Yes, a month ago! And it was amazing!
I was... year 2013 for some ASEAN Jenesys 2.0 conference program but only for 10 days. Had my first time rode a rollercoaster and ferris wheel. Hope I have chance to go again. 
in reality no
in dreams yes so many times
I have been
Went October last year.
Going again next month, and again in April. 
My bank HATES me, but who cares. >

No, but when the day comes I will be the happiest person in this world xD

Lived there for two years and went back on holiday three times so far. I already want to go back even though the latest trip was last summer haha. It's a really great country to visit, with plenty of different stuff to see. And the food is amazing.

I have never been to Japan, but it has been a dream of mine for 7 years now. I don’t know if I will ever get there. I have major self esteem issues, after being a recluse for three years in the past. I have very low self worth, so it’s hard for me to have confidence in myself and to travel. I believe if I went, everybody will think ‘look at that ugly foreigner’ lol. I believe I’m not worth seeing the world. But maybe one day, I will feel strong enough. 

I was there for 2 weeks in 2003 as a teenager. Seen a bit of Honshu's bigger cities and tons of shrines/temples. Furthermore I bought tons of manga. After 18 years I'll be probably going there again next year for a whole year. Finally. I guess I look forward to take a better look at Tokyo etc unless Corona still causes major issues. 


Visited Japan several times in the past decade, most recently in Fall 2017. 

Our most unique visit was spent on a group tour in springtime that included several cities near and along the Nihonkai coast: Niigata, Sado, Kanazawa, Fukui, Tottori, and Shimane-ken. Good times.

Im Japanese living in Japan

Yes, three times in the past. Last time I was there I stayed for a couple of months. It hast it's ups and downs like every country. If you move somewhere you always take yourself with you after all.
I am unsure if I should plan another trip for next year right now. Due to the pandemic everything seems uncertain, even if you have had the two shots.

I miss the country greatly though. And I can only add that, it is hard to gain access to staying there for a longer period of time. Language skills are a must. 

I'm half Japanese and go every year for 2 months during the summer. I used to go 2-3 times a year when I was younger. 

Stop closing threads without the users permission. rude