It's never too late to join :) Welcome! Getting resources seems to be hard for people. If we get enough members involved, I hope we can start a book exchange. We can send each other books when we are done using them. That way we only have to pay for shipping.
I am like Violet, and I study "with love," so I am not very rigid with how I spend my time. I try to study something Japanesey at least one hour a day. Last month, there were only 2 days that I did not study at least an hour and that was during my final exams.
For the last few months, on an average day, I spend about 3 hours a day actively studying. I don't do it all at one time. Most of the time I study vocabulary, kanji, and reading comprehension (~80% of the time). The rest of the time is spent on grammar and composition.
Whenever possible I try to expose myself to passive listening, either Japanese music, videos, movies, anything in Japanese by native speakers. I couldn't even estimate how many hours a day I do this. There's some debate about whether passive listening helps with learning a language, but I think it does (check out the "How did you learn English" thread for some first-hand stories). There are many times when I recognized the word before I ever had any idea what it meant. It also helps with learning the rhythm and pitch of the language. I don't think that you could learn exclusively from passive listening, but I think it does help when you're actively studying as well. My Japanese listening comprehension definitely goes down if I have been around a lot of English language.