Hi, my name is ***, I'm 21, and I've been here since 2021. I'm a good guy,  a good friend, and I think I'm the only guy in my group of friends who is into Asian stuff (dramas, music, history, anime, etc).
 To be honest, the part of kdramas and kpop started when I liked a girl who liked those things(lol, yeah, it happens, don't jugde me lol)
 I already watched almost 1k (dramas + variety shows) in these 3 years, which is like almost 21k episodes watched.
 Yeah, the pandemic gave me a lot of free time.

My favorite Kdrama:  Lost


My favorite Dorama: Code Blue 


My favorite Cdrama: Le Coup de Foudre 


My Favorite Show: Kick A Goal


My Favorite Actress:  Seo Hyun Jin 

Right now I'm trying to improve my english, and maybe learn korean and Japanese(one of my dreams is to be a polyglot).