
That makes 2 of the mains then that have mentioned the story isnt over. Actress for SGQ had also replied to a user on weibo that SGQ story isnt finished yet. Hope they announce a S2 or something after shortly after the stand airing ends on 9/21.

Please don't mention all these facts anymore ?

I would be badly disappointed if there's no s2 even after so many instances by the actors. Both of their schedule is full now. Atleast xinxin has joined a new cast right in few weeks back. And then we have rumours about second lead cast getting dramas too. I am afraid it will be way to delayed if there's even a probability of s2.

Afterall, even though this one aired within 4.5 months after the shooting was completed, it still was because they wanted to recover loss for LYST.

We have to be patient.  Hope there will be S2. The demand is surely high. It doesn't matter if S2 will happen in the next year or next 2 years, everything has a process. 

In fact, I wish that S2 is in Wufeng Arc, more intriques, darker, more pain, more amazing battles. Also a place to sharpen Esther's character and acting. She will have to play 2 characters at once. 

Better if she will par Dylan as well, for amazing reunion and acting prowess

For those who can understand Chinese, Zhang Ling He attended a promotional event at Sina, who operates Weibo. And he mentioned if it were him/ if there was one thing he would change, he would assign a guard to accompany his wife home as it is so dangerous. In fact, he watched the ending, and the thought that crossed his mind was "Why wasn't someone assigned to accompany her home?"  He also commented that he would definitely send someone to look for her, if she didn't come home.

However, his personal preference is for a BE. I have also heard other actors comment that they prefer a BE, because BE's in their opinion tend to linger in people's minds and that means people will remember them/the drama more, which is favourable to them. Anyway, that is his personal opinion.

However, his personal preference is for a BE. I have also heard other actors comment that they prefer a BE, because BE's in their opinion tend to linger in people's minds and that means people will remember them/the drama more,

Nope.  I still prefer a HE.

Agreed. Happy ending.


Nope.  I still prefer a HE.

I prefer HE, but director wanted to have both HE and BE by making the ending cliffhanger, I think.  I predict that YWS killed two of the WF, the one left female out of 4 and her bodyguard, right there and took her twin sister back to Gong.  (I know I know,  Linhe's final looks didn't look happy, but more of fear or surprise, but sounds like there may not be S2, I just force myself making it as HE. ) I wish they will have S2 so that we know either HE or BE. I need clear ending especially this drama ? 

 U-chan U-chan:

I prefer HE, but director wanted to have both HE and BE by making the ending cliffhanger, I think.  I predict that YWS killed two of the WF, the one left female out of 4 and her bodyguard, right there and took her twin sister back to Gong.  (I know I know,  Linhe's final looks didn't look happy, but more of fear or surprise, but sounds like there may not be S2, I just force myself making it as HE. ) I wish they will have S2 so that we know either HE or BE. I need clear ending especially this drama ? 

Honestly I wouldn't make much of the last scene and we can't really make much of what it means. I think it was presented that way to generate buzz for a part 2.

Reason I say that is the steps where GZY is waiting is the same one as in episode 2 where GSJ entered on horse. There should be guards looking at who is at the gate first and announcing who it is before its opened by guards on the inside.

Throughout the entire show there were multiple parts where we shown only snippets of events to mis direct the audience on that were only part of the full sequence of events. Guessing the last few minutes is like that. If they do make a season 2 we'll get the full scene. They could literally make it anywhere from GZY dreaming/in a daze due to not eating/drinking for a few days , YWS and her sister entering or just some other person entering the gate.


Please don't mention all these facts anymore ?

I would be badly disappointed if there's no s2 even after so many instances by the actors. Both of their schedule is full now. Atleast xinxin has joined a new cast right in few weeks back. And then we have rumours about second lead cast getting dramas too. I am afraid it will be way to delayed if there's even a probability of s2.

Afterall, even though this one aired within 4.5 months after the shooting was completed, it still was because they wanted to recover loss for LYST.

