I don't think she has made a mistake with slipping a sword technique - I bet that was intentional and she will have some use of it - we can see her on the ep 7 trailer exploring a cave, so I guess she will be allowed to follow the ML, or she has sneak out...
tomorrow there will be 2 episodes, so a lot will happen!

New clues:

1. Scent tracking isn't something that Chi's normally able to do as it's the hardest type of tracking yet A'yun can do it. Something we learned today in ep 6. 

2. Another thing we learned, is how SGQ got GSJ's pendant. But also, that whole thing was most likely a setup, based on the face she made at the end when he was riding off. 

3. Also, A'yun said she's not worried about surviving for half a month, she is more worried about how the two of them will go out to meet their ravens or whoever it is Wufeng is sending after half a month. *Hint, I think when SGQ leaves, she'll get caught and that's how JF will die*

4. Based on the situation that happened in the beginning, GSJ is now suspicious that there is a Wufeng spy in their sect/residence. 

5. Three fingers, aka triangle mark, is used to leave signals for allies. It indicates a direction or where something is hidden. 

6. Eldest miss is doing "research..." hmm. 

7. GZY's life will be in danger during the 3 trials. And the 3 trials are testing his internal skills, not his martial arts skills, etc. Watch ep. 6 @ 49 - 50 mins in for an example. 

8. SGQ can cook. She had a good excuse for why...but it still makes her identity suspicious. 

9. GSJ is a vegetrian. SGQ guessed that he doesn't eat fish because it reminds him of the dead. 

10. The sword A'yun used is supposedly a bit heavy for girls. 

11. GSJ does not trust SGQ at all. Lmao ?? he's on to her and A'yun. 

12. They are going to look into the servant who severed Lady Lan when she was pregnant. (Could that be Lady Ming? Or is Lady Ming going to look into that?) 

13. The move A'yun used was Qingfeng Nine Swords Move. It's Qingfeng Sect's top-class sword technique that has not been passed down. And Qingfeng sect has joined Wufeng. So now JF is suspicious of her. (I really feel that there is no way A'yun would not know this. So why did she use this move? Plus obviously, this won't hinder her because, in the next trailer, she seems to be scent-tracking Ziyu.)  

she has made a mistake with slipping a sword technique - I bet that was intentional and she will have some use of it

I'm thinking this too but what is she going to gain from exposing herself? That's my main question tbh. That's why I said my new thoughts were far-fetched because the reasons I gave don't seem like they would be her angle. 

New theory about Wuji

Dude...if this is the case...this will be so wild. Omg. 

 Sirry Usly:

New theory about Wuji

Dude...if this is the case...this will be so wild. Omg. 

Also, why does the voice sound like her...wow. 

 Sirry Usly:

I'm thinking this too but what is she going to gain from exposing herself? That's my main question tbh. That's why I said my new thoughts were far-fetched because the reasons I gave don't seem like they would be her angle. 

She wouldn't show that skill without a purpose - she is determined to get into back of the mountain, so there will be a good explanation for her being so skilled

btw. You have made very good summary of today's clues :)

I believe that SGQ will try hard to woo SGJ - no idea if her task is to eliminate him or to get his trust and accompany him
Also we could see FL to reminiscence the conversation with SGQ when she said that she is going to ruin ZiYu life and her face became seriously sad (she is slowly falling for him)... I don't want to see her betraying him but I guess that's what is going to happen and based on trailers there will be serious bloodshed during wedding ceremony.

regarding that particular sword technique - she might be actually descendant of someone from qinfeng sect - we don't know who was her father - the stories about him being a merchant and sailing a lot might be a truth - I can't wait to hear her answer tomorrow! it can be anything!

and drama title - my journey to you - it feels like both leads will have to come through thick and thin and maybe at the end they will be together? I have a slight hope for good ending for main couple

 Sirry Usly:

New theory about Wuji

Dude...if this is the case...this will be so wild. Omg. 

