't watch horror movies with headphones, so the volume was maintained at a level where it's just nice to listen. I hate those annoying jump scare bgm 

Lol, awkward did you forget we are in the 'occult' group. ???

 awkward potato:
I hate those annoying jump scare bgm 

Lol, awkward did you forget we are in the 'occult' group. ???


ahh ive been meaning to watch Gonjiam soo bad but just couldn't find the timing T^T 

i really enjoyed reading everyone's discussion here :)