Yeah if they do a plan S2 they going to have to act quick because a lot of the supporting actors and ml2 and fl2 are getting a lot more popular from this drama and ML1 and FL1 already have lots of dramas in queue it looks like. 

because BE's in their opinion tend to linger in people's minds and that means people will remember them/the drama more,

C-actors and their obsession with BEings kill me. I'm okay with BEings but this ending was an OEing and  I absolutely HATE OEings with all my soul. 

 U-chan U-chan:

I prefer HE, but director wanted to have both HE and BE by making the ending cliffhanger, I think.  I predict that YWS killed two of the WF, the one left female out of 4 and her bodyguard, right there and took her twin sister back to Gong.  (I know I know,  Linhe's final looks didn't look happy, but more of fear or surprise, but sounds like there may not be S2, I just force myself making it as HE. ) I wish they will have S2 so that we know either HE or BE. I need clear ending especially this drama ? 

I could buy into this more if YWS did really well in her fight with Ziyi aka one of the Wangs but she did not so the likelihood of her being able to achieve this is very very slim and would not make sense tbh. 

 Sirry Usly:

I could buy into this more if YWS did really well in her fight with Ziyi aka one of the Wangs but she did not so the likelihood of her being able to achieve this is very very slim and would not make sense tbh. 

U R right about that. The LAST finale seems to be the TOP/BEST WF. I wonder if this drama was supposed to be BE as Linhe said something about hoping for BE as his personal opinion. He said so bcoz audiences will remember it well. I saw the YT video link someone posted while he was interviewed during the Sino? event and ENG translation was there. Oh well, I just hope they will make S2 sooner, but we are not sure. 

 Sirry Usly:

I could buy into this more if YWS did really well in her fight with Ziyi aka one of the Wangs but she did not so the likelihood of her being able to achieve this is very very slim and would not make sense tbh. 

In fact not only YWS all the Gong members struggled and didn't do well against the fight against Want level assassin. They need to combine their attack to defeat them (Hua commited kamikaze style). A Liang level assassin can easily defeat the Gongs. GSJ level who is supposed to be the strongest is at Wang Level at most in terms of comparison.


In fact not only YWS all the Gong members struggled and didn't do well against the fight against Want level assassin. They need to combine their attack to defeat them (Hua commuted suicide). A Liang level assassin can easily defeat the Gongs. GSJ level who is supposed to be the strongest is at Wang Level at most in terms of comparison.

I think the inconsistency in skill level will forever upset me tbh. Because now I don't truly know who is stronger than who. 

JF is slightly stronger than GYZ.

GYZ + GSJ = HYK (one of the wangs) strength

Young master Xue + his seWrvant = one of the wang's strength

YWS + GZY < Situ (aka Ziyi) + black magic 

JF < SGQ? 

"Elder" Yue ??? HYQ

JF ?? YWS 


Wuji > SGQ 

GHY + black magic > All the gongs (excluding GZY + power up)

So in conclusion...

JF is possibly around the same level as SGQ and YWS and GYZ is weaker than all 3? 

GSJ is stronger than JF, SGQ, YWS and is possibly at one of the wang levels. 

"Elder" Yue is stronger than SGQ and YWS (when his enteral energy isn't low or off)

GZY is now the strongest after consuming others' energies? So possibly at wang level or maybe liang because GHY was very strong, strong enough where he was going to go attack Wufeng? 

Liang and other leaders of Wufeng, strongest/stronger than everyone so far? 

Idk if these are the conclusions that I was supposed to come to with the fighting skills that were showcased but hopefully someone else can/will address this. 

Y’all still theorizing? Let’s wait until Thursday, maybe we’ll get some answers lol. If I theorize any more, my brain will hitchhike to Mars before the astronauts lol.

Mine has already gone far to Pluto. Wkwkwkw. Hope tomorrow we will have a good news.