Hmm... I have impression that she wouldn't be able to leave mansion easily to attend things in Wufeng as we had seen SGJ offering her freedom for help with finding the answer if ZiYu is a legal son

I was thinking that old wofeng lady might be a grandmother ML who is taking revenge for her daughter? Just a wild guess... still thinking why Wofeng would send a message to A'yun that she was very lucky being choosen by ZiYu and she should take a good care of him... I kinda think it has a special meaning even sounds like something a mother would tell about her daughter marriage

Possible theory:

In ep 5 Gong ShangJue mentioned that one of the elders is consistently protective of Gong Ziyu. A previous comment in this thread mentioned the elders share names with the 4(?) Unseen back mountain princes. 

Gong Ziyu's legitimacy has been constantly questioned due to his mother supposedly having a secret affair. What if her lover was someone from the back mountain? We've seen with Prince Hua in episode 4 (I think) that the back mountain residents aren't restricted and someone of high rank could possibly easily come visit the front mountain for any type of rendevous. 

This would explain the leniency of the elder towards Gong Ziyu.

It's a very common trope seen media and entirely predictable so there's obviously a chance I'm wrong. Let me know what you guys think :)

This would explain the leniency of the elder towards Gong Ziyu.

True, but it could also be the fact that Gong Ziyu's father accepted him as his own and there isn't any concert proof that Gong Ziyu isn't actually a Gong. They are just speculating due to his time of birth. They don't have evidence. At least that's what it seems like. But then again, your theory is actually super plausible as well. If Gong Hong Yu isn't his bio dad, I'm wondering who it could be. Unfortunately, MDL does not have the full character list listed even though other sites apparently do. 

I have impression that she wouldn't be able to leave mansion easily to attend things in Wufeng as we had seen SGJ offering her freedom for help with finding the answer if ZiYu is a legal son

That's the same impression I had but there is still a lot we don't know about her. 

 Sirry Usly:

I'm thinking this too but what is she going to gain from exposing herself? That's my main question tbh. That's why I said my new thoughts were far-fetched because the reasons I gave don't seem like they would be her angle. 

For once, she can offer a bit of truth to hide her main motive for entering the Gong residence.  Her showing the Qingfeng Nine Swords Move is actually her way of both showing JF that she can handle protecting GZY and also straight up telling JF that she is the spy. This can give her a chance to  reveal she aint here to harm ZY.  She is doing the opposite of what SGQ said about revealing the identity of one spy in sheepskin in order to keep the other spy safe.  By doing that she is actually protecting herself and not SGQ. Things are  not as simple as WuFeng sending spies and her just being lucky to be selected. If what HYS said about Yun Que being the only one returning from the Gong family, by that dead, is true, then A'Yun's very main motive for going into the residence is finding out why and how her sister died. I'm starting to think that her raven's words earlier about "you can be free" do not refer to physical freedom, but more like the freedom she will gain once she knows the whole truth. I think as things stand right now YWS does not expect to come out alive, and she is determined to know the truth whatever the cost, be it even her life. 

And again, this is only a speculation and it can be wrong at any and every point. xD we shall find out tomorrow ?

I think Jin Fan is a red jade guard pretending to be a green one to stay with ziyu.so ziyu must have a really special identity to deserve a red jade guard.maybe he turns out to be a prince or sth.if this is true it'll be really boring.

I'm starting to think that her raven's words earlier about "you can be free" do not refer to physical freedom

I really like this theory tbh. It sounds so good. 

think Jin Fan is a red jade guard pretending to be a green one to stay with ziyu.

Ohhh interesting. What made you think that?

Hi, y'all def thought through a lot! I def agree with a lot:

Jin Fan is higher up the guard food chain than he claims.
YWS gave herself away or some parts of herself on purpose to JF in regards to her ability to show she can protect ZY and then some.
Think we finally met the other prince who is also into poison or something.

I think SGQ is looking forward to having the Gong residence run red with blood but YWS isn't and may try to prevent that from happening. Also agree that YWS is really looking for the answers to what happened to her sister and perhaps she'll become a double agent by betraying assassins creed. Think very slowly YWS is starting to have feelings for ZY but it's not really obvious yet. He's a lost cause in that section, a goner from nearly episode 1 lol. That said, I also think he may suspect she's part of assassin's creed but doesn't care or knows she's different from the others. Not really sure but just have that feeling.
something is up for sure with Lady Ming....I think she's def got her hands in both cookie jars. But she has a special place in her heart for ZY.
I know ppl will die and probably some of the leads, I just hope our mains are end game and free.