Well now, it’s hello from Australia  aka “Oz", "Straya" and "Down Under", my name is Netsuke and we have          some of the best snakes and spiders in the world plus our koalas and kangaroos and emus!    I am a fan of Asian movies and series - I prefer series over films, and started watching Korean ones first and have lately discovered Chinese series. I so enjoyed “The Princess Royal” that I am rewatching it which is a good idea, because I understand better now a character’s mindset.

I prefer Asian shows over English speaking ones especially American shows which show everything, say everything leaving very little to the imagination! It surprising just how much romance and/or emotion can be felt and stirred in the hearts of viewers with just a look, a kiss etc. 

The first Asian show I watched was “Six Flying Dragons” which I loved, alas Netflix removed it last year. Sigh! 
I prefer listening to these foreign shows in their original language with English subtitles. Some Korean ones had the audio in English which I hated and I would then go and manually change it. Well that’s it from me for now, tata and have a good day.


Hi there, welcome to MDL!

Hope you have a lovely week too <3

Thank you Annie,  apologies for my tardy reply.

Thank you to you emeraldarrows for you welcome. Again, apologies for my tardy response.