In fact not only YWS all the Gong members struggled and didn't do well against the fight against Want level assassin. They need to combine their attack to defeat them (Hua commuted suicide). A Liang level assassin can easily defeat the Gongs. GSJ level who is supposed to be the strongest is at Wang Level at most in terms of comparison.
I think the inconsistency in skill level will forever upset me tbh. Because now I don't truly know who is stronger than who.
JF is slightly stronger than GYZ.
GYZ + GSJ = HYK (one of the wangs) strength
Young master Xue + his seWrvant = one of the wang's strength
YWS + GZY < Situ (aka Ziyi) + black magic
"Elder" Yue ??? HYQ
Wuji > SGQ
GHY + black magic > All the gongs (excluding GZY + power up)
So in conclusion...
JF is possibly around the same level as SGQ and YWS and GYZ is weaker than all 3?
GSJ is stronger than JF, SGQ, YWS and is possibly at one of the wang levels.
"Elder" Yue is stronger than SGQ and YWS (when his enteral energy isn't low or off)
GZY is now the strongest after consuming others' energies? So possibly at wang level or maybe liang because GHY was very strong, strong enough where he was going to go attack Wufeng?
Liang and other leaders of Wufeng, strongest/stronger than everyone so far?
Idk if these are the conclusions that I was supposed to come to with the fighting skills that were showcased but hopefully someone else can/will address this.