The recent controversy on King the Land isn't the first time MDL has been inundated with new accounts for the purpose of review bombing and spamming comments over said controversy. We saw this with Tomorrow and Snowdrop and I'm sure there have probably been others. 

I think MDL should implement some sort of grace function where new accounts can't access reviews or comments for a 24 hour period or some other merit. To cut down on the sheer amount of spam. 

I'm all for people voicing their complaints on a drama if there's something they don't like but these calculated attacks where multiple people are creating new accounts just to troll isn't constructive criticism or conversation and only makes the mods jobs harder when they have to deal with all the spam reports. 

It might also help to add a provision to the ToS that people are only allowed one account and to limit accounts by IP address if possible? But I'm not sure on the technicalities of that. 

All I know is that whenever there is a drama or actor scandal we get overrun and there has to be some way to manage that?


Hopefully, this or something similar will be implemented.

this is a great suggestion but time must be more than 24 hours . maybbe 1 month  to communicate with other fellow members in anyway .

new accounts can't access reviews or comments for a 24 hour period

I'm all for them not being able to write reviews. Even for longer than 24 hours. One week or one month would probably be ideals. BUT I am against them not being able to post comments. The number of comments being made under dramas is big enough at the end of the day these "spam" don't really make that much of an impact. The comment section might be "ruined" for one week, but most of the trolls will move on. While one of the best aspects on mdl is how interactive the community is, and taking that away from new users might slow down the growth of the website. 

limit accounts by IP address

This might also cause issues. For example, I know some users that have 2 accounts - one for movies and dramas and one for variety shows. I'm sure other people use more than one account for various reasons too. 

I think they already set some IP limitation a few years ago, from what I remember. I guess people could make more accounts from the same address but their ratings don't count (?). I lived with a friend at the time and she stopped using her account because we thought our ratings would cancel each other because we shared the same IP address.

Strongly agree with new accounts being limited in what they’re able to do and not being allowed to comment and review shows for 24 hours or longer.

Speaking about   new users spamming on commens.

What about their votes  effect on avg rating.?
Do you count them. ?
 Do their votes have same effect as the  longtime mdl-member's have ?

lets say, Madfan or hater registered  today .  1week / 1 month later  , he Rates 2*/10 .  Or 10*/10  . Or 9* to be sneaky.

I hope those new user's votes are exluded  from ratings.!?

Or at least,   new users  should have very low effect on the avg ratings.   so they can't manipulate votes.

Every year, Gradually increase their weight/effect on the ratings . ..  
0,4 at 1year ...
0,5 at 2year ....
1.0 at 7years member.  

2) is User regularly updating shows and rating them?

3) is he rating only 1 or 10 on the shows. ?

Are we allowing those??  Excluding them?  Or make their weight low?

today  checked out king of monarch.

At imdb

Comparing  per country, half of the countryies has abnormal  burst at 10*  .  Curve peak is at 8*

we also have same thing. there is burst at 10* .  peak is at 8*.


Checking out goblin 2016

Has 100k voters by 8.8* , 200.000watchers.

Normally we have 20k to 50k watchers on popular kdramas.

I wonder how many of em . Only has  3 - 5 shows in their list .?
How many of them opened their account within same month  , which they rated  goblin  as 10*. ?

 and not used the account Eversince. 

Those are hype fueled ratings, not real.
(That would weed out alot of   Fake / hype raters)

Those unstable votes should either have low effect/weight on scores,  or  should be excluded entirely.

There already exists a vetting period for new accounts which are not allowed to post links for a week. This should be expanded to writing reviews but not comments!

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo, aunque creo que el nuevo usuario debería pasar un periodo de un mes antes de realizar comentarios o reseñas. 

Al final del día, estas personas que llegan aquí no vienen con buenas intenciones ni crean debates constructivos, sino más bien para intimidar o insultar a otros usuarios. 

Los administradores ya tienen mucho trabajo pero ayudaría más si vemos un comentario como este podemos reportar ese comentario para que su trabajo no sea tan pesado. 

Aunque existe la libertad de expresión y estoy totalmente a favor de ella, creo que también deberíamos vigilar a las personas que generan debates políticos. Esta no es una página para eso, sino para reseñar dramas y dar nuestra opinión de manera adulta y madura. Todos sabemos que los debates políticos nunca llegan a buen puerto y se crea una guerra innecesaria. Así que también deberíamos denunciar las cuentas que exponen estos debates, de lo contrario todo será un caos. 

Sinceramente, vengo aquí para dar una reseña o comentar algo de vez en cuando y es una forma de distraerme. No quiero leer debates políticos que generen más odio.

 Luz de la luna:


I don't understand what you mean 

Commenting "bump" signifies that you're trying to nudge a post to the top of a Group's feed. Technically, commenting anything on a post will bump it, but posting "bump" means you don't have anything new to add but still want to push the post up. Some groups have strict rules about bumping, or don't allow it at all.

Y en español es perfectamente comprensible, solamente estás ahí haciendo bulto como es costumbre de laluzdeselene.

I have something new to add:

#Aster proposed one month period to start rating and maybe commenting but also we should look for a verifiable way to not waking up sleeping accounts. I propose that new and awaken sleeping accounts cannot rate episodes but only completed series. As per a series is in progress they could not rate ir good or bad.