How did I survive before?  I really like this web site for finding recommendations.  I don't know how to do the social part yet but would like friends and discussions about all things drama. :D  

I just read, 'Korea Unmasked' which I bought used on eBay - I think it might be out of print but I highly recommend it if you're into learning more about the culture and history.    

One day three years ago my (adult) kids were visiting and they were watching JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and I walked by and heard, "Speedwagon!"  and I was thinking... like REO Speedwagon? What?  And then I stopped and watched a little, then the entire series -- and that's how I eventually found myself in Japan and studied Japanese for a few years and through that found K-drama and then started learning Korean.  It has branched out into eating with chopsticks, cooking various dishes from Korea and Japan and a real passion for Korean skin care products.  All because I walked past a tv airing anime.  My life has been better since.  

*waves*   Happy to be here -Park

*waves* Hello from a fellow cat lady! :D

So JoJo was your first-ever anime? That's one heck of a first-ever anime, JoJo is amazing and one of my favourites! Battle Tendency especially.

But welcome to another cat lady! We need more of them <3